RE: 🐺 Love like skulls ’n bones - Finale
First of all, I like your use of the word Finale in the title in an attempt to get @Dreemsteem off your case. I also like the way it DIDN'T WORK AT ALL!
The use of your two new vocabulary words I taught you were deftly woven into the story, very well done little wolvie.
I was happy to have another cameo in this story and applaud you for bringing Dreemie in as a demon.
You see, me as a grumpy old woman and Dreemie as a demon just solidifies the notion that our characters are based on the exact opposite of what we really are. A brilliant use of unfettered irony.
As for the story.... I was getting very, very worried there in the middle. I was going to have a complete conniption if there was no happy ending. But thankfully you saved me a seizure and true love triumphed in the end.
Excellent work Wolvie - Dreemie and I will be waiting for your next story....impatiently waiting.....hurry up.
Well said @tamala! I agree, your cameos were the exact opposite representation of who you are in real life!!
I really did like the phrase he used in there! Hahaha. What a tribute. :p
Such a beautiful ending isn't it!
hahahahahaha I'm glad you also could see the irony of it!!! our poor little confused wolvie ;)
living in his opposite world. where he is not a writer, you are old, and i'm a demon.
hmmmm one day he'll see the light. ;)
and i'm working on a special something for the (Talia) story - it's out of order... so its making me a bit crazy - but it's going to take time to do.... so i have to have it ready for the ending.
i hope you'll like it!!!
Haha xD I had to try at least okay! It was worth a shot >.> But that demon is a tough one to statisfy >.>
I knew it would make you proud! :P
And nope I'm pretty sure I nailed both of you spot on!
Haha well that was as planned! Now stop with those made up confusing words >.> I'm but a simple man!
Give me a break already :'( I already gave you an extra chapter :'(