Two Cents

in #story6 years ago

To all the women who are going through or will go through the daily stress juggling between home and work, here are my two cents that I sware by, will help you all your life. Just keep them with you all your life. With this, here I begin my short story # 2:

Two Cents.png

It was a very stressful evening for Tina and a lot was going on in her mind, while she was driving back home. Her car music was loud today and she was singing along “I got guns in my head and they won’t go… spirits in my head and they won’t go”. She was really having guns in her head, as tomorrow is big day for Sam. It’s going to be his first day at School, that’s given huge anxiety to Tina.
Tina wasn’t sure how she would manage her office and work, along with added burden of waking up even earlier and getting Sam to board the School bus on time. This meant, Tina’s days had shrunk and she will now have to speed up in everything related to work and office, both.
All this while, Tina has been proud of her motherhood. She has been doing all she could, for her big boy. Tina didn’t want to fail here.
All of a sudden, Tina hears a loud horn while she was day dreaming; signal lights had turned green and other drivers were honking at Tina as she wasn't moving. Tina accelerated and said to herself, maybe I am thinking too much. I should be happy that it’s my boy’s first day at School, while her palms were still sweating. She started taking deep breaths to calm her down.
Tina starts thinking about shrinking her kitchen time so that she could spend some time with her boy and get him to bed by 8pm. While, it seemed impossible for her to sleep this early, as she used to finish her work after Sam had slept, all because she had to get everyone going. Tina started calculating, should I wake up by 6 O’clock, or 5.30 every morning, will I have enough time to get my boy ready in the morning. Will I prove to be a good mother? With this thought, her eyes had turned pink as she entered the driveway.
Tina quickly looked the other side, as she knew, her neighbor noticed her worried face. Maria waived at Tina again and said, “Hey neighbor, how are you”, as Tina was rushing to open the door.
Tina: I am good Maria, just a bit tired.
Maria without saying a word, went back to her car and something made her move out again, and she rushed back to her house.
Tina’s bell rang after a while, and she found Maria standing at the door with two coffee mugs and a big smile that she always has. Tina hugged her neighbor.
Maria: Let’s have coffee together. I am tired too. Tina wanted to speak up, but couldn’t say a word. Maria knew something was bothering Tina.
Maria: Are you sure, you are alright, I have seen life two decades more than you. Maybe I can help.
Tina: I think, I should either work half a day or quit my job. I hardly get enough sleep. I don’t want to fail Maria. My career seems to end, not sure how would I deal with Sam’s school and work. I am afraid, I will not be able to do justice to work or Sam, and if I fail at work, how I would deal with mortgage? I might have to sell the house, and mere thought of moving to basement, made her cry.

Maria: Is this the only big deal? She said, “Snap out Tina”. You will do just fine. Here are my two cents of advice to you. 1) Don’t aim to be perfect, just do a good job. Take a couple of days off work so that you settle down well with the schedule. My second cent to you, 2) “It doesn’t get easier, you get better”, and gave her a hug.
Tina was actually feeling better now. She messaged her boss that she needs a couple of days off while Sam settles down to School, and she to her new schedule.
The doorbell rang again and it was George and Sam. Sam was smeared in dirt, and it seemed as if he had been buried under a ton of sand and has been dug out just now. Sam had the same grin again which made Tina’s worries vanish. She hugged her dirt-smeared boy and said to him “Mummy is ready, let’s rock the school”, and Sam waived for a High five.
George: Let me get him to shower and put him to sleep today. You have a good rest, tomorrow’s the big day for you too.
Tina woke up much earlier next morning with new confidence. She felt like a superwoman today and ensured everything from Sam’s uniform to meal was perfect. Tina tries to wake up Sam, who was in deep sleep, and tries all her tricks from tickling feet to singing his favorite rhyme; but the boy didn’t want to leave the bed. Tina somehow got success after 10 minutes. Buoy…. What a task it was. She gets Sam ready and both were at the bus stop soon. Sam was super excited about boarding the School bus and they both were singing “Wheels on the bus go round and round”…...
Tina found it strange that it was just she and Sam at the bus stop, was wondering if they have missed the bus. She hears someone calling Tina! Tina!. By the time she could figure out, she found Maria stop her car in front of them.
Maria: How are you, lady? How come so early?
Tina: It’s Sam’s first day and we don’t want to late.
Maria: Late? It’s 7 honey, still an hour
Tina: Is it? My Goodness!!! How could I do this to my poor little boy? Let’s go back sweetie and nap for some more time and starts rushing towards home.
Sam: But, Mom; my watch says, it’s time to board the bus….
Tina: No honey, mummy is silly, didn’t check time. We’ll came back when it’s time.
Sam: Silly mom, as he found it funny and went back home laughing and was on and on. He called upon his Dad to tell about Silly Tina's episode. Sam was the one having all the fun out of it. George and Sam kept laughing at this for some time, and George got busy in getting ready for work.
Tina and Sam leaned on a chair for a short nap. All of a sudden, Tina heard a bang, that woke her up. This was the backyard door that was banging because of strong winds. She quickly turned around to check the time. This made Sam wake up too. The clock showed half past 9 already, that’s an hour past Sam’s school bus time.
Tina: Oh noooooo….. Not the second time. She was frustrated by her silly stuff.
Sam looked at his wrist-watch too, though haven't learned yet how to watch time. Said, “My watch says, it’s time to board the bus. Come, catch me”
Tina did laugh at the boy's sense of humor, while she knew Sam would be sad if he gets to know that they missed the bus today. She had no answer, while she remembered the two cents Maria gave her. “Don’t try to be perfect, just give your best”, and ‘It doesn’t get easier, you get better”.
Tina said to herself, I will have to make it better and do my best right now.
Tina: Sam, “how about Mummy drops you to the school today in her car”. It’ll be fun! You can watch your Batman movie on my phone while I drive you to the School. Nothing seemed more interesting to Sam then this.
Sam and Tina were not worried about missing the School bus anymore but were enjoying Sam’s first day at school. While driving, Tina said to herself, “You made the biggest deposit to my bank account Maria! These two cents will be there with me for life”

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