Conquering my goliath: the first time I ever tried hiking

in #story7 years ago (edited)
I'm gonna tell you the story of my first hiking experience and how I conquered my fear.


One day, my friend invited me to join a group event. I asked what was it, she said it was an event organized by a group of hikers. Mountains. I have a fear of heights but I have always wanted to experience climbing a mountain. I wonder what's it like to be on top of it ~ what would be the view like? So setting my fear aside I grabbed the opportunity and signed in.

A night before the event, I can't get a sleep. More than the fear, I was excited of my first hiking experience. I was mentally checking and re-checking if I brought all the things needed for the hike.

One fine day. We were blessed with a good weather. So I took it as a good sign that I was right with my decision to sign up.
As I have said, it was my first time so I brought everything that was listed on the things to bring. I was carrying a slightly heavy backpack. Good idea? We'll know later.


The Climbing Party

We were a mixed group of 20 people. We came from different places, different age bracket and different levels of experience on hiking. There were regular hikers, occasional hikers and first timers (like me). First timers outnumbered the experienced hikers and majority of us belong to the younger ones (college students). So it was a big responsibilty for the senior hikers to look after the first timers. We didn't get a guide since some of us have already been there and knows the trail.

Before we went to the trail head, we briefly introduced ourselves. I was observing my group especially the newbies like me by what they say about them and how they act. What were their intentions on signing up? What were their goals? Will they get to the summit? Will they quit halfway? Will we get back in time? And a lot more questions in my head that I didn't voice out.

Of course we prayed for guidance and safety too.


The Sweeper

The first mountaineering term I learned. Sweeper

someone who is assigned at the rear end of the climbing party. His/Her task is to make sure no one gets left behind, he/she calls out to the hike leader to slow down or stop if needed and he/she motivates the strugglers during hike.

The hike leader who was our event coordinator assigned one of the regular hikers as sweeper.


The Hike

Mt. Pico de Loro - beginners hike. This was all I know when I signed in. The beginning of the hike was easy. I smoothly passed through the trail without difficulty. A few minutes later, someone asked for a break. As much as I wanted to keep on moving, I have to stay and take a break with the group. Every so often we take a 5-minute break. On our way to the summit, I observed that whenever we cross paths with other hikers, we exchange hello's or good mornings or nod at each other. I asked why do we do that? Someone answered that it's a way of knowing if the people we meet are real people and not just a hallucination. I got scared a bit. I am not a fan of horror stories. Up to this day, I still don't know if that was the real reason. How about you? Do you know why?


Detour : The waterfalls


We were hiking for about 2 hours already. And it was getting harder to climb. I was carrying a heavy backpack which I regret why I'd brought more than I can carry. So I took my 2 liter water and drank almost half of it. It somehow lessen the weight.
On our way to the summit, we took a detour to the nearby waterfalls. The sun was already on it's duty, we were all sweaty and needed some refreshment. Some took a dip in the falls. I was contented with a handfull of water washed over my face. A few minutes later we're back on track.
Then the head hiker said we were already at the foot of the trail to the summit.


10 Minutes

We were what?! Foot of the trail?! So apparently we haven't started the hike to the summit yet. And what we've been through - steep, rockies, uneven trail and high boulders- weren't the start of the trail to the summit yet. My legs were already wobbly from the trek! But I still went on. After a series of steep, uneven trails and a lot of stone path in all sizes, the hike leader finally called for a break.

FINALLY! (I cried outloud)
One more step and my legs are gonna give up! I never thought hiking was that hard. It was all cardio! My worst enemy!
Eventhough the trail was getting tough , no one gave up or complained. So who am I to complain when I was more physically fit than others in our team who keep on pushing to get to the summit?

I drew my strength to move on thru my team's perseverance. As we ascent, one member of the team finally asked how long are we there yet, a regular called out "10 minutes".
That 10 minutes got our spirits up. We all (first timers) cheered in unison. The thought that we were almost there and the struggles will be over soon made me push harder in reaching the goal. Ten minutes later, we were still ascending. Wait, what?!

What happened to the 10 minutes? Did we lost track? Did we took a wrong route?

Somebody asked about it again. We got another 10 minutes answer. Ten minutes to what, someone asked. The regular said, 10 minutes to base camp.
Base camp?
That means we're still far away from the summit?? I was already losing my spirit. I was contemplating whether to move up or go back-
go home and sleep.
One by one the team fell apart. Some were already left behind but the sweeper stayed with them. Some took their time climbing up. Some took a rest, trying to regain energies. I was one of the few who kept on moving. I was keeping up with the head hiker together with my friend and a regular.


The four words I kept repeating in my head during the ascent to the base camp. It became my mantra. My goal was to get at the base camp fast so I can have enough rest while waiting for the rest of the group. I kept pushing and pushing, forgetting about the aching muscles. Dragging myself up just to get to a boulder. Holding tight to a thin bamboo branch or stone or grass or anything I can hold on to just so I won't fall getting up. My body was telling me to stop but my mind says otherwise. We were getting higher and higher. I was literally catching my breath!

Ten more minutes said the regular once again. That moment I wanted to grab her on the neck and stop her from saying those words again. But I didn't.

Then I heard people chatting loudly in a merrily manner. We were indeed nearing base camp. One more step I kept telling myself. Just one more...


The base camp

I was relieved to see people at the base camp. They made it just like I did. I went straight to the hut and took a rest. While everyone were mingling with the other hikers, I sat alone in one of the benches, reflecting on what I went through. I can't believe I made it to base camp! I was really really on the verge of giving up. Then my friend came up to me and told me I was her motivation to get to the camp. When we left behind the rest of the team, we never took a break. We continually ascend until we got to the base camp. If we had stopped or took a break, it would be my end. I would gladly turn back and give up. I swear I will. Thankfully I was with my friend then and she kept on. She was one of my motivation. It was the other way around.


The Summit


I can see the summit from where I was seating. I can see the hikers going up there. It was a clear view. No trees. Just plain grassland.

When everyone got in the base camp we were asked if we still wanted to climb the summit or not. Some stayed. I went on. I thought it was easy. I made it to the camp anyway might as well finish it to summit. The trail to the summit was somehow the same from what we went through to the base camp.

Then we got to the one I saw from the base camp. The no trees, no branches nor stones trail. It was steep! It was all grasses. I tried to look behind and I got dizzy! We were so high! I was face palmed with my fear. One wrong move and you'll go all the way down to I don't know where. I can already hear my heartbeat that moment. How do I get to the summit? I was sweating. How can I reach the summit? Not even a rope that could help me go up was nothing in sight. It was pure strength and determination to get to the top.
I said to myself, I CAN'T. I can still go back, sit and just watch the others go up. I gave up. Just the thought of climbing it make my legs turn into jelly.
I took one step forward, I slid back. I tried it over again and got the same results. I was losing my sense of balance. I did try but that was it. I can never get to the summit. I turned my back around-back to trail to base camp.

Suddenly a group of elderly women emerged.
Elderly women in hiking get up! They were on their way up to the summit. I wanted to say hi or hello or good morning to test if they were real or they were my hallucination. But I can't make my lips move a bit. I was astounded at the sight of them. I stayed and watched them go up.
I was ashamed of myself! I, who is way younger than them and more physically fit than them relinquish my goal of reaching the summit due to my fear while the elder never seem to be bothered by the heights.

I told myself: If they can do it, why can't I? So I grabbed a grass, pushed myself up and crawl to the top of the mountain. Yes I crawled!haha. I slid down a couple of times. But I never gave up. I tried and tried until I made it to the top.


I made it to the summit of Mt. Pico de Loro.


The monolith


I sat down immediately as my entire body was shaking from the ascent. I was still gasping for air. It's true, the view from the top was amazing! After six hours, 2 liters of water, a lot of strength and perseverance, I finally made it to the summit.
Thank you also to the elderly. If not without them, I'd just be at the base camp watching over the hikers. I learned from one of them that their oldest was 60 years old! I thought to myself, when I get old, will I do the same as they did? Will I have the strength to go thru that trail again?

Then someone pointed me to a monolith not far from where we were seating. I saw people going to that direction. I asked if we're also going there. He said it's optional. Thank God! It looks harder to climb than the summit. So I passed. The summit was all I can take.


The Drama

Getting back to the registration area became bearable. We arrived there hours less than we took going up. We did not go down as a team. Some of us went down early and some stayed a little longer.

While waiting for the rest of the group, we roam around the area and look for something to buy as a remembrance of our first hike. By the time we went back, we were expecting they were there already. They weren't. Then we got news that they were lost. We panicked! How can they get lost when they have been there already? It was already getting dark, the guides who tried to find them went back with nothing. We tried to call them but they were out of reach. It's been hours and we still don't have any lead.
They called in the police to help with the manhunt. Thankfully they were found safe.
The head hiker recounted to us how they got lost. They were all engrossed at a conversation that they didn't realize they were already out of track.

All is well that ends well.


The lesson

On a happy note, here are some take aways from the hiking experience.

On conquering my goliath

You must tell yourself, no matter how hard it is, or how hard it gets, I'm going to make it.

Had I give in to my fear, I would still be wondering what's it like on top of that mountain. But i didn't, even though my whole body was shaking, I kept on moving up.

On pursuing your goal

It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop.

It may have took me long hours to get to the summit and some second thoughts, what's important was I pursued my goal. Keep focused and you'll get what you wanted to achieve.

We were all relieved that we went home safe. Did it stop me from hiking? NO.
I did a couple of hikes after, all minors. I think I am not ready yet for my major hike.

So there goes my very very long hiking story.

Here's a few pictures we've seen along the way.

How about you? How was your first hike? I'd love to know yours. 😊


What an awesome hike! Thanks for sharing your adventure. Nice story too!

Thank you. Your comment is much appreciated. 😊

Awesome story on your 1st hike! Much appreciated for sharing, thank you.

Thank you 😊

what a fun story-telling! I also have fear of heights and I plan to do my first hike but all are plans for now 😂 congrats to your first hike! It sure is worth remembering.

Thank you. 😊 you must try it. The view from the top is amazing.

wow you really hiked that monolith?! thats in batangas right? you sure have the guts sis! i admire hiking too but to certain limits muna kasi hahah i get a bit wobbly in heights!

As much as I wanted to try, I didn't. When I heard that the way to the monolith was steeper, I chickened out. The climb to the summit was all I can take. I was literally shaking during that ascent. When I was halfway crawling the summit, the scene below me kept flashing in my memory. I was sorry for the grasses I grabbed during that climb. Haha

Makes me want to take my bum off the couch to do travel. Your images are inspiring...

Thank you. Get out and see places. Never miss an opportunity to enjoy and explore the world has to offer. 😊

Such an adventure. It reminds me of my first hiking experience when I was in Boy Scout of the Philippines. We tracked Mt. Cuenca in Batangas where there the Royal commercial advertisement was shot. That was a long time ago, wink wink. Hopefully, I could have a chance to experience again - mountain hiking in the Philipppines.

Thank you. I've never been to Mt. Cuenca but my friends did. I've been wanting to hike again, the last time I went was last year in Mt. Gulugod baboy. I hope I could join a group hike this year. I miss the view.😊

Hello There,
Im from Batangas and the last time I try to hike is way back 2005 in Mt. Maculot in Cuenca Batangas. Its been years, I forgot the feelings to be on top of summit again. Its good to know your story and its my inspiration again to back on track. Hope to conquer my fear like yours.

Hi thank you for reading my story. It's really an awesome feeling when you get to the top. It was always and always will be my favorite, the view. 😊

Wow! Adventure... The only places that I went before are from the TERNATE CAVITE. 4 Days and 3 nights at the mountain with waterfalls! If you do not have any food, learn to catch crabs and shrimp under the rocks.

And that was fun! LOL

Wow! What a cool experience. I always wanted to experience also an overnight hiking. I've been planning for years to do that in Mt. Pulag but it was never pursued. But I'm still hoping that I get to climb it someday. Thanks for reading my story 😊

all photos explains how beautiful the world is. nice blog keep it up

Thank you!😊 it is beautiful indeed.

Your story is wonderful. I've never gone on hiking because of so many reasons and not just because of fear for heights.
It's also inspiring the way you encourage yourself while trying to reach base camp.
I also appreciate how you've written and presented this post. The line borders are so elegant, and images nicely placed.
Again, thank you for sharing.

Thank you, your comment is much appreciated. 😊 I've been wanting to tell this story so I can also inspire others. I hope you try hiking even once in your life. 😊

yes, i'm not closing my doors on that.
i would love to go if it was going to be with my crush! hahahaha!!! i'm sure my energy tank will always be full and enough to keep me going. hahaha!!!

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