This is how I started to invest in crypto with only 100$

in #story8 years ago

Try not to hate for bad english or bad writing. I am not a blogger and I am better with numbers than with words x)

So last year I was working for swedish price comparison site I had lots of good colleagues but there was one, who was my student as well. I was teaching him new stuff and we got together pretty well.
In december 2016 he asked if I ever invested in crypto currency. I was a total noob in crypto, well total noob would be more experienced than me. I never invested in anything!
Why? Well, mostly because I never had money. Not because I did not had a job but because Poland is not very wealthy country and even if you get a job in foreign company, they will pay crap salary because...Poland...
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Well I don't want to complain but after 5 years of studies and a 2 degrees and after 4 years of experience in the same company that earns millions because our work I would like to earn more than 700$ a month. Enough of that!

About that crypto investing. So friend told me that XRP will go up because developers of XRP will have some contract in future with banks and this coin will go up 4 sure and that I should buy. I said OK and that was it, the same stupid thing as everyone tells me now when I try to hook them up with investing in crypto!

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So I was thinking about that XRP and BTC and crypto all together but when you save money and when it's hard to save small amounts then it is even harder to risk loosing that money with investing.
I made up my mind so I did what every manly man would do...


I asked my wife if she was ok with it x)
Well you gotta do what you gotta do and she is love of my life so I should care what she thinks.
She was not very happy that's for sure and I said I will try my best not to loose.
She said OK but I remember that look on her face...

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After 4 years of my work and around 2 years of my wifes work we saved around 2100$ so with heavy hearth I took a 100$ and I invested on Poloniex. Well it was not 100 because after fees and everything I had like 95,5$. On 14th of january i bought my first XRP. It was a bit over 11k, back then 1 XRP was 810satoshi so it was very cheap.
Same day I also bought LBC, not much because 999 coins for 2k satoshi and that was it. I did not know what to think about but someone on trollbox said it will go up and I checked, he seemed ok and that info was good enough for me. So that is how I started as a total noob investing in crypto.


Next day...I woke up and checked my crypto and HOLY SH!T
My LBC went from 2k satoshi to 4k in less than a day! I did not know what to do about it, did not know will it go up or down - nothing! I just couldn't believe it. For me it was not possible to earn twice of your money in 1 day.


So I sold it for BTC and it did not matter for me that it was only 18$ because I was hooked.
Some of you will say that I shouldn't day trade and I know it (now) but I still love to do that from time to time.
Damn this blog is starting to be long, so I got more to share but I don't know if anyone wants to read it so if you actually read it please comment and let me know so I will share rest of that story later. Sorry for that cliffhanger but my wife will be home in few hours and I need to make us lunch because I do not work for now.
If you think my english is bad and I did something very wrong please tell me, I am trying to constantly improve myself.

Be kind to other people and talk to ya later guys :)


Great, I'm very happy for you. I will follow you because I love positive people like you.

I don't know if I am positive :) I am just me :) I will try to get more of that story later today. I think it is pretty positive :) Thanks for commenting, I think you are my first commenter x)

You know what? I am a positive person. I've been told too many times that I am not by people who wanted to use my that I actually believe it but it is bull crap :D I am very positive even in rough times ^^ Thank you. I needed that.

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