The lost swan baby
The lost swan baby
I'm a big canvas rabbit. I was roaming the forest. Suddenly I heard someone crying. I go and see, one sibling cry is crying. I asked, 'What happened to you?'
'He said,' I have lost. I do not know where my house is! '
'Come, let's find your house.' I said.
Walking on the walk, we came to a very nice hole. I said, 'this is your house?'
'I do not know. I'm from the sugar inside the house. I do not know how he is home from outside. When I got out of the house, I did not even notice. 'Said the swan's child.
We went into that hole, I saw. We realized that this is not a swan house. So we got out of the house very soon. But the owner of the house, Shail cried out, 'Come on, come home, you will be happy.'
We told him, 'Not now. I will be in front of any day. '
A house was hanging in front of a tree.
I said, 'That can be your home!'
'Come, go and see me!' Said the swan.
We jumped on the tree. I reached the house.
'No, this is not my house. My house is big, clean. Look at it, broken broken! '
Just after the talk, the crab flies there. The crooked voice shouted, 'Right, this is not your house. This is my house I made it myself!
The swans said, 'Why did you build such a messy house?'
'Messy means! I've made my home. As I wish, I will build a house, what's in it? ' Then he said, 'Get out of my house!'
Crow pulls away from his house. Then we reached a wonderful home. This house has roofs.
'This is your house?' I asked the swan's child.
'I think this house is sugar. But now I can not say this is not my house!
'Yes, it seems to know the door.'
This is how the house recognition began.
I asked, 'Do you know the bed?'
We jumped into the bed. Hey! What a soft! What a joy to jump!
'I sleep in this bed. And I eat there. '
I am surprised, I sit there and you are there? You all have eaten? '
'No, I did not eat here. That means it is not my house!
Just open the door and entered the house, big dog. Suddenly, the swan went out of the dog's house and started playing with a dog. Storm fell on the floor and became unconscious.
I thought, I did not just enter the dog's house, but here I came to know that the sapling became unconscious. This is a great problem!
The dog asks, 'Why have you entered my house?'
'Look at this one little bit. I turned around, returned ..., 'I said.
'Is my house housed in a museum?'
I said, 'forgive us. We're going out. '
I grabbed the swan and took it out of the dog house
From there we read a bear girl's front. The swan asked the bear, 'What is this in your hand?'
The elucid said, 'The fruits have been collected. Eat fruits. I have taken fruits of broken egg shells. '
Swan snatch the broken egg from the bear's handle. Then he said, 'This is my house! I found my house! 'Then crying out loud,' My house is broken. ' Where I am now I'm really lost! '
Then the well-wisher said to him, 'Hey, nothing has hurt you. You just got out of this egg. That's right! Oatukui! '