in #story6 years ago


I've only drank human blood once. That was part of my initiation. I still have visions of that particular victim.

'Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar' we chanted as we approached the capital city of Yobe State, Damaturu. Our mission on that day was to capture the government house and governors office thereby making the state an Islamic caliphate.

Approaching Damaturu from Buni Yadi, we passed the state's college of agriculture, our once target in the past months where we killed many and burned the administrative building.

On entering Damaturu, the first point of resistance was a mobile police base. They had some cement blocks on the road through which cars weave through.

This is a piece of cake I thought. We were over a hundred and what's a group of 50-60 demoralized officers got to achieve on we that have dying as our ultimate wish.

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"Kill anything and everything that moves in your direction" said our commander.

'Rattattatata, Dum Dum Dum' the sounds of ar15s and modified Ak47s with dozens of armor. I could remember reading later on that 45 mobile policemen died at that first port of call, their base.

We don't count, neither do we check for who is dead nor look back on our way to missions. Once you are penetrated by a bullet, the chances of you making it alive is almost always zero.

First resistance down, we headed further to the next. The state police CID headquarters. Trust the most inexperienced and inefficient police force in the world. They had already ran when we reached there. You'd think life didn't ever existed there when we passed.

Two Toyota vans from our convoy veered into the premises to plant IEDs. I later learned they met some people apparently criminals locked up for investigations.

By the time these infidels would realize what hits them, it'll be too late. We'll be totally in control. We've a caliphate system fully inaugurated and ready to take over.

This town is the last place standing among the areas surrounding Maiduguri, the Borno state capital. By taking this town, we will succeed in cutting off supplies of troops, food, Medicare and ammunition to Borno state. And the ultimate plan is to capture Maiduguri too.

We came in the evening and have classified groups of 50s to 100s of well trained and armed men approaching from 5 different entry points to the capital. Their direct order is to kill anything and everything obstructing their mission.


On getting closer to the only roundabout in damaturu and obviously the central point, we saw barricades from a distance but no sign of them infidels. This must be a trap I thought.

Our IED experts dropped to sweep the area. Ours isn't those time wasting explosives you'll have to set time on or trigger by remote controls. Just clicked and throw in the direction of 🔥 and it'll do the job perfectly. It's you come out alive or die with it a shahid.

Kaboom goes the bomb. Just like a Molotov if you know one. It explodes on hitting the target, mostly the ground for maximum effect.

If you are within 30m of this thing, you'll wish you were dipped in a hot oil meant for frying chicken breasts. And I am not joking. Those fragments inside pierce like a hot knife through butter. They are mostly the cause of death from a bomb explosion. Think of a doctor's scalpel. And so they are meant for just that. Death.

2, 3, 4 bombs down then some men dropped to sweep and clear the area for our passage. Minutes later, we got radioed to proceed.

That's when got under heavy fire, I can remember hearing the click, click of empty shells. The leading hilux van together with everyone inside was toasted. The rest of us took cover.

To be continued


This is really shocking n scary like watching a horror show...only that this is real.

You are right. Only that this was real. Streets deserted. Everywhere dead except for the sounds of automatic weapons and bombs. Scary.

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