in #story7 years ago (edited)

I want to thank @zizymena for organizing this epic contest and making me put my writing skills back to use. I wrote this short story and I hope you will like it though.. Enjoy reading

He walked in and all eyes turned towards him.. His broad shoulders covering the doorway.. He fitted into the hall and I just couldn't help but stare at his masculinity without even noticing when he came close to me and whispered..
Hello pretty can I share a table with you almost all the others are filled up.. I turned around and noticed that the eatery was filled up with customers having their time out.. I reluctantly nodded my head nudging him to sit at the vacant sit opposite me.. I didn't dare look up as I didn't want our eyes to meet.. His fragrance filled the room and to me it was just like it was only the both of us in the eatery. He brought his food and sat down ready to have his meal. I continued with my meal and avoided a conversation, the girls at the other table were sticking out their nose just to see if they could get his attention but his gaze was fixed on me and I felt a little bit uneasy because it looked like we were couples... Since I broke up with Tony I had refused to have any thing to do with males.. I felt if you gave them the chance they would misuse it. I finished my meal and headed for the counter to pay my bills.. He finished his meal too and came to the counter too, he payed his bills and was already heading out with me..
Hi pretty, how about I give you a ride??
I pretended as if I didn't hear him talk to me because I really wanted to avoid this guy whenever he came close to me it was as if I will melt under his touch.. The way he talked to me back at the eatery had an uncontrollable effect on me..
So I quickened my steps and hurried outside while I was waiting for a cab he had reversed his car to come and meet me..
It seems like he is a "I get what I want kind of guy"and he wasn't going to give up so I entered the car and he gave a wink and a seductive smile..
I ignored it and looked away as he zoomed off..
My name is Hilary
How about you??
I'm Pricey I replied still avoiding eye contact..
Are you a shy type or only when occasion demands Hilary asked??
I tried to keep my composure and be polite.. No I'm not.. actually I'm not comfortable around strangers I said as I motioned that I was going to stop at the next stop..
Hilary pulled the car to a halt and smiled sweetly to me.. I hope I get to meet you some other time because you are my kind of woman..
I laughed sarcastically and put my hand to open the door.. I felt his hand on mine as he said.. Let me help you with it my pretty 👧
I murmured under my breath.. My name is Pricey not Pretty Mr whatever.. Hating the fact that men think they can woo women with their sweet coated tongue.. He helped me open the door and as I made my way out I could hear him say again.. Pretty I'll sure meet you sometime soon..
I ignored closing the car door as I said thank you and headed for my street..
I never wanted a stranger to know my apartment talk less of coming to pay me a visit.. So I counted Hilarys words as a wish he would pray hard to come true as I turned the knob of my door and entered into my apartment..

I was out to get some groceries for the house and as I was coming back I noticed a saloon car that was so familiar but I couldn't place where I saw the car parked at the parking lot of my apartment.
Anybody could own a car I thought to myself as I came close to my apartment and made my way up the stairs..
Pricey someone called out.. I thought about who would call me around this area because I was more of a "mind your business " kind of person since I parked in to the vicinity and I never made friends to avoid unnecessary dramas..
I turned around and lo and behold there was Hilary standing at the door of his car.. He was dressed to kill as if he had a fish to catch somewhere around..
I gave a witty smile and showed my surprised face as I stood there rooted to the ground not knowing my next move..
He called out again.. Pricey c'mmon I just dropped by to say hello won't you at least respond to me..
He was dressed with a jean and a white sparkling white polo with a face cap to complement and a sunglasses..
He removed his sunglasses as he was talking to me and I could see he was neatly shaved and looking appealing his masculinity not a thing you can keep a close eye on..
Hilary moved towards me and I thought What the hell is wrong with this guy??
Does he think he can just snoop around my house just because he gave me a lift and expect me to receive him with open arms?? As far as he should know that he is just a stranger nothing more..
Pricey why are you so hard on me??
Am I hard I retorted back🙅
Why would you be snooping around my house??
Did I ever tell you to come visit me??
I kept on ranting as Hilary walked past me and showed me the way to the stairs motioning me to follow suit🙆..
Like what the heck is wrong with this guy?
Does he think he can just appear from nowhere and think he can come into my life like that??
Will you at least take me to have a seat as curtsey demands?? Hilary said
I don't have seat for strangers I responded back..
Please leave I don't want to cause a scene here..
I said as I left him on the stairs as I continued climbing avoiding eyes contact so he wouldn't see the little concern I had that I was that rude to him..
Pricey why are u being so rude a voice called out.. He only wants to be friends no harm in being friends right?? The voice played in my head..
I turned back to Hilary still stacked to where he was standing not even moving or flinching..
You can come in at least I said showing him the way to my flat as we reached my apartment..
I open the door and let him in..
He sat down at the couch in the sitting room and I went in to drop the groceries..
I came out with a juice and a glass
presenting it to Hilary as he gave me that his seductive smile.. I joined him in the couch and he broke the silence..
Pricey what a nice place you have here
Thank you I responded..
So you stalked me?? I asked
Hilary gave out a wry smile and looked up dropping his juice on the table..
Actually I didn't stalk you rather I followed you because remember I told you we would surely meet again soon..
He laughed.. I shared my head and gave him a cynical look..
Pricey do you stay here alone??
Yes I responded..
He nodded and said so tell me about yourself please since you never wanted to tell me on the first day we met.
I had wanted to tell him his time was up in my house but I held my peace waiting for him to drop the bombshell before I would kick his ass off my house..
Okay I cleared my throat.. My name is Pricey as you already know I'm a graduate of University of Ibadan I studied Mass Communication and I'm currently working part time with a national TV station and I have a long vacation that's why I'm home. He nodded for me to continue and I said I was done..
I asked what about you??
Tell me about yourself..
I am a graduate he began I studied Banking and Finance in University of Benin and currently I'm working with a private company he concluded looking at me..
We moved from talking about school, to life and then to relationships.. I enjoyed talking to him because he was funny and a rapt listener, he also knows how to keep a conversation going even when you are losing interest..

That was How Hilary came into my life after I had broken up with Tony..
He worked hard to earn my heart and as the months went by I started falling in love with Hilary..
He came over one evening and after a sumptuous dinner he took my hand in his lowered his face to mine bringing his lips close to mine and gave me a salivating kiss..
Hilary whispered looking into my eyes as his bored into mine, he had me trapped between him and the wall with my hands around him as he caressed me.
"The more I try to resist you the more I am pulled to you". He said closing the gap between our lips slowly...
I never told you to stay away I whispered back..
I want the whole of you he whispered against my inner sensations built up and I can't stop myself anymore...
Then do it I said giving him permission this time while looking at his lips..

He was always all over me, helping me out with groceries and picking me off at work everyday.. He bought flowers every weekend and spoiled me with gifts almost everyday.. Sometimes when I complained that he was spending too much he would retweet me that it was because he loved me too much and he had promised himself that he will be the best man for me and I will never suffer any other heartbreak again..
Wow!! I felt I had seen my man until the shackles fell of my face
I started realizing I will not only experience heartbreak but I will be crashed too when I started noticing Hilary was obsessed with me..

It was a sunny afternoon, the sun in it's hottest degree.. Hilary had started showing some signs of insecurities with me, always coming to pick me up before time just to be sure I wouldn't get to talk to any of colleagues that were men..
The day he came and saw Pascal one of our staff hug me after work he almost created a scene in my office if not for my pleas.. He threatened Pascal that if he ever saw him giving his woman such a hug that Pascal would have to rethink about his existence on earth..
Wawuu😱😱.. that was too extreme as I told him and he warned me that I only belonged to him and no one else..
Since then if any of my male colleagues saw me they only stood far away to send their greetings..
I was becoming uncomfortable with Hilarys attitude and whenever I confronted him he would tell me that he is only being a caring lover..

Hilary scared everyone away from me.. I couldn't have a conversation without Hilary showing up and making everyone know I'm his woman.. He becomes aggressive, brawls at everything outside his decision..
It was on a Friday and I was supposed to spend my weekend at Hilarys place.. He came early to the office to wait for me to finish up.. When I was done I joined him in the car and went home..
We dropped at my apartment so I could pick few things for the weekend..
Hilary helped me with my bag and I was climbing through the stairs when a call came into my phone..
He removed the mobile phone from my bag looked at the name and picked up the call..
I was standing there mouth agape😱
What is wrong with you I shouted at him
Why would you pick up my calls without my permission..
For Christs' sake Hilary grow up what is the meaning of this madness..
All my rantings fell on deaf ears as Hilary had already picked the call and was telling whoever that called not to disturb me again that I was in a relationship..
I was furious with anger..
I hurried up the stairs opened the door and waited for him to come inside..
What have I gotten myself into😰
What kind of relationship is this
Nobody comes to visit me and nobody calls me whenever he is around except I'm the one making the call..
Hilary walked in with a normal face as If nothing has happened..
He dropped my bag on the couch and motioned me to go have a shower so I could pack up..
What was the meaning of that madness you did out there?? I started
Hilary paid deaf ears to me ignoring every word I said..
I was so furious I held his shirt and told him if he doesn't stop all this madness I was going to break up..
Hilary stood up at the sound of that as if he had just been awakened to consciousness..
Pricey what did you say??
He blotted out..
He has never called me Pricey since we started dating..
But I didn't care right now
I wanted and end to this madness
You heard me right I screamed..
I can't have this madness as a relationship I continued not caring to look at his face.
He held my hands that was on his shirt flung me to the couch and came at me..
I dodged and I nearly broke my wrist on the table beside the couch as I struggled to get up..
I have never seen Hilary this aggressive since we started dating maybe because I never talked about breaking up I thought to myself..
He got to me first before I could gain my balance.. He held my neck tight and pushed me to the wall..
I was already in pains and I could barely talk..
I used my hands in hitting him to let go of his grip on my neck but all of that fell on deaf ears..
I was suffocating already and I needed to escape from his grip..
I bit him hard that he shouted from the excruciating pain
My heart was beating so fast, I thought it was going to explode out of my chest we never had such a fight..
I was frightened my body was covered in sweats and my clothes stuck to my body..
You really don't know what I want Pricey?". He whispered as he came for me again this time pinning me to the couch lowering his head to mine.
"I-I don't know " I stammered
"Should I tell you then? "
He brings his face dangerously close to mine I quickly shook my head in negative, unable to find my voice.
Why not?" He whispers again and I squeezed my eyes shut
"Open your eyes Pricey.... Look at me." and without realizing I opened them.
"You know what I want right? " Again I nodded.
That's my girl. . . . . . I love you Pricey and you are mine and only mine, remember that.......... . . . .always" and never talk about breaking up because if I can't have you no one else can...

That voice sent shivers down my spine as he left me gasping for breath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


This is gross, breathtaking left me breathless. Wow....
What a story, its a marvel. Many girls fall into this, its not always what you see look before you leap!

Wow... I'm glad you loved it dear

Please continue na......

What happened Next ???

Was Pricey able to stick with Hillary ???🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Kween come ooo

Lol... I'll tell you personally what happened to the beautiful love..


This is totally breath taking and I think you actually deserve the win o..... Chai....

I enjoyed every bit of it dear.
This is pure obsession in the name of love.

Nice piece dear

That was a very long read but enjoyable.

thanks for stopping by at my blog. I have repaid the favour. I'm looking forward to seeing more of you

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