
They are! Hopefully the stream of new content will pick up soon. There will be more posts on writing craft too after this series of four. I'm also working on a short story that I'll be posting in a week or so as well. My muse has been generous lately. I try to create as much as I can while it's flowing.

I find the hardest thing is to simplify my splurge of subconscious words on the page. My muse chatters incessantly. I've never had writers block or ran out of ideas in my life! I am very lucky :)

I lot of writers would be jealous, @mindhunter! I've been lucky in this respect too. If I have a dry spell when it comes to creativity I've learned how to spark it again.

Coming soon ... 'What Is The Best Piece Of Writing Advice You've Ever Received? [Apart From Something By @ericvancewalton - "Hi Eric!"]'

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