How did I become a nanny in an escort girl?

in #story7 years ago

I am 47 years old. A month ago, I was fired from my job. Apparently, they did not want to invite me to the New Year's corporate party ... I had to look for work with feverishness. And, naturally, the first thing I did was go to a well-known bulletin board.

In my profession, I did not find anything, so I started looking for absolutely any job. I caught one interesting announcement.

It was suggested to work as a nanny for a one and a half year old baby. Payment in the limits of 50 000 р. What worried me, so these are some conditions: "sometimes I have to spend the night with the child, the apartment is under constant video surveillance". At first I thought that it was some kind of joke, but then the thought came that they were looking for some juicy girls, so perverts would follow through the webcam. In fact, everything turned out not so.

The work was offered by a woman of 25 years. She explained to me the duties and said that she was afraid to leave the child with a stranger, so the cameras were installed throughout the apartment (except the toilet and the bathroom). Well ... I did not have any other offers of work.

The first week was not very good, as I could not quickly navigate the apartment, but then I got used to it. First, the mother of the baby left to "work" at night. Then there was a small gap. A woman disappeared for a couple of days. I de facto became not a nanny of a child, but a real mother.

At the end of each week, I was paid 14,000 rubles each.

One day the woman returned at five in the morning and went home in the hall on the sofa while I was sleeping in the room with the baby. In the morning, I was waiting for coffee. And a tearful woman. Apparently, something happened to her at night was not very good, since the right side of her face was red (as if she had been hit hard).

We sat down to drink coffee while the baby was playing in the crib.

  • You understand?
  • ???
  • Well, I realized ... what do I work?
  • To say the truth, no.
  • I'm an escort.
  • What?
    "Something ... a girl on call ... elite." I envy you so much! Do not need to hang around at night where. You can get a normal job. And ... I so want to be with my baby!

By the smell, it was felt that she added cognac or something very strong to herself in coffee.

We have already finished coffee without talking. She went to the bathroom. After this incident, it no longer disappeared for days. Even at night I did not go away. Apparently, she got badly then ... Damn, it's good that I work as an ordinary nanny!


Interesting,that must have been a challenging learning experience for you

welcome violeta.violi,Happy steemit

Cool story. Can you share a picture of the scort that hired you?

Violeta Viola, I'm Joey, and it is sad when people are fired. I've been a freelance American English Teacher in Vietnam for five years. I was my own boss. It can be tough when you are not the employer. It can also be pretty tough as your own boss when you have to find customers, students, clients, money, people to babysit, etc.

And security cameras can be good and bad. And some people will try to hire younger people, maybe even sexy, juicy girls or guys, like you said. All of that can be expensive and stuff.

And some people are escorts, and they get into messes like you said. And many escort girls are mothers and some of them are stuck in trafficking and in all kinds of conflicts and debt and relationships with pimps or men or whatever.

Nannies are wonderful people and they help children, orphans, all kinds of kids, and it makes a world a better place. I'm not too happy when people are fired. But it is good to be able to be independent and able to adapt to recover to get back on your feet maybe or to try at least.

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