Fallen angels "messengers whose message is unenlightened"

in #story7 years ago


Fallen angels will one day be fully loosed upon the Earth, permitted by God to wreak the worst possible havoc in order for mankind to repent and accept Jesus as savior. Those who accept Christ, they claim, will be saved from such wrath, including the eventual, eternal punishment waged by God against Satan, his fallen angels and unrepentant mankind

These incorrect teachings about fallen angels, demons, devils, Satan, Lucifer and the like have evolved over time into the fearful beliefs many believe, today. And, the original, freeing messages became lost. By comparing ancient manuscripts primarily found within the Old and New Testaments, a misunderstanding of the original ideas spawned all sorts of instruction about devils. Other ancient writings, such as 1 Enoch and Jubilees, have also been used to fill in the holes of these supposed biblical lessons.

Such teachings, though, have created a great misunderstanding concerning fallen angels and even angels in general. Angels are messengers, and fallen angels are messengers whose message is unenlightened. (Fallen angels are messengers whose message does not come from a heart of love but is truly an expression of fear)

God allows Satan in his present activity. "It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but 'we know that in everything God works for good with those who love him'"


Over thousands of years, angel names have evolved in spelling, meaning and use within religions, mysticism – even magic where the name of an angel is thought important in order to invoke angelic help. Some rituals are said to invoke good angels, while other rituals are performed to attempt to invoke fallen angels.

Many good angel names include a suffix word meaning of God (-el), or yah, which means Lord. This is a primary distinction between higher angels and those who have fallen. The use of ‘el’ within angelic names portrays the importance of the angel’s connection with the Divine (God). Both the good and fallen names of angels are traditionally and superstitiously believed to be powerful by some people.


The Fallen Angels

Abaddon – fallen angel of death whose name means “to destroy.”
Abezethibou – one-winged Red Sea fallen angel.
Allocen – fallen angel who is a duke in hell.
Amduscias – name of the fallen angel who appears as a unicorn.
Amon – fallen angel who is a strong marquis over 40 legions.
Amy – name of a fallen angel who is a president in hell.

Andras – fallen angel marquis and appears raven-headed.
Andrealphus – fallen angel who can transform humans into birds.
Andromalius – fallen angel who appears as a man holding a serpent.
Apollyon – fallen angel of death; same as Abaddon.
Armaros – fallen angel who teaches the “resolving of enchantments.”
Asmoday – fallen angel king with three heads: a bull, a ram, and a man.
Asmodeus – one of the most evil of fallen angels, being an archdemon.
Astaroth – fallen angel who is a grand duke in hell.
Azael – evil, fallen angel who cohabited with women.
Azazel – fallen angel whose name means “God strengthens.”
Azza – fallen angel whose name means “the strong.”
Baal – fallen angel whose name means “the lord.”
Balam – fallen angel who looks like Asmoday with a serpent tail.
Balberith – fallen angel who is a grand pontiff in hell.
Baraqijal – fallen angel who teaches astrology.
Barbatos – fallen angel who is a great count, earl and duke of hell.
Bathin – pale horse riding fallen angel.
Beelzebub – fallen angel known as the “prince of demons.”
Behemoth – fallen angel who is the “demon of the deep.”
Beleth – fallen angel who is a terrible king over 85 legions.
Belial – deceptively beautiful fallen angel whose name means “without worth.”
Belphegor – fallen angel whose name means “lord of opening.”
Berith – fallen angel…
Bernael – fallen angel of darkness and evil.
Bifrons – fallen angel that appears monstrous and teaches mathematical arts.
Botis – fallen angel who appears as a viper.
Buer – fallen angel who teaches philosophy, logic and ethics.
Bune – fallen angel who appears as a dragon with three heads.
Caim – fallen angel who appears as a thrush or man with a sword.
Dantanian – fallen angel who appears as a man with many faces.
Decarabia – fallen angel who appears as a star in a pentacle.
Eligor – fallen angel who appears as a good knight with lance.
Enepsigos – fallen angel who appears in the shape of woman.
Flauros – fallen angel who appears as a leopard.
Focalor – fallen angel who appears as a man with griffin wings.
Forcas – fallen angel who teaches logic and ethics.
Forneus – fallen angel marquis who appears as a sea monster.
Furcas – fallen angel who appears as a cruel man with long beard.
Furfur – fallen angel who appears as a hart with a fiery tail.
Gaap – fallen angel who appears as a man with bat wings.
Gadreel – fallen angel whose name means “God is my helper.”
Gamygyn – fallen angel who appears as a small horse.
Glasyalabolas – fallen angel who appears as a winged dog.
Gomory – fallen angel who appears as a camel riding woman of beauty.
Gusion – fallen angel who can discern the past, present or future.
Hagenti – fallen angel who appears as a bull with griffin wings.
Halpas – fallen angel who appears as a stork.
Imamiah – fallen angel who governs voyages.
Ipos – fallen angel who appears as an angel with a lion’s head.
Kokabiel – fallen angel whose name means “star of God.”
Kunopegos – fallen angel who appears as a sea horse and sinks ships.
Lahash – fallen angel who interferes with divine will.
Lerajie – fallen angel who appears as an archer in green.
Leviathon – fallen angel associated with the deep seas.
Lillith – fallen female angel who searches for children to kidnap or kill.
Lix Tetrax – fallen angel of the wind.
Lucifer – actually a Babylonian king whose name means “bearer of light.”
Malpas – fallen angel who appears as a crow.
Marbas – fallen angel who appears as a lion.
Marchosias – fallen angel who appears as a she-wolf with griffin wings.
Mastema – fallen angel whose name means “hostility.”
Mephistopheles – fallen angel; name means “he who loves not the light.”
Morax – fallen angel who appears as a bull.
Naamah – fallen angel of prostitution whose name means “pleasing.”
Naberius – fallen angel who appears as a crowing cock.
Obyzouth – fallen angel femal who kills newborns and cause still-births.
Onoskelis – female fallen angel who lives in caves and perverts men.
Orias – fallen angel who appears as a lion with serpent’s tail.
Ornias – fallen angel who is annoying and can shape-shift.
Orobas – fallen angel who appears as a horse.
Ose – fallen angel who appears as a leopard and is a president in hell.
Paimon – fallen angel who appears as a crowned man on a camel.
Penemuel – fallen angel who corrupts mankind through writing.
Pharzuph – fallen angel of fornication and lust.
Phoenix – fallen angel who appears as a phoenix bird.
Procel – fallen angel who can speak of hidden and secret things.
Purah – fallen angel of forgetfulness and the conjuring of the dead.
Purson – fallen angel who appears as a lion-headed man on a bear.
Qemuel – fallen angel who was destroyed by God.
Rahab – fallen angel of pride whose name means “violence.”
Raum – fallen angel who appears as a crow.
Ronobe – fallen angel who is a monster who teaches rhetoric and art.
Ruax – headache fallen angel.
Sabnack – fallen angel who appears as a soldier with lion’s head.
Saleos – fallen angel who appears as a soldier on a crocodile.
Samael – evil fallen angel whose name means “the blind God.”
Satan – christian fallen angel whose name means “adversary.”
Seere – fallen angel who appears as a man on a winged horse.
Semyaza – fallen angel leader and one of the Sons of God.
Shax – fallen angel who appears as a stork; stealer of money.
Solas – fallen angel who appears as a raven and teaches astronomy.
Sorath – fallen angel to some whose number is 666.
Sytry – fallen angel; appears as a man with griffin wings and leopard head.
Uzza – fallen angel whose name means “strength.”
Valac – fallen angel who appears as a small boy with wings on a dragon.
Valefor – fallen angel who appears as a many-headed lion.
Vapula – fallen angel who is skilled in handicrafts, science and philosophy.
Vassago – fallen angel who discovers all things lost or hidden.
Vepar – fallen angel who appears as a mermaid.
Vine – fallen angel and appears as a lion sitting on a black horse.
Vual – fallen angel who appears as a huge camel.
Wormwood – fallen angel who brings plagues upon the Earth.
Xaphan – fallen angel who fires the fires of hell.
Zagan – fallen angel who can transform things; looks like a bull with wings.
Zepar – fallen angel who makes women love men.

God created Satan, does not mean that He created him as an evil being. Rather, God created him good, and then he chose to become evil.

It also the same to us God created us for him to be worshiped

Two gifts that God gave to us:

  1. Life
  2. Choice

It is our Choice to be Bad or Good, he didn't want us to be controlled and that is Life.

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