Secret 7 (Part 1) Weiru-Komoko.. 1600 AD (Red Indians and Ransom Defeat )

in #story2 years ago


After Pocahontas intercepted the sword road like this... People's treatment of me changed to the opposite. She seems to be very much loved among her people. Everyone's been treating me with kindness and giving me food and drink. Their food is weird, but it tastes great. A whole month was spent with the Red Indians in their wonderful village. I would have liked to kidnap the beautiful Pocahontas and run away from this land to a land where only she and I are.
The King, who I have come to call "Palatine" relative to "Bhutan", agreed with me to be loyal to him and to stop the frequent skirmishes between us. He said he would send us food regularly. I should have humiliated him and agreed. He doesn't know the English's intention yet. We intend to occupy his country completely, whether satisfied or not. This is an upscale land that deserves upscale civilized people. Not a barbaric people like his. Unless they are willing to rise, they will live with us in peace.
That's why I went back to the camp and the guys were surprised to be back. Because I came back with many Indians loaded with food tables. While in camp, Pocahontas came every third day or less to spend the day together on the River York. You loved Pocahontas and you loved me. The problem is that her father, the King, is not willing to submit to England. He wants England under his control. That meant a struggle soon. He killed a lot for the people of Pocahontas. This is hard for me, but my country's interest is above my personal lust. That's how I learned... But destiny has not given me to witness war with soldiers. In the middle of all the arrangements and equipment, we've been making... Ammunition exploded in my face by mistake.
Note "Pocahontas":
Suddenly John Smith died. They told us he was dead and his body was taken to England. My father is waiting to know the new leader to make the same deal with John Smith. But just after John Smith died, the Englishman started attacking us. The skirmishes turned into a deadly grinding war in which so many Bohattans were killed. The weapons used by the English were lethal. And Bohattan needed a very long time to develop ways to resist these weapons. The war has been burning for almost four years. We tasted hell. The English were ultra-cruel people who killed wholesale, used the vilest tactics, and swooped all covenants.
The parties kept grappling until that day when I went to Pattawmix village on my father's order. It is a village that was not loyal to the King... I was going there on an important social occasion. When I got there, they set a trap, tricked me, and caught me. It was the Patamix who set me in a trap. I knew they were loyal to the English against my father. I felt a plaster in my throat. They want to use me to put pressure on my dad. Death is less than why I defeated my nation in this war.
I was locked in a ship of their big ships in a tight room. My condition is very bad because of the ship's constant vibration while standing in the water. I empty myself every day and I dare and I lose consciousness and they don't understand that I want to move away from the ship and think that what I have is because of depression and fear. You all lost... Pocahontas is not a woman who hides or is weakened by families. It's just the seasickness.
And in the darkness of the night... Between a jolt and another jolt. Open my narrow room door. And an entity came in that I didn't know very well. But he was a big guy for sure. He stood at the door a little bit like an idol. He was smoking. The darkness and rising smoke gave him a frightening view. The man came to me and asked me in English, a question I didn't understand. Then he came forward more and stretched his hand to fumble my neck. I was tied up, but I raised my knees and stabbed him in the stomach, and he caught up in pain and shouted angry words. Then the tragedy started. The man went crazy and grabbed me and did everything a wolf could do with a beautiful girl tied up. Then he came up with me and said a few words. Alter his clothes and go away. Leaving me to dare the blood of my virginity and to dare with it my tears. Here. This night... And in this vile room... I lost the King's daughter, Pocahontas. The most precious dream of girls... He was stolen from me by an animal. I lost my virginity. I can't fix anything anymore. I wish I'd died before this. If it wasn't for me, I'd throw myself into the river.
Note "John Smith":
Ammunition exploded in my face by mistake. I got a lot of burns, but I didn't die. I left for England to be treated. The English told the Red Indians that John Smith was dead. In an attempt to wriggle away from the treaty I entrusted to them... It's been a month or two and my people couldn't afford it anymore. They started the attack with ferocity. We always won because our armaments outnumbered them, even though they outnumbered us. The war between us and them lasted many years. Even the families of the English "Pocahontas" during a campaign... They knew how much her father attached to her, so they kidnapped her as a way of putting pressure on him. As a means of protection... It's not crazy to do any attack and the most precious thing we have on our hands. We asked him for a big, miraculous ransom, but he didn't pay it in full. That's why we kept our beautiful Pocahontas.
While Pocahontas was in captivity, the seed of admiration for our civilization began to form and grow. Since my relationship with her, she adores our civilization and I have touched her love of civilization and the hatred of underdevelopment and barbarism she sees in her people. This seed began to grow during her captivity, especially with the high-end English treatment we were treating her with. She even convinced Christianity and turned to her. She was baptized and renamed Rebecca. We named her after Rebecca, mentioned in the Torah or "Jacob" and "Essio." Each one of Jacob and Aisiu descended a nation. Rebecca was a soft mom. Pocahontas represented a meeting of two mothers. The English Nation and the Amerindian Nation.
Her love for our civilization has evolved into hatred for her civilization. Even during her captivity, we allowed her to meet a delegation of her people whose father was in their midst. When she saw them, she screamed at her father and told him that she hated him because it turned out to be cheaper for her than old swords and pieces of axes. The ransom we requested, which included their people's weapons, was intended.
One of England's biggest traders is John Rolfe. She accepted the marriage with great pleasure. This marriage was a declaration of peace between the faithful after the length of the war and it was truly a blatant one. Pocahontas traveled with Rolfe to England. It was presented to English society as the pigeon of peace between two great nations. But the problem is that I, too, was in England. Pocahontas suddenly saw me in front of her.
Note "Pocahontas":
I hated myself. I'm the cause of my nation's defeat. I'm honorable. No value, no weight. I don't know who raped me yet. But the next day, I got a rich-looking man named John Rolfe. He offered to marry me in exchange for the end of the war between his people and mine. And in the midst of my pain and bewilderment, I found it an opportunity to make good on everything. I feel like the cause of my nation's tragedy will end with this marriage that I will inject their precious blood into. And my honor was lost by an animal that could be forced by marriage. If it was a marriage to people I never hated in my life as I hated them with all their courtesy, obedience, cruelty, and deception... Except I had to... For my people.
To get married, they told me I had to get into Christianity and take a new name for myself, Rebekah. I agreed to all this unconditionally. And I got married to that rich man and a years-long war stopped for all my people were always the victim. I traveled with Rolfe to England. And there I knew that my marriage was not as peaceful as they were trying to show their people in England. It was propaganda. Propaganda for their colony they built on my land. Which the colony of Virginia called... They wanted the world to see how the conditions on the new continent they went to colonize were remarkable and the people on the new continent loved them. The proof was Princess Pocahontas, daughter of the Red Indian King.
While I was in England, I knew John Smith, that big prankster wasn't dead. They told us because he had agreed with my father that he and his people had no intention of committing to it. I even met John Smith by accident one day and I told him in the face that he was a big prankster. And I thought he was a good man, as my people thought. But he's actually only a dirty-blood colonizer. And my voice began to rise in the face of all this deception that we are forced to live in. I got into many conflicts with John Rolfe and I started to strongly refuse to attend the meetings and events they were forcing me to attend. Until John Rolfe had only one solution.
One day after a drink of water... I felt like the world was going around me. And she turns inside my head. My body was weaker than his and I fell to the ground. I realized Rolfe had poisoned me in the water drink. I realized that they wanted to relax from upsetting me and keep the picture they had of the world about me. The girl hates her humble people and loves England and invites the English to come to her land and occupy it to spread their civilization. That's what they wanted the world to believe. The world has believed and will believe them until the end. Bohattan... And the great civilization of Bohattan... And the precious Bohattan blood that has gone down on our land in rivers. No one cares about it. So what does this blood mean compared to English royal blood? Of course nothing.


It is not right to use someone's photo without their permission. You have been warned. Hope you don't do this again.

I will take your word for it in the future

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