Must Read : The Prodigal Daughter...Episode SixsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago


A story written by Alexandra...

That night, Kate realized that true luxury could banish fears away quicker than muttered prayers.
No wonder winch no fit press person for night when AC dey blow o.
The soft leather seats of the jeep cradled her comfortingly and the feeling of her sweat-soaked blouse drying in the cold stream of air conditioning, lessened her fear as they sped smoothly through the streets of Uyo. Her eyes widened in admiration at the little of the town she could see. The smooth roads, steadily moving traffic and bright streetlights were a far cry from the hustle and bustle of Lagos. Everything about the town screamed peace and sanity and Kate vowed to bring her siblings and mother to visit the town, no matter what happened. She could now understand why her mother spoke fondly of her growing years in Akwa-Ibom.
They finally turned into an estate which Kate assumed was the popular Ewet Housing Estate. They passed several security checkpoints and slid along silent lighted streets. Kate’s eyes widened at the splendour of the houses they drove past. Each house seemed to be trying to outdo the next one, and she was almost dizzy from the majestic pillars, hanging chandeliers and exquisite gates that filled her eyes. But when they reached their destination, she could not hold back a gasp.
The driver grinned knowingly. “Beautiful, isn’t it madam? Everybody says wow-wow-wow when they first see it o.” The driver’s accent turned the word ‘madam’ into ‘maram’. Kate swallowed a laugh.
The Itah mansion was the most breath-taking of all the houses she had seen in the estate so far. Fluted, beautifully crafted gates led into a spacious courtyard, expertly landscaped with undulating planes of soft carpet grass and flowers she could smell even though their petals were closed for the night. The driver slid the jeep into a shaded parking space and quickly jumped out to open her door before she could reach for it. Kate struggled to hide her shaking knees as she stepped out of the jeep and noticed all the other cars parked alongside them. On quick count, there was nothing less than eight cars in the extended parkin space.
They walked towards the house, Kate still hiding how overwhelmed she was as they neared the imposing structure she would be staying in during her stay. It was more grand than any hotel she had known and looked like it had been lifted out whole from the pages of a foreign architectural magazine. She managed to keep her cool as they stepped into a chilled foyer and then living room- where her driver took his leave after giving her his phone number and informing he his name was John- before her luggage was collected by a uniformed female who led her to her room.
The room was exactly what she expected- luxurious, with a huge bed, her own toilet and bathroom, a small refrigerator and a mounted television. The room was air-conditioned, and chilly air kissed her hot cheeks as they entered.
“Mrs Itah said to apologize if you came in past nine o’clock as she would already be in bed.” The young lady said, smiling. “But I’m to offer you whatever you want. What would you like to eat, madam?”
Kate roused herself from her stunned state. “Oh no no, I’m fine.” She gauged the young lady. The girl was pretty, her black skirt and white shirt hiding curves to be envious of. Her hair was long and full, but secured in a tight bun. Kate decided the girl was close to her age and seemed friendly enough. “Thank you for the offer. I don’t eat very late. And please call me Kate. You are..?”
The young lady’s smile went from professional to genuine. “Alright, Miss Kate, I will. My name is Idara and I’m in charge of the house staff here at the mansion. The bathroom is fully stocked and there are some soft drinks, water, fruit and snacks in the fridge if you need them. If you require anything else, just call the house staff number.” The girl gestured at a cordless phone hanging by the bed. “All you have to do is press 1 and I’ll have someone sent up instantly.”
Kate promised to call if she needed anything, and then let out a deep breath as the door shut behind the helpful young lady. She got a bottle of water from the fully-stocked fridge and downed it in one long swallow. After her thirst was slaked, she sank down on the edge of the bed and moaned, then stretched out to better feel the softness, yet firmness of the mattress. She had never felt such luxury before and wondered if she was still locked up in her fantasies and any moment now, her chatty bus seatmate would shake her awake to tell her they had arrived in Akwa-Ibom State.
“Nobody should wake me up from this dream, please.” She muttered as her eyes began to flutter close. For a moment she remembered her family in Lagos, and wondered if they were battling with the usual heat and darkness. She wished she could transfer them to her room with one snap of her fingers. Only then, would her contentment have been complete.
One day, they will enjoy this, as long as I have life. I vow it….
And Kate slid into sleep on the edge of that fervent thought, soothed by the sound of the humming air-conditioner and fridge, still fully clothed, tired out by the bus journey and undisturbed by the bright lights and chilly air that flowed over her.
But the bright lights were not the only things that watched her peaceful slumber. Somewhere else in that luxurious mansion, angry fists curled as narrowed eyes watched her slumber, dark plans stirring in their depths.
“Welcome to Akwa-Ibom State, Miss Kate Udoh.” A voice hissed. “Enjoy the rest of your stay and the rest of your life…. However brief it might be.”
To be continued on Tuesday…..

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

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