Millionaire Pays For Kindergarten Class To Go To College - Steemians.. Lets Build A Love Connection Around the World!
Instead of buying a yacht or another sports car, this millionaire decided to pay for an entire kindergarten class to go to college:
Twenty six kindergardeners are getting the gift of a lifetime..
Fullerton Lawyer Marty Burbank was about to get a yacht for himself and his wife..
When he decided to help a class at Rio Vista Elementary instead..
Marty will sent all 26 students to college for roughly one million dollars..
This class is made up of all English -Learners..
Meaning many of them will be the first in their families to attend college..
"May God bless him always for helping people who truly need his help" - Silvia Excobar - Parent
Theres plenty of high scool grads that could have been sent to college instead, that cant afford an college education and are already to go! Who knows how many of these kindergarteners will even get that far. I say help those who need it most now! To really make a change in the world for the future, and their kids! Instead of them working in a gas bar or something foreever. My guess is this money will be gradully put into a savings account of some sort over 12 years.
thanks for your sharing karenmckersie,
fact is no one will knows the future.. be it high school grads or kindergardeners..
Marty Burbank was moved to give.. in his choice the kindergardeners
more important is how the receiver response to the gift..pray the kids will grow up and in turn make a difference in the lives of people..
inspiring.. help me think what I can do to contribute to the needy..
your welcome