A haunted housesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Where I grew up there was an old house, a very large two story mansion that had largely fallen into decay and was gated off. Rumour had it it was haunted. Many people were scared to go near the place and I saw children run past it if they had to walk that way home. It was not too far from my high school so I saw people's behaviour change when they approached. I never really went close but it wasn't out of fear, I already lived in a haunted house.

The house I grew up in was very old considering the location. It was built in 1926 and at the time would have been the only house for miles around. A very large house that dominated the land it rested on even though the block is large and the house set far back from the road. The main cemetery for the little town was a few hundred metres from the back door and had been there even longer than the house. Was it actually haunted? Yes.

When I was around five or six, I awoke in the middle of the night and needed go to the bathroom, which I hated. I always turned the lights on as the toilet closest to me was in the scary end of the house, the original part. It had been added to over the years but this section had a vibe. One night, I got up and walked through the darkness to the light switch. There was a long hallway with high ceilings and an L-section that led to the original back door. The door was rarely used and always locked with an old, metal security chain.

I reached for the light switch and as I did, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I heard the rattle of the chain links. I flicked the light on and looked and there was a skeleton's hand reaching through the door and fumbling with the lock. I froze, but I could not look away for what felt like many seconds. Finally I moved a half step forward and as if it heard me, it paused its action and then disappeared.

I decided I no longer needed to go to the bathroom after all and I literally ran back to my room. I left the light on.

A few years later, I was recounting the story to my mother and she looked closely at me and then told me another. She awoke one night to shouting from my oldest brother who was a bit over two years of age. She went out of the room to see him staring and screaming at the same backdoor 'You can't come in! You can't come in!' When she rushed to his side and looked to where he was screaming, there was nothing there. She then went on to tell me some other strange things that took place in that area of the house.

Everyone in my family felt some kind of fear in that area of the house, something that wasn't right. Even now as I tell this story, my skin shivers and I can feel the creep of the hairs raise across my back and neck. My rational self does not believe in ghosts but, that experience in the darkness as a child tells me otherwise.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

[ a Steemit original ]

The photos are from an old house nearby that I took the other night in the fog. They are slowly renovating it for use as they rebuild they develop the whole area. Many people do not go this way late at night, for me though, it is nothing compared to where I grew up.


So much to say......

First of all, I'm doing my weekly catching up now - sorry I disappeared but working at 2 different teams on steemit plus dealing with my photo exhibition opening here in cph don't leave me much time - I even neglected my own posts for a while! Now I'm trying to get back on track with those and everyone I like here ;)

Ok, best thriller ever! I didn't know what to watch, but I think I won't - that was ok for tonight haha! The pictures are amazing!!! It reminds me of the Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris...creepy and beautiful... I can't imagine it being worse though...(or do you mean it was just different where you grew up?)

Now...as a theologian and at the same time kind of logical person, I would say 'no' - I don't believe in ghosts...but...I'm not the 'normal' kind... I'm the strange kind...which means, that I get feelings, I see vivid dreams (and sometimes things that are not there...paranoia much...), and read auras...So, I don't know if I actually ever saw a ghost but I got into situations like the one you describe. I also believe that children (and animals - especially cats) always see the truth and they are never inconsistent for no reason. In Greece we have a saying that goes somehow like this ''From the kid and the crazy you learn the truth''. If you ask me, after studying psychology for a while, it seems to me that there are no crazy people - there are just people who get stuff that not all can...

Have a great night @tarazkp, thanks for this story...and to...punish myself for being an 'unfaithful' follower lately haha...100% upvote+resteem ;)

You sir deserve a vote for being loyal :)

Haha well thanks for that :D I sure am!! Even though I prefer 'lady' or 'madam' than 'sir' - Sir Mommy would sound weird hahahaha :P

Glad you are back and also glad you are keeping busy. real life mu st take precedence and it is awesome you have you have your own exhibition happening. I appreciate all followers, and support, even the unfaithful ones. ;)

You mentioned the cats and we had quite a few over the years. The only ever hissed at nothing in that area of the house and rarely were up there at all. They stayed away also. I think that very young children like my brother was are less afraid at that age as they are yet to learn what is to be feared. Children are braver than adults but it is likely their innocence that allows it.

Make sure you take some time in your schedule to chillout and relax a bit too. And I wish you all the luck with the exhibition. Make sure you do some posts about what it takes to organise and how it plays out. I think it would be very interesting and useful to see for many people who may plan something similar somewhere. I remember the work my dad had to do to prepare for his exhibitions. They were only every few years though.

I don't know if you've seen some pictures/articles who show cats looking at nothing - well, there's a theory that they do, we just don't...
Also kids, yeah - they have no understanding of fear so they are braver indeed, I believe that too!
Keeping as busy as possible, the time is now !!!
Yeah, I had my first one at Hilton Athens when I started photography, almost a decade ago, then another one in Rome which wasn't a big success anyway and now this one here in Copenhagen as part of an art installation at the International Theater in Denmark - pretty big news for me! And yes, I plan on making a post about it :D
Thanks for understanding and keep us always up at night with your wonderful stories ;)

Believe it or not I have had that sound of chain links (or bangles) come running my way and stop at my feet while i stared into the dark corridor of a closet where it started from. It was the closest experience i have had ever regarding the paranormal trying to prove their presence.

it gives me shivers every time I think back to it.

I grew up in an old house, but I dont' remember any ghosts...I've never seen one, but I don't reject the possibility...Now I live in a modern block of flats and sometimes I see movement with the corner of my eye...I generally tell myself it's a ghost and continue whatever I'm doing...so either there are ghosts or I really should see an eye doctor.
Anyway, you're a very good story-teller!

It would be interesting if there was definitive proof they existed. What would it change in society if they were real or in religions and the views of an afterlife? Too late for me to ponder now, bed time.

Thank you for the compliment too, I am stretching my writing legs lately with the murder fiction. It is is difficult but very enjoyable to attempt something new.

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for the great post! Keep on Steeming.

much appreciated :)

Thanks, fun read.

hi im kamal forme bangladesh im follwo u

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