Mystical Gaze | Tatapan Mistis

in #story7 years ago


Hai sahabat Steemians yang ganteng dan manis manis, tolong baca tulisan ini sampai habis. Ini tulisan soal mistis. Tinggal baca sudah kutulis. Kalau tak baca sampai habis, kalian selamanya tak lagi kupanggil ganteng dan manis-manis.

Jadi, para jentelmen serta gadis-gadis, kemarin, usai mencangkol di sawah, aku berteduh di bawah rindang nya pohon kelapa sawit, waktu bersembunyi dari panasnya matahari, tiba-tiba kutengok ada beberapa biji kelapa sawit tua berwajah mistis. Mereka seperti menatap bengis. Bakan, beberapa diantaranya betul-betul mirip tengkorak korban pembunuhan sadis.


Hi friend Steemians are handsome and sweet sweet, please read this paper until it runs out. This is mystical writing. Just read I've written. If you do not read it until finish, forever I dont call you handsome and sweet, again.

So, the Gentlemen and the lady, yesterday, after work in the fields, I sheltered under the shade of palm oil tree, while hiding from the heat of the sun, suddenly I saw there are some old palm oil seeds are mistic-faced. They are like staring at me with ruthless. Even, some of which are really like the skull of a sadistic murder victim.


Selow kawan tatapan biji sawit yang menantang bukan untuk melawan, akan tetapi inilah proses alam biji sawit yang berkulit diwaktu muda sangat elok di pandang mata. Begini pula manusia. Muda indah dipandang mata, ketika tua dianggap mati sebelum waktunya.

selow comrades a challenging palm kernel gaze not to fight, but this is the process of natural palm kernel skinned in a very youthful time in the eye. This is also humans. When Young, we are beautiful, when old, we are considered dead prematurely.

dengan warnanya yang khas, susunan buji kelapa sawit yang rapi, seakan tua takkan terjadi. namun
proses alam tetap berlaku kelapa sawit muda berubah warna hingga rontok dari pohon seiring berjalan nya waktu.

with its distinctive color, a neat arrangement of palm oil prunes, as if old would not happen. but the natural process remains in effect the young oil palm changes color to fall out of the tree as time goes by.



Wow...angker jack @sakupoi😈

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