Understanding and history of selfie photo development
Understanding and History of Selfie Photo Development.

Understanding Selfie.
Selfie is a kind of self-portrait photo, which is usually taken with a handheld digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are also often associated with social networks, such as Instagram. People usually do Selfie photos by using a camera that is held with long sleeves or in front of a mirror. Photo selfie usually also menggukan excessive expression in the presence of the camera.

History of Selfie.
Beginning Selfie photograph found by Robert Cornelius who is an American who is also a pioneer in the world of photography. He made an expression of himself in 1839 which is one of the first photographs of a person. Then because the photo process is slow, then he reveals the lens that experienced a shot for a minute or more. Then he changed the lens cover.
The first debut of Portable Kodak Brownie's camera box started in 1900 which caused the photography technique to become more widespread. Then this method is usually a media mirror to stabilize the camera either on a close object or on a tripod while framing through the viewfinder at the top of the box. A Russian woman named Anastasia Nikolaevna was one of the first teenagers to take a picture of herself using a mirror to send to her friend in 1914 when she was only 13 years old. Later in the letter accompanying the photograph, he said "I took a picture of myself by looking in the mirror, it was very surprising that my hand was shaking." A concept of uploading a photo of yourself now known as super selfies to the internet, even with a single-use camera not a smartphone, to a Web page was first created by Australia in September 2001, including photos taken in the late 1990s captured by the Internet Archive in April 2004. Then the initial use of Selfie can be traced back in 2002. This is the first time it appears on an internet forum in Australia. The term "Selfie" was discussed by a photographer named Jim Krause in 2005, although Selfie's self-evident photo has already expanded preceding the term. Then in the early 2000s, before Facebook became the dominant online social network, self-images often occur on MySpace. But a writer named Kate Losse recounts that between 2006 and 2009 (when Facebook became more popular than MySpace) self-image is often taken in front of a bathroom mirror. And this is a bad indication for new Facebook social network users. Then in 2009 in the image hosting and video hosting sites Flickr, Flickr users use 'selfies' to describe the form of photos himself posted by most teenage girls. Selfies then become popular in various places over time. At the end of 2012 Time magazine made Selfie one of the top 10 buzzwords. According to a 2013 survey, two-thirds of Australian women aged 18-35 years, have self-portraits with the most common purpose for posting on Facebook accounts. Then in 2013, the word "Selfie" has become commonplace to be monitored and included in the Oxford English Dictionary online. In November 2013, the word "Selfie" was announced as "Word Of The Year" by the Oxford English Dictionary.


The Development of Selfie Photos
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