The Tales of the Nightingale: The Diary

in #story6 years ago
I told my parents about the story of the stars and the talking nightingale. They were amazed and asked more questions. They were interested. I hope the nightingale will come back. Mom and dad had a visitor after our breakfast. They were talking seriously and mom started to cry. I went to her and hugged her but dad ushered me away. I was so curious about their meeting. After the meeting, mo wiped her tears and went back to her normal doings. I was afraid to ask her about the meeting.
The next day, mom was acting strange. She talks to herself and dad didn't even plan for mom to see a doctor. He won't reply and just beam to me when I asked why he won't let mom see a doctor. She continued talking to herself for the following weeks.
At night, I went to our garden, finding a flower to put on my ear. Then I see a familiar bird on our garden fence. It was the nightingale I saw last few weeks. I ran to it and started talking about mom's strange acts.

"There is this girl who has the same condition as your mother's," said the nightingale.

Angelica and Eliza are close friends. They know each other's secrets and treated each other more than sisters. They shared one diary to record what happened in a day. Klyde, Angelica's younger brother, saw a thick diary on Angelica's bed as he cleaned. Curious, he took the diary and opened it.

 January 24 
 Dear diary,
       Tomorrow will be the Sports Inter-School Battle. Welp, Angelica and I are both
  in lawn tennis but we are in opposing teams. The training today made me lost 
  a half of my life. But it was fun. I love tennis. I was shocked when I saw the paper
  that shows who will battle against who. Angelica will be my opponent. I talked
  to her about it when we met at our neighborhood and she just laughed. We
  promised  each other not to get jealous and the loser will treat the winner. I
  am looking forward for the tournament tomorrow. I can't wait to have a 
  battle against my best friend.
                                                                          - Eliza

  January 25
  Dear diary,
         I was impressed that Eliza already have her own game style inside
  the court. She improved and outplayed me. But still, I'm the queen of
  tennis. She treated me McDonald's today. Both of us enjoyed our game.
  Even though she lost a game with me, their school won first place and 
  our school placed third. We talked about the game non-stop as we
  devour our snacks. This day is very memorable for the both of us.
  Neither of us got jealous.
                                                                       - Angelica

Klyde read the blissful memories written in the diary. He laughed at the silly things in there especially when the girls talked about their crushes and how Eliza got a boyfriend. He stopped reading and finished cleaning. After, he ate lunch and did his school works. He continue to read the diary. Full of bliss, love and sports memories. There are even pictures in it. As Klyde's school works began to put weights on his shoulders, he forgot to read the diary. When the school year ends, Klyde remember about the diary. He continued to read it. He was shocked when the bliss ends as he reached the middle of the diary.

  September 21
  Dear diary,
        I've seen Eliza so weak during the try-outs in their school. I was there
   to support her. Eliza collapsed in the middle of the game. The coach end the
   game and no one won. The coach hurriedly brought her to the clinic. I went
   to the clinic after the coach and said to the nurse that I am a friend
   of her and she let me in to see Eliza. Something's wrong. Eliza must have kept
   secrets from me. I called her dad and told the whereabouts of Eliza. He arrived
   in 40 minutes and scheduled Eliza to see a doctor. Her dad treated me dinner
   and drove me home. 

   September 22
          I've heard from her father that Eliza has a heart problem. She is admitted
    in a hospital. I hope she is okay. 
                                                                         - Angelica

   September 26
           I missed Eliza so much. She was in a state of coma. I pray for her 
   recovery every single day.
                                                                         - Angelica

    October  5
            I visited Eliza and started talking to her even though she is
    in her deepest sleep for almost one month. 

    October 26
             It's been one month. She didn't wake up. Her life
    support is the only thing that will tell us that she's still alive.

    November 1
              I saw kids having fun in their scary costumes. They remind me
    of Eliza. I miss her.

    November 6
               I decided to visit Eliza with my trophy (Our school won first in
    Regionals Sports Tournament). Before I could step in her room, I saw
    her parents from afar, crying in front of the doctor. What happened? I
    turned back and headed home instead. At night, Eliza woke me up.
    I almost shouted for I saw her personally. She is okay! 

   November 7
                Eliza and I were playing tennis. I thanked God for her total recovery
   I played easy on her. But this girl outplayed me by sacrificing her points
   in the first set. She won the game.

   November 8
                 Everything's back to normal. Eliza is enjoying her school and so
   am I. We've gotten closer than before. We have more time for each other
   than our studies. 

  December 16
                 Eliza's birthday! My father is my official photographer. He 
  refused to let me see the pictures. I let him be. We had
  a blast!

  December 20
                I got bewildered when my mom scheduled me to see a doctor.
   I told her I am okay 100%. But she won't believe me. 

  December 21
                Mom and dad cried when the doctor talked to them after my check-up. 
    What are they talking about?

Klyde reminisced everything that happened in that month. December 21, when Angelica had her check-up. I was with my cousin. I wasn't there with them. he thought. He went to the next page and his eyes widened.


That was the last page written by Angelica. The five last pages are left blank. Klyde shed a tear. He didn't even know Angelica's illness. His parents lied to him by saying "She's like that because of her sleep paralysis and her consecutive nightmares." He closed the diary and went down to see his parents in the living room.

"Mom," he called and sat in front of his mother. "Did Angelica have schizophrenia?"

"No," his father said. "Why'd you ask?"

"I read her diary. November 6, Eliza died but she saw her. Now, tell me the truth."

His father sighed and told him everything about Angelica's illness. She suffered schizophrenia. She knew that Eliza died at November 6. But Angelica found it hard to accept the death of her friend and she is depressed. The next day, she acts strange like talking to herself. When their mother told her that Eliza is dead, Angelica started to act crazy and wild. Thus, her own parents brought her to the institution and lied to Klyde about it. Klyde felt peace after he heard the truth. The next day, his parents escort him to the institution where Angelica was. He brought the diary with him. He talked to her even she wasn't listening.

"It's been 2 years. I've read your diary. I was not informed that you have schizophrenia. You are very depressed because Eliza died. Because of your depression, you had that condition. Take time to read your shared diary."

Klyde stood in front of the door, holding the knob and looked at his sister for the last time.

"Thanks for being a good and funny sister, I hope you would recover sooner or later."

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