The Dragon's Blood (Part 106)

in #story8 years ago



 He felt it crackle all about him, his ancient friend. Closing his eyes, he sensed rather than saw the weather transform above the city. They flowed into him, the elements, and he did with them as he pleased. 

 Oh they screamed at him, hollered their little curses as they always did, outraged at their violation. They were like just about every one else on this world, residing in their little places of comfort, unhappy to be pulled, to be prodded, to have fate do with them as it pleased. 

 The thing that had once been his brother uttered another one of it's unholy cries, no doubt drawing attention to their battle. 

 It would be remembered on the morrow, especially what was about to happen. It would be remembered and whispered back and forth by those that witnessed it. A photo or a video might even surface, get passed back and forth through their computers. 

 It wouldn't come to anything though. If there was one thing he'd learned about the human race it was that they resembled the elements he now manipulated almost exactly. They even had a phrase for it, they called it a 'comfort zone' and they liked it violated even less. What was about to happen, it would violate their 'zone,' and because of that it would be shut away and forgotten very, very quickly.    

 He channeled the lightning, taking every bit of it his strength would allow him to muster and sent it high. Opening his eyes at last he watched it hurtle towards the churning clouds above. It's powered entering and then cascading throughout them with a deep distant rumble. 

 Ahead of him the monstrosity turned it's attention to the clouds above it, acid, it's little ruined surprise for him, spilling 

out from within it's throat.

 It peered up just in time to see the lightning strike that hit it square in the face. 

 The resulting explosion of sound and fury would've blinded any who witnessed it head on, even Trakaan Astranax. He watched just long enough to see the abomination's silhouette disappear into the white hot chaos before turning away and hiding his eyes. The sound was near deafening as well, leaving a ringing in his own ears for a good fifteen minutes after the event.

 He knew it wouldn't kill his opponent, knew it would merely stun it, slow it down long enough for him to do what he need to do next. 

 Opening his eyes, he saw the glowing monster topple off the skyscraper and knew the moment was right. It was now or never. 

 He leaped off his own perch, angling his descent so he was right above his falling opponent. 

 'Now,' they shouted, 'release us NOOOOW!!!'

 He didn't acknowledge them, dared not acknowledge them. They were growing so powerful they would soon burst out of him on their own.

 No, it wasn't time yet, he had a more important task for them, one he knew they would be most useful towards.

 He instead called Frostfire back, willed it back from it's home. It appeared mere inches from his talons, falling along with 


 Then he changed. His wings shrank, becoming a cloak. His mane diminished, becoming a head of hair. Scale gave way to flesh and he was a man again. 

 He reached out, took his great weapon in both hands, asked for the Nova blade and got it immediately. 

 Then he took the elements again, wrenched them back from where he'd left them atop the scorched roof of the Chrysler building. He pulled them to himself, forced them behind him and commanded them to push. Their wails of protest were almost deafening this time, rivaling the thunderclap that had attempted to take his hearing. 

 'Shut up,' he admonished them grimly. 'Shut up and push.'

 They listened, they always did, after all they'd no choice on the matter. They brought him down towards the abomination's back with an incredible force, a force that would've crushed a true man's form.

 Hollering his own battle cry, Trakaan Astranax plunged Frostfire into his brother's animated corpse, shoving it in with all his draconic strength. 

 The creature tried to scream, tried o elucidate it's pain to the world, but it was cut off. It's cry was strangled right from it's burning throat as Frostfire's hungry flame spread from it's wound and incinerated every bit of the monster's form. 

 Planting his feet, he ripped the glowing instrument out of the creature's back just at it crumbled into nothing more than ashes, then in that same impossibly swift motion dismissed it and spread his wings once more, slowing his descent.

 When he landed, on his taloned feet, it was before many terrified human eyes. He didn't give them time to think, time to respond. Immediately he completed his transformation and took to the air once more, the screams within his breast intensifying.          

End Part 105

If you find yourself interested in the whole damnedable thing and wanna throw me a few bucks, here's a link to it on Amazon.