| Thought of the Night | #1 How does one become successful?

I want to make this a nightly thing. This will be my last post for the night.
What does it take to be successful? How does one become successful?
Look at these two pictures and tell me which one you are. To be truthful, I am both, depending on my mood, how bad I want to succeed and what do I want to succeed in.
Sometimes when you are a competitive person you tend to want to crush your opponents to the ground. I mean, not just crush them, but ground and pound them. 😑 is it just me? Ok its just me. Btw I'm talking about a different type of successful, this one particularly is in sports!
However, when it comes to becoming successful in life. Being born in a third world Country, I love to help people out no matter what the cost. Who deserves living in poverty? I'd say only those who look down on people themselves. If I were to magically be a millionaire right now, I would take my buttocks directly to my home country and help those in real need.
Just my thoughts though. I am new to Steemit and just wanted to get things out of my head.
Thanks and goodnight! ✌
thank you dear.back votes u.nice to meting u too