Story time- Sweet nothings
One of my favourite pass times is lying on my husband's chest and talking about us and about the memories we share.
Last night I decided to ask him something I never have before.
"Do you remember when and how you first knew you loved me?"
The small smile that crept on his face was breathtaking as he drew me closer to his chest.
"Yes I do. It was the day we first saw eachother in person. I remember seeing you and knowing that I had to kiss you then and there. It was after that first kiss that I knew I loved you".
Remember our first kiss made me smile, it was magical. Like a scene from a movie, both of us standing in the rain. The world fell away as our lips met, never before had a kiss been so in sync on the first try.
My husband looked me in the eyes, smiled and kissed my nose. He loves the way my nose crinkles when he does that.
So of course my follow up question was...
"When did you first know you needed to marry me?"
Looking at the roof he tells me about how it wasn't like a big moment, that before then he had times when he felt like I was the one he should marry before but that it was that night that he finally decided.
We were at home, lying in bed talking and laughing. Apparently I looked up at him and he saw the love I had for him in my eyes. At that moment the love he felt for me was almost overwhelming. He describes it as loving something so much it makes you want to cry tears of joy. My husband doesn't cry easily but talking about the way he felt made him tear up a little.
Wanting to know more I asked about the other times he wanted to marry me, he mentioned that the first time I made him cottage pie, it was so good, he knew I was a keeper. That made us both laugh.
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