The theme for the photo challenge will be changed every week on thursday and the winner of the challenge will also be announced on the same day
📷This Weeks Theme📷
So i've decided that this week's theme is going to be animals.
I've alsways enjoyed looking at animal photos and I think it will amazing to see what everyone can produce.
📷How To Enter This Challenge📷
To enter this challenge, you must start off by upvoting this post as this will affect the amount that the winner makes (This is explained further down the post).
When you create the post the main tag must be "stphotochallenge". This will allow me to see everyones wonderful entries much easier.
The last requirement is the title of you post. Your title must consist of the name of the challenge(STphotochallenge), the theme of the week and the name of your photo (Call it whatever you want😊). It also has to be in that order.
For example:
STphotochallenge - Animals - Happy Doggy
📷The Rules📷
The rules are listed below:
You must use the stphotochallenge as your first tag.
You must use the correct title in the correct order.
You must only enter a maximum of 2 entries.
You must upvote my post where I announce the theme of the week.
You must be followed to my account in order to see all of the updates I post.
A resteem will also be amazing as it helps to show more people of this amazing community about this challenge.
📷How The Winner Is Picked📷
The winner will be picked by me on the thursday when the new theme is announced. The winner will receive all of the SBD (Steem Dollars) which is made on the post which announces the theme. So what ever gets made on this week's post the winner will receive.
Make sure to upvote, follow and resteem so that many more people this amazing community get involved. The more people involved the more Steem you can win. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments.
I'm in. Again :)
Who won the forests? I think I missed something...
Check this post out to find out :)
Got two in for this one. Thanks
I hope my entry got in?
Yer :)
thanks.. Finally getting the hang of this :) and I promoted the thread too.
Thank you so much :)
you are welcome.
An interesting theme. I'll try my hand at it!
Beautiful job @supertraff! I will take part! Thank you !
Thank You :)
I'm in! Resteemed!
Thank You :)
Hurray)) this is cool))
Thanks, make sure to resteem to get others involved :)
I make a re-entry))) I hurried to participate))) lol
I am also in!!
Woo ! :)
I am in too