🌟Adaugo: The Living Ghost 🌟

in #story6 years ago

Season :3
Released: 24/04/2018
Story: offixialmalata

Suddenly he felt unusual coldness that touched his bone marrow, but he gathered himself together and approached Adaugo in the dark. He extended his right hand and she clung to it and stood up. Mike dusted her and opened the back door of the car and she went in.

Immediately she entered, Alex felt goose bumps but Mike started the car and drove of. As they were riding in the dark, Adaugo was seriously looking through the side windows, she was bidding bye to other evil spirits that accompanied her in that very night, which Mike and Alex felt but couldn't see. Alex couldn't just stop staring at her through the rear-view mirror. Each time their eyes met, there was this strange ray emitting from her eyes, Alex was sure that actually she was just not a human or if ever she was, she must be a powerful breed. His heart was beating loudly and Adaugo knew how exactly the young man felt. He wasn't just comfortable with the entire idea but there was just nothing he could do at the moment.

Their journey ended up in a hospital that very night.

"nurse, good morning, where is your emergency room, please? "Mike asked, as they came into the hospital. The nurse pointed at the emergency room and led them therein.

Immediately, the nurses cleaned up her wounds, the doctor came and saw that she was pale and decided to transfuse her.

" this lady has already lost so much blood, we need to transfuse her immediately ", doctor recommended, looking at Mike and Alex. On hearing that, Alex moved backwards while Mike opted to donate. After screening, they both had the same blood group. A line was passed and transfusion started.

Immediately the blood got into her system, her DNA was activated, Evil power got summoned, her eyes changed, emitting a bright red rays, her wounds started healing spontaneously and all the bruises were gone, she returned to a prettier Adaugo on the hospital bed.

Alex was shocked, he was the only person in that very room with her, monitoring every action, every sign and every change in her body. When she returned to a prettier lady, Alex opened the door and went out in great fear to meet Mike and the doctor in the adjacent office. He couldn't believe what he saw but didn't know how to explain it to Mike.

"I've just paid the hospital bills, Alex", Mike informed him as he met him coming out of the doctor's office.

"Mike, that girl.... I don't really think... "Alex didn't really know how to open up to Mike.

"what!? Don't tell me she's dead", Mike rushed into the room. On getting there, the doctor was there, looking so surprised at the quick healing of the wounds. Secondly, the transfusion finished before the right time and the patient was strong enough to go. Mike was so amazed but was captivated by her unusual prettiness. His heart was beating for love. He rushed and held her hands, those hands were so chilled like the snow.

"Adaugo, how are you? Thank God you're healed", he could not stop touching her and staring her out.

"anyway, she could go home since she is cool to go", the doctor said but was so shocked at the fast healing pace and fast rate of transfusion.

"while Mike prepares her for discharge, Alex come with me to the office ", the doctor said, and Alex followed him. When they got to the corridor leading to his office, the doctor stopped.

"I'm surprised. Did you increase the flow of the transfusion by turning the knob? " the doctor asked, staring at him suspiciously.

"nope.... I didn't. Why did you ask? "

" I've been practising for many years now, but I have not seen such a fast healing before. I am suspecting that lady is.... "the doctor couldn't finish his statement and heard a crowd of cries from the ward, which made him to abandon Alex and rushed in.

On getting there, two of his patients had just died. These were patients that were due for a discharge. The strange thing about their deaths was that each of them had blood oozing out of every opening of their bodies and automatically they turned very pale. While they were bleeding and struggling with death, Adaugo's eyes were radiating red ray but Mike who was holding her was so hypnotized that he couldn't recognize himself and didn't understand what was happening at the very moment.

There were noises in the kingdom of darkness as the covenant pot was getting occupied with fresh human blood. So many demons assembled, each willing to have the first taste of early morning meal.

The presence of Adaugo was a big loss to the doctor but he wasn't sure if the sudden deaths of his treated patients were attributed to fate or manipulation. He returned to his office with a weird look. He sat down and leaned his head on his office table worried.

Mike took his guest home and on getting home that early morning, Mike got dressed up for work and ordered his niece, Sofia, to serve Adaugo who was in the guest room some tea. When she got there, the room was empty, she was astonished and knocked on the toilet door, nobody responded, she stood for 5minutes, dropped the tea on the table and opened the toilet door, she only saw a big green snake crawling around, quickly she screamed and ran out of the guest room to the parlor. Her scream attracted Mike and he rushed out.

"Sofia, what's that? Why were you running? "He asked
, holding her on the shoulders and calming her down. Sofia couldn't say a word as she was just seriously gasping for air, full of fear and confusion.

"a snake,..... the guest room.... ", immediately, Mike heard about the guestroom, he abandoned Sofia and rushed into the room, only to see Adaugo lying on the bed covering herself with a bed sheet. He rushed into the bathroom, but there was no snake. Mike was disappointed.

"Mike, Hope all is well!? "she asked with a sexy, sleepy, nice sounding tune, stretching out her body and yawning heavily.

"don't worry my dear. Just want to check if the tap in the bathroom is functioning properly ", he lied, coming to the bed with a smile.

"how are you? Hope your pain is subsiding", he said, touching her slowly on her pretty looking face.

"it aches a little. Thanks for everything ", she replied, holding his hand with a smile.

When Mike got up,he noticed that the cup of tea was empty, he was happy that his guest was enjoying the provided hospitality, then he left. Adaugo smiled and stared at his absence mischievously with her eyes radiating bright red rays and tongue stretching out like that of the cobra infected with the most badly venom.

When Alex and Mike had gone to work, and left only Sofia, a girl of 13years at home with Adaugo. Immediately it was sharp 12noon, Sofia was sleeping in her room with her door closed, a chilled wind blew around the entire building, picture frames hug on the walls started shaking and falling down, breaking in pieces, closed windows started opening by themselves and the very door Sofia closed slowly opened widely and then........


  1. What did the little girl (Sofia) see as she suddenly woke up?
  2. What was Sofia's fate?
  3. What happened to Alex in the office?
  4. What did they see when they came back home?

Wow, much suspense! I can't wait to release next season.


snakes is a very nice but I'm very scared.

upvoutes for upvotes please

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