Welcome to T-God Story- -------- Part 9
O Merciful, O Merciful, O love, O Wise God, please take up the billions of kisses and hugs of this insinuation in your heart. Therefore, the merciful, you know, because of our special ignorance about religion - we are devoted to the expert of religion. I am in our country. In our country, Amir Shad's statement from Tabligh and Munajat started from the prime minister and most of our people in this country Everybody looked at the eyes of the court to stop the work of the court, and in the eyes of the world, it was driven out of the country's Istemeya soil. After the disclosure of his secret character, I was driven out of the country by his staff. Later Maulana Delwar Hossain Sayedee, We were all running behind him with the idea. When the character of the war of liberation war was exposed We saw his true face. We used to sit in front of TV program for listening to the fatwa of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Then when we were exposed to the nation in the war of liberation, then we realized the truth and then I refused. Then Dr. Zakir Naik, doctor of ours Following him as the chief religious teacher of the world, he started running behind him After rejecting his mischief, he also rejected him. Therefore, we are ignorant indeed, because we are always more interested in being a liar, rumor, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. We are more interested in the forbidden things. When you are guiding us to the Prophet, And the messenger of the Prophet (peace be upon him), we still strongly opposed them and fought against them. If you have a game, then we do not have to say anything. And if we have a fault, then we pray to you in tears - you please give us the tone to understand the truth and give us your light. Follow the path of your heart. Therefore, your friend, participating in the liberation war, during the war of independence, knowing the "country of love is the limb of faith" and the rest of the country The master was the one who played the role of Razakars as the West Bank's broker and played the dummy with the honor of his sisters. And for this reason, your great friend, hero freedom fighter, they rose up against Sufi Emperor Hubbur Qila. It was his biggest crime to fight this golden Bengal. That is why the fatwa of the people of the society against him is falsified. Forgive, you do not have us Rakhee, your great friend Sufi Emperor Huzur Qibla has proved through thousands of Qur'anic verses and Hadiths of thousands of Rasools (Sas) through "Sufi Emperor Pannunbagi" in Tafsir, you are not formless, you have the size, you have, you have the quality. We pray to you, please pray to the Apostles, please, please let us see you and make the road easier for you. And your great stop So that we can love more than life, let all the people of this world know that they can recognize him. Please, please make all the people of this golden Bengal as a messenger and make you a golden man. Finally, I beg you to cry, Identity and your personality are presented to this world. You are the real identity of your great friend in this world Release to the serial and not hide it further.
Your sinful servant
A.R.Humayun is my friend at andik444
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