Inspiration Story: Big question in my life.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Big question in my life.


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Each time must have its own characteristics, it is caused by a living creature at that time. Like the times experienced on Teru Island.
The island has beautiful scenery, an abundance of natural resources but it will not be meaningless if it is not managed. The interest is now replaced by a debate between two groups on Teru Island.

"Daddy, why do we have to build that big wall?" Rick asked.
"You do not want thieves to come to our village, do you?"
The boy just nodded his head, a sign he did not want the thief to enter his house.

On the other hand, there is a very simple village. The houses there are only made of wood and straw but the inhabitants have large and sturdy bodies.

"Mom, can I play out?" Brick asked.
"Should not! There's a cunning creature there, you want to kidnap them ?! "
Brick was only pensive when his mother would not let him go to play.

Rick and Brick were born as village head boys but their freedom to see the outside world was always eliminated. Life in the village is so boring for both children, nothing new can be learned.
The next day, Rick intends to go outside the village, he wants to feel the outside world, Arriving at the gate, Rick does not see a single guard and it is very profitable for him. Armed with curiosity, Rick down the forest around him. He was amazed to see the beauty of nature that has never been felt.

"Wow, it's beautiful! But why did Dad forbid me to see this beauty? "
The beauty of nature has not quite answered all the questions Rick once asked his father. So, he resumed his adventure.
"There's another village on the island, I guess it's just our village," looking at the smoke coming from the little village.

With a slow pace, Rick approached the village. Hope he can see who lives there. Rick could only see from the bushes so no one would know.
"It turns out the village is inhabited by big creatures."
Rick did not realize that what he saw was human. The freedoms taken away from him make him blind to physical and non-physical differences.

Now Rick's legs hit a sharp twig, he immediately closed his mouth with his hand so as not to scream again. However, the cry was heard by Brick who was drawing on the ground. Brick went over to the bushes and he found Rick was in pain from the prick of the twig.

"Are you all right?" Brick asked.
"It's okay," while frowning in pain.
"I'll get you some medicine!"
"Do not ... do not!" Rick forbade the boy to take medicine for him.
"You must be treated, I get the medicine first. You just stay here! "

Finally Rick would be treated by Brick. After picking up the herb leaves, Brick put it on Rick's wound.

before I have never see you? "" Yes ... I come from the village of the other. "" Ah! "brick surprised." so there are other villages too! "" not you are surprised, I also new first look desamu! "" anyway, I brick and you? "" Rick. call Aja Rick. "" Oh ... regards know, "while greets the hands of Rick. they both keep tells the story and mutual sharing of the village. Rick from the village of magnificent and brick from the village of simple. no limitation any dissuade them when sharing. now their understanding difference in the village of them. days have started afternoon and Rick must be returned to the village. he didn't want to make parents worry." I return first Yes. "" Yes carefully on the road, Rick! "arriving in the village, he saw the face of his father was flushed due to find his lost it." from anywhere you! "" out looking for bolaku missing, "Rick don't want to tell her experience it to his father." why don't you told the guard for mencarikannya for you ?! "" no guard none. "" sign in to your room. now! "Rick can't say anything, it just beat his head." why father so angry when I go to the outside of the village? "before bed, Rick looked at the moon is shining bright. just months can understand curiosity of it." Sir! Sir! "now sound guard sound like to find a thief or penyelinap. Rick view of the window and saw the guard was interesting a son of ... it was a brick." brick? why he could caught? being what he's doing here? "Rick soon to him, but it turns out his father was preceded it." Sir, children being spy on US! "" Oh ... children of the village of the thief? enter him into the confinement! "without further ado brick put in confinement bamboo. his friend, Rick can not do anything that time, he can only be seen from a distance only. Sun start reveals himself, at the time-was happening noise in close the door village to access out-entry of the population except for Rick." restore my son! "shouted one of the body is great." what's the fuss like this? "father Rick immediately to the source of noise that. after up, saw a crowd of sturdy ready to destroy the Wall along with the door of it. these people are brought sejata simple as axes and hammer to precaution in case of war between the village." what as you wish to here ?! "" mauku here? restore my child, I know you already menculiknya! basic Fox! "feud it will never finished if there is no of those who budge. result of the noise that, Rick go to places where brick locked up. Rick see no guard just there because all the Guardian is assigned to just in front door of the village." brick! bagun brick ... "" Rick! what ?! "" your father has come here and he was bring his Army. I am afraid of the event of war. "" father ?! "after the release brick, Rick go to places feud such but seems unlikely to explain to both the leader of the village." what we have to do?'s father we definitely won't listen to US! "" a while ... I have an idea! "brick whisper idea to Rick, he sure with the idea that can be bringing together the two of the village. then, they go to the Forest through the back door village commonly used to drive the livestock out." go there! you are not accepted here! "" what you say ?! "all right then. let destroy this village!" father brick along with his troops to break the gate of the village and came to pass the war that are not expected by both the child. after a few hours, come flood. from nowhere flood it but water it was pretty menghentkan war both the village. then, a grandfather come post flood the along both children who call him and not the other is Rick and brick. "you always have never get along! why do you do this battle ?!" snapped grandfather of it. "the sneaky first were abducting my son!" "what !!!" "silent all of you! profit both your son is called me here if not sure there will be a victim of the soul. you live in the same Island, why don't you can help each other. child you are not allowed play out! what's wrong with you?" second leaders that no one dare to see the face grandfather of it. they just bow only. aware of what they do, making them not be able to answer the question of the grandfather. "should you use the difference between you to complement each other instead of hostile. child you only be friends with good why you as adults can not do it? last time, I don't want to see you at war again!" finally grandfather it go and disappear in the trees. since then two groups can relationships well. live together in the difference and of course with unity strong.



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