How I made a small crypto fortune using Animal Medicine

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Animal symbolism gave me 350% returns and changed my life.
Through contemplation, animal symbolism becomes medicine when you apply their story to your life.

The cougar doesn’t hesitate. Personally, I have been plagued with indecisiveness my entire life, missing out on events, connections and more by over-thinking. Seizing the opportunity is a lesson I’ve long been trying to learn, one that these powerful predators can teach. Cougars eat once every 7-12 days, traveling great distances searching for that split-second when fate and chance collide. When opportunity (food) arrives they jump on it, literally! Applying the cougars approach was more fruitful than I could imagine.

When somebody first told me about Ethereum I “googled,” researched, and read both sides eventually taking me to my typical point of hesitation. Information overload led to “let’s wait and see.” Immediately I thought of the cougar a vision burned into my head, taking it as a sign that it was time to POUNCE... “this could be a real opportunity”/ “things like this don’t come your way every day!” I was interested, excited, and I had almost drowned it with logical thinking and approach. The cougar’s image motivated me to purchase, and to do it NOW!

Indecisiveness isn’t a disease but it can definitely hinder your life. By applying the cougars story or “medicine” it cured my constant wavering, healing my automatic reaction of pause and paralysis. Medicine heals you and rids you of pain and we all know that missing out on $70 ETH, right before the pop, would have seriously hurt.

Please Resteem and comment your thoughts. If more people recognize the beautiful lessons nature and the environment have to give, we might take better care of our teachers 💚


awesome post, love the pic of the cougar :)

Thanks! Glad you do, I spent awhile looking at free images trying to pic the best one :)

hey hey :) nice one! upvoted, followed, resteemed :)

Thanks for the re-steem! You're curating some great content, that's right up my alley. Following you now <3

Great post. I tend to procrastinate and I think I have a lot to learn from the animals and nature. I would also like to thank you for your message of support for the post regarding my autistic son's work. This is very much appreciated and I have given you a shout-out in my latest post.

Thank you so much! That is my hope, if we all start to learn from nature we might value our forests and animals more <3 So glad to be following you and your son's beautifully creative journey.

Thank you very much for following

There isn't anyone who isn't kicking themselves about "the one that got away" during this recent crypto boom , Im sure Cougars even beat themselves up about the big fat boar that just escaped their grasp 🐷 were all still making great gains though and the party hasn't even started yet, $70 is a snip, enjoyed your post I like the idea of spirit animals, mine is a naked mole rat 🤣

Hear my roar!!

So what that tell me is... You love complexity, strategy (mazes) and working together or towards the common good. You may have been given less in life (blindness) but you are able to thrive where most people cannot AND... that you probably sleep naked 😋

Haha everyday is naked day in the naked mole rat community, and blindness is a blessing in disguise when your this ugly! 😝

I think a lot of people find naked role rats to be "ugly" but there's always some weirdo out there that LOVES and adores them <3

Did you just insinuate Im a weirdo lol? Your intuition serves you well 🤣 my real favourite animal is a red panda because they're not red at all they are gingers and they are definitely not a panda they're a racoon with delusions of grandier 🤣

Probably the cutest animal on earth. When I think of them I only see this....

haha so cute 😍

I dig it. We're all guilty of hesitating or missing out on opportunities. I'll definitely keep this imagery in mind the next time i'm in a situation where I need to act.

Very cool! Big cats and large predators are the most vulnerable animals when it comes to extinction. Especially cougars who "self-regulate" meaning the don't give birth if there isn't enough land to sustain them.... between over-population and deforestation for resources they're on a serious decline. Appreciating and taking any lesson from them is respecting their contribution to the world. Thanks!

Interesting, I did not know that about "Self Regulating" although it does makes sense. They would be in direct competition with their offspring...

Exactly, and another reason why I relate to them. Due to over-population I often think about adopting instead of..... it somehow doesn't seem (I guess) logical when there are soo many children out there needing a home. Granted my mom is adopted so I probably have a bias and better associations than most. It's relatable and interesting to know that cougars go through the same dilemma.

Indeed. It's good to step out of yourself from time to time and see things from various perspectives.

Thank you for this article. I'm fond of nontraditional studies and esotericism and it's very interesting for me. I will definitely continue studying this direction! You gave a great idea!

Please do! Thanks for the words of appreciation <3

Thats a cool spirit animal! You got lucky on that

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