Choose 1 power. What&why that choice? PART 1/2

in #story7 years ago

If you could pick a power, fantastic, profound, what would you pick??


I'm hoping this question was as common amongst your collective childhoods as it was mine.
Before rushing off to answer (and I would very much be expecting that you answer below), allow me a moment to explain my thoughts regarding my initial adolescent answer. Possibly, if interest has held, you'll discover my reaction to the first power picked; You should also find even further into reading, a second choice. This secondary ruling, an undeciding, it still stands.

For reasons I've not the time to explore this moment, adult @snakehayter shares many a complex with discarded child stars. I touch on this {this topic, not discarded child stars, creepoid} because it will help me to frame why I chose as I did. To setup I should state that I find my humanity and conscious experience to be of equal or lesser value to the rest of you, so call on this line if my vernacular seems contrary: I love you immensely, you masterpiece, beautiful in your misery and gorgeous in your filth.
Now let's get started.

When I was very small, I must assume I developed my mind at triumphant, yet peculiar pace. If I did not then my family, their friends, even strangers were phenomenal at hiding this reality. The thing I most recall from my years as a toddler is how frequently I was praised for my mind, as well as how often lofty goals had been thrust upon me. The thing I recall slightly less, but nonetheless paints my memory with comical intensity, is how often I had to prove my worth through impressive feats of intellect. If I didn't show signs of knowledge far beyond my few year(s), I found a feeling of existing behind a curtain. What I felt was neglect.

I'm not fussing about this, or 'calling out' my very young parents. Life is an adventure, a journey, and each story has conflict. My parents were already striving to hold together a family of five when I arrivedon scene, bawling and blue. My mother was a mere twenty four when I saw birth, and my dad had pressure I could never understand. The man decided to raise me, to work it out for the fam, with undeniable evidence my origin was not of this man. He had undergone surgery after my older brother was born, surgery to ensure he'd impregnate no more.
If I needed to prove to the world I had worth, then so be it.

I must have been about three, approaching four years on earth when posed this question of superpowers. I thought it a challenge, as I did all questions aimed to me, and felt an uproarous vigor to answer slower and with more care than the other tiny humans which surrounded me. Thoughtfully, even.
My uncle thought this a curiousity, and perpetuated what I had come to glean from adult interactions with a comment akin to, "Look, @snakehayter is the only one of ya who took even a moment to respond. I swear, you're gonna have to invent something like that Bill Gates and give us all the free ride, hahaha!"

This of course required I spend more time concocting my reply. I needed something cool, something useful, like superstrength or flight. I had to guarantee my answer was clever, though, so innovation was my primary focus and drive.

I had it.

"I would choose time travel. But I would restrict it! I can only go back to warn myself about the future so I can plan out my moves. Otherwise it's too good."

That tiny devil! I had entirely missed the grander point on the genius of this, in that traditional time travel brings up plotholes, timeline confusion, even deus ex issues too grand to count. With simple time messaging I had avoided all of this, never grasping the weight of how clever this was.
What I thought was incredible at the time was the reinvention of a power. I had innovated for possibly my first time. And as a cherry on top, what other kid will opt for limitation to his power? I was on top of the world.

If kindness entraps you many severe degrees greater than it does me, I have faith you will meet me over in part 2, to follow.

Photo 1:

William Struby Photo titled, Mandala


No one has ever considered what superpower they would pick?

Some people would say I am a beautiful creep, but I would like to have the power of invisibility, or possibly regeneration.
I would choose Invisibility because then I could vanish whenever anything got too awkward, I could know exactly how people feel about me, have unlimited money (but then the ethical questions regarding theft arise), and literally a near infinite number of other utilities. I suppose reading minds could accomplish many of the same goals, but then I wouldnt be able to spook people with ghost pranks ;p

As for regeneration, aside from the obvious "unkillable" factor, I would enjoy jumping off of buildings and things like this because it would freak people out. Again, the pranks would be stupid in their magnitude.
The cheerleader from 'Heroes' comes to mind, as well as the scene from 'Mr. Deeds' where Adam Sandler has the butler stab his foot with the firepoker.

All in all, I guess my power selection would be based entirely on the humor extrapolated from their use.

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