A school for those who do not have one, by @terresco (translated from French)

in #story6 years ago

This is an authorized translation in English of a post in French by @terresco: Une école pour ceux qui n'en ont pas

As my primary language is not English, there are probably some mistakes in my translation.

Remember that the person who speaks here is NOT me, Vincent Celier (@vcelier), but @terresco, a French guy.

Madagascar - Supporting a humanist project

One of my first articles, starting on the network, was about a school project in southwest Madagascar. The school was set up by a couple of French retirees who chose to settle in this isolated place a few years ago. They live on a beach a few hundred meters from a village, Ampasifoty. They have no running water, no store nearby and draw the little electricity they consume from their small solar installation.

Over time, the trust settling with the villagers, Alain and Monique were subjected to an unusual request. Create a school for the village that did not offer this basic service. Our retirees have returned to active life, very active even; this was about four years ago. At the end of the third year, the time has come to take stock. Having dedicated my signature in my French posts to this project I regularly have nice remarks on it and I am very happy.

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The genesis of the project

Photo Alain for the school website
A little less than four years ago, Alain and Monique responded immediately to the village demand. They were well placed to know the importance of the lack that existed. But it was not as easy as one might think, building even sketchy buildings on a secluded beach, creating an association in France for financing, hiring teachers, choosing modes of operation. Another problem is to overcome local reluctance, it is naive to believe that because we do the humanitarian thing, everyone will help you.

I was aware of the decision of Alain and Monique to give up the sweetness of their retirement life at the end of the year. Nothing was done, the task seemed titanic. However, in October of the following year the first school year in the history of the village of Ampasifoty took place. Their tenacity and their belief in the project had given a first result, nothing would be more like before. With mistakes, failures, problems in shambles but an extraordinary thing: the children went to school. A day that would have seemed ordinary would change the life of a village in the near future.

The first year of existence

The first year was a test. Backward entry, difficult class to build, operating rules to establish, limited funding ... as for all new projects the beginning was a series of decisions to take in the vagueness and problems to solve. Yet things took place, the school existed under the evocative name of "Graines de sable" (seeds of sand). Seeds whose first seed will end the school year, motivating some, encouraging others. The errors were studied to be corrected, the gaps filled when the funding allows it and the summer vacations put to profit to build, to organize, to advance, to make the project known and to prepare the return of the children.

Second year

Photo Alain for the school website
Things are set up, two classes will be the definitive version. Two trained, motivated and competent teachers provide classes. The classes are heterogeneous, students of any age and any level, nothing easy but it does not matter. This second year was a success with over 60 students enrolled, two or three of whom passed the certificate allowing them to continue their schooling in college. A pleasant surprise, the icing on the cake. Still a great motivation even if the novelty, the confidence of the parents, the difficulties of financing, the distance did not allow for that year to satisfy these opportunities. No worries, the team does not get discouraged and organizes the future in this area too.

Third year

This is the one that just ended with the school party on July 12th. This year will be marked by the establishment of a canteen at the school. The funding was not easy to find and it is not quite definitive. However, a cook came to complete the team and meals were served every day to school children. The old adage says: Hungry belly has no ears and it is the first degree that it applies daily even if it's hard to imagine. Absenteeism has decreased: the one who has his meal at noon does not have to go fishing in the morning.

Photo Alain for the school website
This year was also a recognition of the school whose students paraded in Toliara (Tuléar in French) with those of other schools, wearing shirts provided by one of the sponsors who visited the school this year. This event, in addition to the satisfaction it generates, is more important than it seems for the future of the school.

Planting trials were carried out but failed. It's not easy to make the sand green with limited means. Insufficient rainy season, as almost every year in fact, intrusion of devastating goats into the garden ... no matter, the lesson is learned and the experience will be renewed in one form or another.

The school has closed its doors for the vacations, and will open on October 1st for a new school year. Happy holidays to all and congratulations to Alain and Monique and their entire team.

My emotional connection with school

When they mounted the project, I was on the start. I had spent three years living Robinson's life on a beach, about ten miles away. I had set up a kitesurf school and my employee, who became my friend, was a young Vezo, the name of one of the local ethnic groups. Peter was smart but never had a chance to go to school. I could see over the days that we spent together, the limits that it imposed on his life. I was immediately sensitive to the development of this project.

My support is, after all, very limited. As indicated in my signature very small sums allow to achieve big things. I also helped to start looking for bigger sponsors to start the construction and make the start easier. I try to make the project better known, which generates small donations on the website of the school, in which I participated and I provide technical maintenance.

* * * * *

To know more about the school, its history, its news or to make donations you can go on the site: http://www.ecole-ampasifoty.org/. I can also answer any questions in the comments. Following my first post in French about the school, there was a cumulative total of € 48 donations on the site. It seems very weak but do not forget that with two Euros the school educates a child for a month! The NGO is declared in France it is even possible to deduct donations from taxes.

Many told me to use Steemit to seek funding, I do it indirectly by talking about the school from time to time. Creating an account for the school is premature especially as without electricity, let alone computers and little Internet connection the students could not participate. But every thing in its time, every year the school goes forward.

Photo Alain


it's really grate job .thanks every one helping them to get education .

Beautiful and amazing post . Congratulation

If you continue to work hard, then the future of these children can be better,
I congratulate guys your mind.

Saludos... Cancelado el pago pendiente... Feliz día

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