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RE: The Drugging Of My Youth - A Survival Story

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Wow super powerful post! Those are intense initiation experiences. I’m sorry you were drugged in this way, but that ultimately it led you on the bright and empowered path you’re on now. I’m sorry too so many kids are drugged and their voices aren’t heard! It needs to stop! It’s not the answer. Glad you got an opportunity too to use herb which worked well for your system. Our culture needs so much healing 🖤


It's intense just remembering them, and kinda miraculous I even function as well as I do now having been through all that and more. I'm happy you found my story to be powerful, the experience certainly was. Am grateful to be where I am now and have realized so much so early. The longer you are on psychiatric drugs the harder it is to quit them and my mission is to remove dependence in my life. I'm glad I got that opportunity as well, it was tough to obtain at times and may have placed me in questionable crowds but it worked for me and that was valuable. I don't even need it anymore! I concur heavily on the healing of our culture. It's beyond messed up that we handle people who are suffering in this way and indeed it needs to STOP! Thankyou for your comment <3

wow well, i'd say you're not only functioning well, but you're thriving!! you've done amazing things and that you've done many of them alone speaks to your inner fortitude, personal power and strength of spirit.

have you seen this article?

to me, if we keep drugging everyone who is out of the norm, not even to say that they have ea mental illness (as in your case), we are suppressing the spiritual truth seeking to come up through each individual...

<3 <3 <3 thanks again for sharing- that took guts!!

Wow thankyou, I appreciate your uplifting words! I am pretty resilient, it's unfortunate others who've been through similar experiences came out believing there was something wrong with them - "here take this pill." Rather than a reintroduction to regular life and healthier therapeutic methods of understanding and coping with whatever they may be going through as opposed to just being drugged into a stupor. But maybe the placebo effect works for some in that manner. I on the other hand couldn't possibly bring myself to believe the state has my best interests in mind in any arena sadly.

I have seen that article and a couple others like it. I completely agree with it! ^_^

Exactly, however I don't refer to my diagnosis as a 'mental illness' rather a label for my uniqueness in an attempt to suppress it. Did you know that many famous people have aspergers? hehe.

Mhmm turning creative persons into zombies is not beneficial to the world whatsoever >.<

Grateful for your engagement on this post and insights it has significantly elevated my mood <3 <3 <3!!!

yeah i just reread what i wrote and realized it sounded like i was referring to you as having a mental illness - i wrote that wrong. it meant to read that not everyone that gets hospitalized has mental illness! i wouldn't call aspergers a mental illness either! i have met people with it and as with anything on the autism spectrum, personally, my belief is that it often gives one like extra sensory powers! ... ever since i watched temple grandin i have thought that, and then i did more research and met people and read more stories and truly i think yall have something to share/teach the world that is pretty grand in our time.

i'm also curious if autism spectrum manifestations have been around for a long time or why it is popping up more now. something in the water? or maybe, as my theory posits, that it's people with special ways of seeing and thinking that come here to give us important messages.

anyway, with temple grandins hug machine, i felt like i totally got her <3

so happy to hear it lifted your mood :) a little encouragement goes a long way and it's nice to uplift each other <3 XOXO

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