The shadow man ... Does he look at you in the dark while you sleep?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

You fall asleep ... You wake up at dawn with a strange feeling that something or someone is watching you. You feel its presence ... But you can not see who it is or who it is ... Normally we ignore it, we get comfortable in the best way and we sleep again. One day check that, yes ... Someone observes me in the middle of the darkness that invades my room in the middle of the night ... With all the splendor of silence ... I'm not sure if it was an allusion caused by being in what I am sure it was a "sleep paralysis" ... But when I woke up I could only see a shadow, a silhouette, darker than the same darkness that invaded my room, accompanied only by a tiny light caused by the light that barely entered through the window of my room ... There I saw it, it was totally dark, tall ... His eyes were highlighted somehow ... But the ... He had a hat ... He was just sitting at the end of my bed, in a space that was between where I slept ... As if I expected something ... As if I expected something from me ... That day I can not sleep ... In fact I started sleeping with my mother ... Until she I managed to convince myself that it was nothing ... Just a dream. A lie that I had to force myself to believe. Because until now ... I can be sure that he was there, something was there, and just by remembering his presence ... I know it was not something or someone good.

This finished convincing me that something or someone was watching me every morning ... I do not wait for you to feel or the same thing happens to you ... But tell me? , although it is known this feeling? . Terrible, horrifying ... Pure fear ... It's kind of crazy ... I wanted to share this lived story ... I could totally swear ...
I found this image on the internet ... And I felt so identified with those that I tell you that I can not avoid sharing it with you ...

Thank you..Paralisis.jpg


Woff, woff!

Hello @samueldbu, Nice to meet you!

I'm a guide dog living in KR community. I can see that you want to contribute to KR community and communicate with other Korean Steemians. I really appreciate it and I'd be more than happy to help.

KR tag is used mainly by Koreans, but we give warm welcome to anyone who wish to use it. I'm here to give you some advice so that your post can be viewed by many more Koreans. I'm a guide dog after all and that's what I do!


  • If you're not comfortable to write in Korean, I highly recommend you write your post in English rather than using Google Translate.
    Unfortunately, Google Translate is terrible at translating English into Korean. You may think you wrote in perfect Korean, but what KR Steemians read is gibberish. Sorry, even Koreans can't understand your post written in Google-Translated Korean.
  • So, here's what might happen afterward. Your Google-Translated post might be mistaken as a spam so that whales could downvote your post. Yikes! I hope that wouldn't happen to you.
  • If your post is not relevant to Korea, not even vaguely, but you still use KR tag, Whales could think it as a spam and downvote your post. Double yikes!
  • If your post is somebody else's work(that is, plagiarism), then you'll definitely get downvotes.
  • If you keep abusing tags, you may be considered as a spammer. It may result to put you into the blacklist. Oops!

I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶


Don't forget so pray before sleep.

Now I never forget it ... thanks...

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