A year ago, a man of my acquaintance whose name Mr. Von decided to set up a sales agent that sold a mobile home. He was advised by many people not to do it and was convinced that he could not do it. Mr. Von has $ 5,300 in deposits, and gets the idea that at least a minimum capital investment is required several times that amount.
"See how difficult the competition is," he was advised by his friend”. After all, what practical experience do you have in selling a mobile home, not to mention managing a business? "His friend asked.
But Mr. Von is confident of himself and his ability to succeed. Quickly, he confessed that he did not have the capital, the business was very competitive and he has no experience. "But," he said, "all the evidence I can collect shows the car home industry will flourish. Above all, I have studied the competition. I know I can manage trailer commercial jobs better than anyone in this city. Of course I will make some mistakes, but I will be at the top”.
Then Mr. Von proves it. He experienced little difficulty to get capital. His strong conviction that he can succeed with this business, earned him the confidence of two investors. With a sense of confidence and a strong belief, he embodies "the impossible", he builds a trailer factory to expand his limited inventory, almost without capital.
3 months ago Mr. Von sells trailers for more than $ 1,000,000. "Next year," he said, "I expect a profit of over $ 2,500,000."
Strong conviction made Mr. Von mind search for ways, tools and means. By believing that he can succeed.
8 Months after that, Mr. Von sends notices to a number of engineering companies, that he given the authority to oversee several companies designing nine bridges, as part of the road construction program. The bridge will be built at a cost of $ 8,000,000. The engineering company will earn a 5,2 percent commission, or $ 460,000, for its design.
Mr. Von speaks with 18 engineering companies on this subject. 7 the largest, decided right then to submit a proposal. 14 other companies are small, and each has only 4 to 6 engineers. The size of the project cause tremble 13 of the 14 companies. They research the project, shook his head, and said, Too big for us. I was hoping we could handle this project. But, try it would be in vain.
However, one of those small companies, a company with only 2 engineers, studied the plan and said “We can do it. We will propose a proposal”. then they go ahead and get the project.
Mr. Von gave a message: confidence evokes the power to do. Those who believe can move mountains, successful. Those who believe can’t move mountains, fail.
hei yu vil egut, wan etek
ka jak let leumoe meu aneuk keudeh
a story of success! congrats! ",
Thanks a lot @noime
may be useful :)
Story for succesd...
Mantap @makhzar...
Thanks my friend
Succes for all
Sukses selalu bradeer.hhh
Syukran abu :)
Postinga yang bagus good luck brader
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salam kenal kembali :)