Wandering thoughts about husband-to-be.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Dear Future Hubby,

Waiting for you is exciting. Have you heard of a hubby to do list?

With you here there are certain activities that I will no longer have to endure. Activities that have pledge me for years.

For your entertainment, my friends, let’s chat about all the terrible chores out there that would be a better fit for hubby to be to do. Affectionately known as the

Hubby To-o list!

Dear Hubby,

The trash overflows. It is yucky and smelly and although I could teach a class on proper trash changing, I am so excited to allow you to take that task off my hands.

Cars are excellent transportation devices, and they are as demanding as women.

They need these annoying oil changes every so often. They need air in the tires, they need to be washed and cleaned.
Which isn't too bad until you have to go to
that place.
Those oil change/body shop places where they see a woman and think they won the lotto. I am not a fan, they speak in circles and riddles.

I cannot wait for you to fix my headlights.

Did you know that each one can go out at a different time?

Lets discuss the Tire Pressure.

There is this tire pressure light that has become attached to me. I have patched that tire. I have put air in and I have put some more almost weekly now.

I cannot figure out what is wrong with that tire.

Can I give you the key and you work your magic? Thanks babe, you are a saint.
Here is a picture of my hero- - - - - - - - ->

My Dad is awesome !!

He came to my rescue. I was clearly a ton of help. My excellent supervisor talents and photography skills are clearly being utilized.

Thanks DAD; You da best! <3

Lets discuss the Man-Eating Monsters.

You call them lizards. I call them

Man-Eating Alligators

I do not understand why they transform with each encounter. However, whenever we meet these massive, scary animals threaten to kill me.
Check out this ENORMOUS one I snapped a picture of before running for my life. I almost didn’t make it.

You see my dad, my hero, his picture is up there. He is my Man-Eating Alligator/Lizard slayer. He has done an excellent job over the years ensuring my safety. I trust you will be able to do the same.

Lets not talk about Laundry.
I am not too fond of laundry or dishes. I hope we can play “rock, paper, scissors” to see who gets to complete these tasks.

When thinking of all the ways you will make my life better I wonder, what will I do for you? Well, I don’t have a list for that… Hopefully, you will not have one for me.


You are a nut!

A funny, loveable nut.

I hope your future hubby reads this and he comes up with a nice 3 page response! 8-D

Smile! (He could be watching!!)

hahahah, oh my goodness a THREE PAGE RESPONSE! That would be hilarious. Maybe, this post will inspire that post and we shall met and be merry!
Thanks for reading @em3!

You know what's beautiful, read the first word.

Aww shucks you got me. Blushing!

Somewhere out there is a man who would love to do these things for you. But I think you'll have to cook and clean. :D

When you say, I might have to cook and clean do you the odds are more in my favor to not have to do these activities? lol :D

This is adorable. Good luck in the search for honey do!

HAHAHHA, this is a great post. It made me laugh. Especially the man-eating monsters. I had to take care of a frog so my wife could get in the door one night. lol. Hope all is well.

You see these monsters transform! Glad you could save your wife, you are a hero. I am well, thanks for stopping by. You have been writing soo much lately. That is awesome!

hahahahahah lizzy don't paint single ladies red please

haha, I will try my best! Thanks for stopping by my friend!

I found this hilarious! I'd marry you for the rock-paper-scissors agreement XD

Hope you're well Kubz!

Aww, you are the sweetest, thanks @introducingmo! I am well, how are you these days? I have been on the radio twice! Where are you hiding?

Hilarious and awesome.

As one of the guys who has a wishlist for my Wife-to-be, I seriously in-joy'd this!

Upvoted and now I gotta go and follow you too. :)

So glad you enjoyed, you should write about your list. It will help me understand what might be on my future hubbies list. Help a sister out!

Aww I love lizards they are always crawling around here! I never seen any actual man-eating alligators just trash eating bears. Have a great weekend!

That's amazing,your telling me these so called lizard live in peace with you? 😂 maybe they just attack me. Btw, I'm in a contest would love your support. Click here to help me out. Thanks in advance

Naturally, must help protect you from the lizards! A vote keeps them away : )

VERY VERY TRUE, Thank you!

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