You guys want to stream? What are you waiting for check this out.

in #stream5 years ago

For people like you want to stream movies, games, TV, Anime & Sports Online


LeonFlix - (PC/Mac)

Kodi - (PC/Mac/Android/iOS)

Android/iOS at bottom. Apks work on PC/Mac via BlueStacks or Nox.


P4Pirate - (Search Google Drive & more) - (Click blue box on player at bottom of page, IMDB ID's work)

Ololo - (Search Multiple Players)

Videospider - (Search via direct IMDB & TMDB IDs)

MegaSearch - (Search Mega) - (Search NetU & more)

JustSearch or ReelGood - (Search Legal Streaming Providers)

Add "" to a google search to search Google Drive


LookMovie - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Big Library, 1080p)

Soap2Day - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Big Library, 1080p)

FMovie or Putlockertv - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Big Library, 1080p)

MovieJoy or F2Movie - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, 1080p)

5Movies - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, 1080p)

2TwoMovies - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, 1080p)

Vikv - (Movies, Dedicated Server, Big Library, 1080p)

FlixGo - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Small Library)

Nites - (Movies, JW/FEmbed, Medium Library) - (Movies, TV, JW, Big Library, 1080p)

LunchFlix - (Movies, TV, Anime, Dedicated Server, Medium Library, 1080p)

M4uhd, or Streamm4u - (Movies, TV, Anime, JW Player, Big Library, 1080p)

Popcornflix - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Medium Library, 1080p)

Vmovee - (Movies, TV, Dedicated, Medium Library, 1080p)

Genvideos - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Medium Library, 1080p)

CineWhale or CineBloom - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Big Library, 1080p)

123mvi - (Movies, TV, Mixed Servers, Small Library, 1080p) - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Big Library, 1080p) - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Big Library 1080p)

Khaanflix - (Movies, TV, Anime, JW Player, Big Library, 1080p)

MovieNinja - (Movies, TV, Anime, JW player, Big Library, 1080p)

HackIMDb - (Movies, Fembed Player, Medium Library, 1080p)

Moononline - (Movies, JW Player, Small Library, 1080p)

YoMovies - (Movies, TV, VeryStream, Medium Library, 1080p)

Putlockerfreely - (Movies, VeryStream, Medium Library, 1080p)

Stream Likers - (Movies, TV, Mixed Servers, Small Library, 1080p)

Crackle - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Small Library, 1080p)

Portalultautv - (Movies, TV, NetU, Medium Library, 1080p)

Ymovies - (Movies, JW Player, Medium Library, 1080p)

SnagFilms - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Small Library, 1080p)


Note - Many of the sites above have 720p content as well

MovieBay - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, 720p)

Streamlord - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

IWannaWatch - (Movies, Spark Player, Big Library, 720p)

CMovies - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, 720p)

ZoeChip - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, 720p) - (Movies, TV, Anime, VidSRC, Big Library, 720p) - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Big Library)

Batflix - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Medium Library, 720p)

TopEuroPix or HDeuropix - (Movies, TV, Anime, NetU Player, Big Library, 720p) - (Movies, TV, Anime, GoMo, Big Library, 720p)

Series9 - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, 720p)

Movie4u - (Movies, TV, VidSrc, Medium Library, 720p)

Yes! Movies or Solarmoviez - (Movies, TV, Anime, JW Player, Big Library, 720p)

VexMovies - (Movies, TV, JW Players, Big Library, 720p) - (Movies, Dedicated Server, TV, Medium Library, 720p)

MovieMax - (Movies, Medium Library, 720p)

IMDb Freedrive - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Small Library, 720p) - (Live TV, Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Small Library, 720p)

Vudu - (Movies, Dedicated Server, Small Library, 720p)

MovieFire - (Movies, NetU, Small Library, 720p)

Flixtor - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Small Library, 720p)

OnionPlay - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Small Library, 720p)

Los-Movies - (Movies, TV, Mixed Servers, Big Library, 720p) - (Movies, TV, Mixed Servers, Big Library, 720p)

Spacemov - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

Vumoo - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Small Library, 720p)

1watchfree - (Movies, TV, JW Player, Small Library, 720p) or - (Movies, TV, Anime, JW Player, Big Library, 720p)

123MoviesHub - (Movies, TV, NetU Player, Big Library, 720p)

UWatchfree - (Movies, TV, Netu Player, Medium Library, 720p)

ZMovies or Movies24 - (Movies, TV, Netu Player, Medium Library, 720p) - (Movies, JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

AZMovies - (Movies, Dedicated Server, Small Library, 720p)

Roku - (Movies, TV, Dedicated Server, Small Library, 720p)

Filmxy - (Movies, Mixed servers, Small Library, 720p) - (Movies, TV, Anime, Dedicated Server, Big Library, 720p)

HDFlix or - (Movies, TV, Mixed Servers, Medium Library, 720p)

MovieJagg - (Movies, Big Library, 720p)

ProSpice - (Movies, Small Library, 720p)

Megashare9 - (Movies, TV, Small Library, 720p)


Note - Many of the sites above have SD content as well

Tubi - (Movies, Dedicated Server, Big Library, SD)

CafeHulu, Clone Sites - (Movies, TV, Anime, Dedicated Server, Huge Library, SD/HD) - (Movies, TV, Anime, JW Player, Huge Library, SD)

GoMovies - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, SD)

Primewire - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, SD) - (Movies, TV, Mixed Servers, Big Library, SD/HD)

StreamDreams - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Big Library, SD) - (Movies, TV, Mixed Servers, Big Library, SD)

New-Primewire - (Movies, TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Big Library, SD)


Note - Many of the sites above have TV as well

WatchSeries - (TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Huge Library, SD/HD)

WatchEpisodes - (TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Big Library, 1080p)

KissCartoon or KimCartoon - (Cartoons, JW Player, Big Library, 1080p)

Adult Swim - (Free Adult Swim shows)

SimpsonsWorld - (Simpsons episodes)

SeriesFree - (TV, Anime, Mixed Servers, Medium Library, SD/HD)

ProjectFreeTV - (TV, Mixed Servers, Medium Library, SD)

TVBox - (TV, Mixed Servers, Medium Library, SD)

WSO - (TV, Mixed Servers, Small Library, SD)

TVZion - (TV, Big Library, 720p)

TopCartoons - (Cartoons, JW Player, Small Library, SD)

Toonova - (Cartoons, Mixed Servers, Medium Library, SD)

Supercartoons - (Cartoons, RapidVideo, Small Library, SD)

b98 - (Cartoons, JW Player, Small Library, SD)

123TV - (Live TV) - (Live TV)

uStreamix - (Live TV)

Arconaitv - (Live TV)

StreamAll - (Live TV)


Note - Many of the sites above have anime as well

r/AnimePiracy - (Anime + Manga sites)

9Anime - (RapidVideo, Big Library, 1080p) or - (Mixed Servers, Big Library, 1080p)

4Anime - (Dedicated Servers, Medium Library, 1080p)

AnimePahe - (Mixed Servers, Big Library, 1080p)

AnimeVibe - (Mixed Servers, Big Library, 720p)

AnimeBam - (Dedicated Servers, Medium Library, 1080p)

KickAssAnime - (Mixed Servers, Medium Library, 1080p)

Ryuanime - (Dedicated Server, Big Library, 720p)

Justdubs - (JW Player, Big Library, 720p) - (Dedicated Server, Big Library, 1080p)

GoGoAnime or AnimeSeries - (Mixed Servers, Big Library, 720p)

VidStreaming - (Mixed Servers, Big Library, 720p)

Dubbed Anime - (+ Cartoons, Dedicated Server, Medium Library, 720p)

Otakustream - (RapidVideo, Medium Library, 720p)

AnimeHub - (JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

Anime Show - (JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

Chia-Anime - (JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

AnimeFlix - (JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

Anime Rush - (JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

Anime HD 47 - (JW Player, Medium Library, 720p)

DarkAnime - (JW Player, Small Library, 720p)

Kawaiifu - (Dedicated Server, Small Library, 720p)

HotAnime - (Dedicated Server, Small Library, 720p)

WatchCartoon - (+ Cartoons, Dedicated Server, Big Library, 720p)

EyeOnAnime - (+ Cartoons, Mixed Servers, Big Library, 720p)

Cartoon Crazy - (+ Cartoons, JW Player, Big Library, 720p)

Anime-Loads - (German dubs/subs, Mixed Servers, Big Library, 720p)


RareFilmm - (Rare/Forgotten Films)

Club MST3k - (Every episode of MST3K)

Classic Cinema Online - (Classic Films) - (Classic Films)

Top Documentary Films - (Documentaries)

Videoneat - (Documentaries/Science Movies)

Ihavenotv (Documentaries)

Film1k - (NSFW movies) - (NSFW movies)

7StarHD - (NSFW movies)

Dramago - (Foreign)

Layarkaca - (Foreign)

DramaCool or WatchAsian - (Foreign)

DaebakDrama - (Korean)

Dailymotion - (Obscure Movies)

VK - (Obscure Movies)

Spanish, German & French Sites


Rulu - (Youtube Red Series)

Youtube Movies Multireddit - (Youtube streaming subreddits)

Official YT Movies - (Free with Ads)

Vanced - (Android YT w/ background play, no ads & dark mode)

TromaMovies - (Horror)

KingsofHorror - (Horror)

MutantSorority - (Horror)

New Castle After Dark - (Horror)

Booh - (Horror)

PhattPhucks - (Horror)

Vulture - (Classic/Horror)

Classic Movies Channel - (Classic)

TimelessClassicMovies - (Classic)

Mr. SPINKS!! - (Classic)

WTvF! - (Explotation)

Deranged Visions - (Explotation)

Eurocrime Realm - (70's Italian Crime)

Barbarella X - (Sci-Fi)

Grjngo Western - (Western)

Cloud 5 - (Family)

JesusWept - (General Movies)

Popcornflix - (General Movies)

Artflix - (General Movies)

Flixdome - (General Movies)

Full YouTube Movies - (Blog that posts Movies on Youtube, Dead?)


Highlightstore - (Full Replays all sports)

NBAfullhd, NBAhdreplay - (Full NBA Games)

Watchraw - (Full NBA Games)

Rutracker - (NBA Game Torrents)

Watchwrestling24 - (Full MMA/Wrestling Events)

AllWrestling - (Full MMA/Wrestling Events)

Bellator - (Full Events)

Kodi MMA Apps

MMA Videos - MMA Core, All The Best Fights, r/MMAFights

NFLBite - (Live NFL)

SportsSurge - (Live Sports)

720pstream - (Live Sports)

HulkStreams - (Live Sports)

First Row Sports - (Live Sports)

VipBox - (Live Sports) - (Live Sports)

Ripple - (Live Sports)

BilaSport - (Live Sports)

SportsHD - (Live Sports)

WatchKobe - (Live Sports)

CrickFRee - (Live Sports)

MamaHD - (Live Sports)


Important - Block Ads with AdGuard (Premium Unlocked), AdAway or Blokada. If using sites try Opera as it has a built in adblocker.

Note - Apks work on PC/Mac via BlueStacks or Nox.

TVZion - (Movies, TV, Anime, 1080p, Huge Library, Chromecast)

BeeTV - (Movies, TV, Anime, 1080p, Huge Library, Chromecast)

Crunchyroll - (Premium Features unlocked, Anime, 1080p)

Kodi - (Android/iOS) - r/Addons4Kodi, Tracker + Trending

MediaBoxHD - (Movies, TV, 1080p, Medium library, Chromecast, iOS)

UnlockMyTV or Cinema HD Movies - (Movies, TV, Anime, 1080p, Big Library, Chromecast)

AnimeGlare - (Anime, Some 1080p/720p, Chromecast, iOS)

Titanium TV - (Movies, TV, Anime, 1080p, Big Library, Chromecast)

OneBox HD - (Movies, TV, 1080p, Medium Library)

CyberFlix - (Movies, TV, Anime, 1080p, Medium Library)

VivaTV - (Movies, TV, Anime 1080p, Huge Library, Chromecast)

NovaTV - (Movies, TV, Anime, Big Library, 1080p, Chromecast)

Apollo TV - (Movies, TV, Anime, 720p, Big Library, Chromecast, iOS)

Kokotime - (Movies, TV, Anime, 720p, Medium Library)

TyphoonTV - (Movies, TV, Anime, 720p, Big Library)

FlixTV - (Movies, TV, Live TV, 720p, Big Library, Chromecast)

FreeFlixHQ - (Movies, TV, Anime, 720p, Medium Library)

TeaTV - (Movies, TV, Anime, 1080p, Huge Library, Chromecast)

AnYme - (Anime, Chromecast, Uses external sites)

FireAnime - (Anime, SD, Small Library Chromecast)

AnimeDLR - (Anime, SD, Small Library)

Anime Molecules - (Anime)

Mobdro - (Live TV)

AOS TV - (Live TV)

LiveLounge - (Live TV)

Live NetTV - (Live TV)

SwiftStreams - (Live TV)

TVTap - (Live TV)

CKayTV - (Live TV)

Android Movie Apps - (Apps List)


You can stream any direct download with VLC or MPC.

Direct DL Sites - (List)

xpause - (DL's)

filechef - (Search DL's)

FileListing - (Search DL's)

Iplive - (Search DL's)

GDriveDL - (Google Drive DL's)

Movie Files - (HD DL's)

Animekaizoku, Animetosho - (Direct DL Anime)

RareLust - (Rare NSFW Film DL's)

You can stream Megalink files with Megasync. Select the gear icon, stream, public link, paste, choose app & enjoy.


IMPORTANT - Get a VPN before torrenting or using any of the apps below.

Stremio - (Torrent Streaming App) (Android compatible.) + PimpMyStremio

Popcorn Time - (Torrent Streaming App) (Android compatible.)

Flixerr - (Torrent Streaming App)

You can automatically stream any Magnet Link or .Torrent File from the sites below by pasting them into Sodaplayer or BitLord. Popcorn Time & Streamio have this feature as well.

Magnetoo - Stream movie torrents via browser

BTorrent - Download/stream torrents from browser

Torrent Sites

Anime Torrent Sites

Torrent Clients

Unblocked - (Torrents, Streaming, DL's, Sports, Music, Books & Porn)


Tracking & Discovery - (Track content & find stuff to watch)

WhereYouWatch or Squawkr - (Get Notified when movie is streamable)

Awesome Piracy - (Pirate Sites List)

Alt Kiss Sites - (Pirate Sites List)

PornDude - (Porn Sites List) - (Pirate Homepage)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.21
JST 0.029
BTC 83195.60
ETH 1893.69
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.74