At His Reaction Frederic Expected My Question
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He told me that, after our studies together, 10 years ago, one of his great, distant uncle died. Frederic inherited a certain sum as well as an old ruined house here in Harwich. House that no family member wanted to recover. With the money, Frederic undertook important work to transform the old house into the charming house we are now in. It was during the renovations that he found this curious mask under the rubble. He had strangely survived the fire that ravaged the house nearly 100 years ago. Frederic immediately perceived that this mask was worthy of interest. His curiosity as a young scientist made him push his analysis of the object further. He quickly discovered that the mask was fashioned in a still unlisted material and that it did not belong to any known cultures. He also discovered that current science could not help him solve the deep mystery that this object contained. He then took another approach, more mystical ... His efforts resulted in the price of a complete change in his vision of the world. And it is thanks to this new vision that he conceptualized this experience in which he was going to launch me after having explained to me the functioning of what he called his "room of sensory elevation" ...
Great stories well put together Love the drawings
Thanks @tokayo