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RE: Mabel's diary: The Couple (02)
No dear, It's isn't lost.
It's a series that follows Mabel's works and her life. She is a counsellor and a psychologist.
The first part is Mabel's diary: My Guardian and it's on my blog. Please read it.
#1 Mabel's diary: The Guardian
#2 Mabel's diary: The Couple
Thank you @arthur.grafo
OK, I read both. Thanks.
I hope you want me to be honest, for I would like to see you improve as a writer.
First of all, you need to improve yourr knowledge of English. For instance, you say she has an appalling body . Appalling according to the dictionary means "Strike with disgust or revulsion" Did you really mean that, or did you mean, appealing? Within the same paragraph you state
So, are you saying they became her tenants in her apartment and then moved next door two years ago? I'm not really certain what it is you meant.
Many who write (and read our stories) on Steemit, English is not the mother tongue, so everybody tries to ignore the mistakes - and, to be honest, sometimes the mistakes are charming, even opening me to new ways of seeing what is common. That is beautiful.
However, you do have talent and I would love to see you grow as a writer. The most difficult gift to find is the gift of creativity. The rest is technical. You have the gift, so it is important you strive to improve your use of the language.
A few suggestions to get you started. Before posting here, get an english speaking friend to read and make suggestions to correct your mistakes. It must be someone you trust not to change your way of speaking, for that is part of what you bring to your stories that makes them fresh, uniquely yours and sometimes even quirky.
So that you understand why I stress this, I have been writing my story for seventeen years. I publish them in Word format or pdf, at between 700 to 1,000 Word pages (in soft cover book they equal between 1,800 to 2,600 pages per book. I have re-read each book between eight to fifteen times. Even so, each time I read one again, I find new mistakes. It is not only mistakes in grammar and spelling, often, because I am writing in a hurry, I write without completing the sentence, making it difficult for my reader to understand what or why I wrote what I did. My first story published here, a fantasy story about love and empathy, I think I have proofed it over 20 times and yet, as I see the pages appear in my post, I can't help myself, I re-read and am appalled by how many mistakes I find! A reader, at my request, informed me of two mistakes within the first page!
Even this comment, I have re-read and corrected it a number of times! Mistakes creep in when you are concentrating on what you want to say, and that is how it should be, you should only concentrate on correcting once you are done writing for the day. Try to read what you wrote a day or two later, so that you are reading as a stranger would and you will notice mistakes you would not see on the day you wrote the story.
That is it from me and I hope you accept this comment in the spirit it is meant. You must never stop writing and you must never stop learning and growing, but, also never stop having fun, enjoying your writing, even when the story hurts you (as I think this one did). If you are able to do that...can you imagine where you might end up someday?