I'm afraid that he will achieve me, but he remains with that girl ...
Hello dear readers!
I decided to share my story with you and ask advice at the same time. I was very confused and do not know what to do!
I'm 20 years old and I have never had a relationship with guys, I'm not scary and many say that even beautiful, I guess I was very keen on sports, professionally doing sambo!
Most recently I met a guy, Arthur is his name, he trains in the same club with me, we immediately found a common language, he did not like me right away, but he showed me sympathy from the first days, I started looking at him, me I liked how he behaves with people, how he communicates, he never says anything superfluous and bad, in general he hooked me with this, but then he disappeared and did not appear for several days in training and I can already say I forgot about him and how it cooled down and , then he again began to come to training, but I already communicated with him not like ra it bigger, or rather do not communicate only hello, but he still showered with compliments, etc.
And one day I got a very serious injury in training, he supported me of course, when I came from the hospital he called me and asked how I feel and invited to my home (he lives alone), I certainly did not want to go to him and did not saw in this sense, but something pushed me, and I was very upset that I received such a serious injury and I really wanted some support. Well, in general, we chatted with him until 2 am and I was going home, he offered to stay with me him and I stayed, and so the next day, too, and we live with him already a month, but we still did not have sex, first because I'm still a virgin, and secondly, I learned that he has another girl, or rather, he said, she lives in Uzbekistan (she still has a year to study there , and Arthur came to our city forever, from our city to Uzbekistan 3000 thousand km), he from there, came to our city to work and his relatives here a lot, so I do not know what to do.
I love him and he says he loves me very much, that he did not meet people like me, well, as the girls usually say to girls)), well, in principle, he's a decent guy and that's what he did to that girl and me, he's up to now she is deceived, and she explains that she says that she fell in love with me and could not control her feelings and he did not expect that everything will turn out for us, and that he could not imagine what would change that girl, but it turned out that way!
And recently I asked that suddenly I want him to become my husband, and that as to us to be with that his girl, to which he replied that he would probably stay with her and marry her, these words killed me immediately and I did not think for a long time said that with him we parted and left, he certainly did not let me go and said that he himself was confused and does not know how to be, but I decidedly said that we parted and left. In the evening he called me to talk, we talked for about 2 hours nothing, in general, reconciled, I just thought so and figured that with that girl with his he would not be it will take another year to see each other, and then another year in the army will leave, who knows how else they have there everything will turn out, and we can not do anything with him, I decided to continue the relationship with him, but it becomes so unpleasant when I know what he came to me from her and he has to answer her, I'm ready to immediately part with him, I do not want my loved one to write to someone that sms, I want him to be completely mine, but there is still IT and every day about her I remember and do not give me this thought of peace.
I do not want to part with him, and I can not have sex with him because I'm afraid that he will achieve me, but he will remain with that girl. To be honest, now I feel myself as a mistress, so everything is boring, people tell me how to be what to do, I want to hear advice, I can not say all this to the parents, there are reasons for this, please respond to my letter, I will be very grateful, all in advance thanks))
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