
Interesting. I work in particle physics as well, and even if it is often not in a completely explicit fashion, infinities do tend to pop up everywhere and need to be properly take care of. I'm sure you know what I mean. What have you been working on lately?

I work on many things at the momentm, all connected to theoretical particle physics: LHC, beyond the standard model physics, dark matter, future experiments, precision calculations, etc... On too many things I may want to say ^^

What are you working on?

EDIT: just noticed you answered below ;)

Ok that REALLY sounds mind-blowing!
Im doing an apprenticeship, it does not have anything to do with science. I've just been interested in such things and read about them in my spare time :)

It is indeed cool . I like what I do, and I try to share this love for science with others :)

PS: Note that I am a physicist and not a physician (cf. your other message)

I like the linking to the world of physics!
But I am really not a physician, nonetheless I love this anecdote!
What are you doin' in your everyday basis?

Well, the specific tasks vary a bit, but I'm studying the dynamics of strong interactions using an effective model. Our aim right now is to be able to fit our model to describe some of the phenomenology of the light mesons and then to do some thermodynamic analysis. I'd gladly elaborate on this, but I'm not sure this is the proper place to do so. Thank you for asking, though. Is your work related with science as well?

Please do elaborate and try to discuss what you are working on. I would be more than happy to read!

I tried to do that in the past, and some Steemians really liked it. By the way, now I got enough info and I found who you were. I hope we will meet one day ^^

PS: as soon as the steemit chat is back, you may want to visit us on the #steemSTEM channel.

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