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RE: The Three Alien Beings

in #story6 years ago

That's the thing though, isn't will is tricky business. Ive seen it in raising my son, as all parents do. I have tried to teach and model proper behavior and values. However, if he ultimately would do something bad, it is on him so to speak, he exercised his free will. Thankfully he has been a great kid so far, Im just using him as an example lol.

I can easily remember the days of my youth when there was no recycling. At best there may have been a paper drive once a year. Now all I have to do is throw all the recyclables into a bag and leave it next to the bin. Sadly I am the only one that I can see (4 or 5 houses each side of mine) that does it...sad.


Being a parent is such a learning experience. In many ways you have to give enough free will to allow them to learn for themselves yet there's always that boundary that needs to be observed to keep them safe from harm at the age where they don't know enough about things. When the toddler is running full speed towards the oncoming car, perhaps it's time for some divine intervention, lol.

I'm not so sure about the present state of our recycling programs - I think China is getting tired of taking all our plastics. I think more products should be up-cycled and made so that they can be improved and used again easily. The old days of reuse of washable bottles for soda and milk were nice in a way. Maybe we could go back to doing something like that but with more generic standardized bottles that could be used for refilling with many types of products by using reusable removable labels that attach to the generic bottle. Serial numbers and blockchain technology could take care of easily refunding deposits or giving them to people who return bottles discarded improperly.

What's wrong with you baby So you don't make a story anymore
If you don't make a post, we feel very lonely

Are you okay. I'm worried about your situation

Sorry about not posting recently. I have been a bit busy and kind of needed to get some things done and take some time to detach from writing. Sometimes it is hard for me to stay positive and motivated enough to post things that I think other people will enjoy, so I take a break until I'm feeling like posting again.

Yes, dear

The point is you are healthy and fine right

Hopefully you will be in good health and finish the work quickly

And also can quickly post new posts again

I invite your presence back dear

yes, now I understand and no more question marks (?) arise in my mind. why @lightsplasher is that you haven't posted it for a long time. but it's okay, friend! now I understand it and even myself now like you, very busy with other things, such as completing family work which has become my responsibility as head of the family. thank you dear friend for telling us, and I hope you are always healthy and blessed by God so that it is easier to complete your tasks.

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