The first section in draft of Emily's Adventures: A New Beginnings

in #story8 years ago (edited)

This is the first section in draft to get the basics of the story to add to later. I know it still needs a lot of work with plenty of editing. I still feel even with this section that there is a lot more detailed content to add however, I don't really want to add too much, too soon.


Emily grew up on her family ranch with the dream to travel the world, to venture out into a musical career of her own. With her family insisting on her staying on the ranch, she continues on with her normal everyday life however a series of misfortunate events strike leaving Emily an inheritance. She chooses to venture out on an adventure of her own where she finds romance and trouble along the way. Most of all, she finds new friends to call family away from home.

Some contents include...


She was sat at the front by the stage but more so in the corner quietly, hoping to go unnoticed, everyone else on the other hand were rather excited, cheering, chanting, stomping their feet and clapping their hands. She too was rather excited but refrained from showing it, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of an entire auditorium of strangers, especially being on her own. It wouldn’t really matter if she did make a complete fool of herself as no one was really paying any attention to those around them, they were there with the same objectives.
Emily wasn’t used to being part of such a large crowd in such a small enclosed environment, spending most of her time in large open spaces with mostly animals. That had become her sanctuary, her safe haven where most of the people were family and friends. Almost everyone knew everyone else and their business, they loved to gossip on those pesky little details that did not really matter at all. The only strangers she would encounter were the customers who frequently visited for business purposes, which she found satisfactory for what was required on a daily basis.
She didn’t feel overly comfortable being the centre of attention when it wasn’t necessary, especially if it wasn’t for her job requirements or for the talents she so often buried deep inside. Whenever people came over to the paddock Emily was working in, she would take the animals or contraptions in the area and use them to draw the attention directly away from herself.
Although this cunning little plan worked out well, some people still showed interest in how well she worked, paying complements and asking questions when necessary. She often gave a limited but very informative answer. In doing so, bringing in more one-time customers and more importantly long term regulars who would return multiple times a week or even daily to find something new.
She loved her routine and chose to keep to it, interacting with all the animals regularly knowing they were not judging her for the weird and wonderful antics, her creativity, imagination. More importantly, they were not judgmental of her musical abilities, which is something she doubted herself for. If anything she gained a little bit of confidence almost every time her talents were in use.
Faith and encouragement weren’t always there when it came to achieving a life long dream that was meant for outside of the family business. It was always believed that if your heads not in the game, there was no place in the game for you, you're either in or out, no further questions asked. Complements were rarely accepted, almost frowned upon, but as a whole, the family was not very welcoming to such talk unless it was business related. Emily’s talents were accepted and appreciated mostly when used around the ranch knowing the visitors and customers enjoyed the entertainment.
Even though the family has always been a little old fashioned and more on the restrictive side, their intentions were always good. They never wanted for anyone to end up hurt or set up for failure and disappointment. All they ever wanted was the best in life for all those who were near and dear. Even if it meant for limitations and restrictions for one and all. This was something that Emily admired the most about family, especially her own who in the long run were watching out for her best interests. All they wanted was for a family legacy to continue on, eventually passing on to her own family and many generations that are to follow. Something to be proud of and to be honoured for in a close knit community, many from far and wide.
The decisions and choices that were to follow came at a difficult time in life. After a series of devastating events, leaving Emily with nothing but a lifetime of hard work and an unexpected hefty inheritance. Overseeing such emotional and heartfelt events, Emily decided that now was the time to take another path in life, taking the opportunity to venture out and see the world.


They were standing backstage, slightly out of view when she stood up, adjusting herself ready to dart off to where she needed to go. He was getting himself ready to lead his fellow musicians on to the stage as he does routinely every show. The last thing was to turn, wait for the signal before walking out onto the stage for yet another amazing show.
He turns around only to see her walking along the front of the stage, frozen solid, Marv watches as his heart took a huge leap from his chest, feeling sick from the knotting and the butterflies taking hold. His mouth becoming dry from the disappointment he had set himself up for. The possibility that a new found love interest in his life could in effect turn him down, leaving him heart broken, devastated.
Tristan, the only female of the group, took over leading everyone on to the stage, allowing Marv to gather himself and follow Stitch instead. With everyone in place, the beat drops and so do the screaming fans simultaneously. Emily misses the show momentarily but makes it back to take her seat just as the main set of songs were to start.
Tristan looks to Marv to make sure he was still focused on the task in hand when she notices he was searching for something or rather someone. She doesn’t think anything of it at first, until Stitch notices how Marv isn’t being his usual active self and tries to give the others a heads up. It is very rare for the bass vocalist to be completely opposite unless something was seriously wrong.
Stitch decided on a plan, to find out what or rather who has caught his friends attention, only to find himself in the audience with Emily who is at this point informing him of what’s going on with Marv. With some help from Stitch, Emily managed to move along to another empty seat before he returns to the stage via the opposite set of stairs so he can see Marv’s reaction.
Stitch finds himself feeling rather excited as he learns that one of his best friends is not only finding himself as an individual but someone who is discovering the possibilities of love and what it has to offer. He witnesses someone experience love at first sight for the first time ever, embracing the journey as a family not just as a group.
As the first of many songs finished, Stitch told KC the plan so they can both keep an eye on the situation with their friend and fellow musician together. There’s nothing quite like sticking together in a time of need, if one is struggling, everyone else gives their support when needed. Knowing Marv and what he is like when it comes to relationships, he needs a kick up the butt to get him in gear.
Tristan was doing the usual introduction when Marv notices Emily hadn’t returned to her seat. He began to question Stitch who the last person seen talking to her about it. He hopes that she wasn’t put off by some random information, or by being asked questions such as the exchanging of contact details on his behalf.
“Oh! Wait! Think there may be some issues.” Stitch mentions, looking over at Marv to see what was being said before side smiling at KC. This kind of behaviour goes to show how proud they are, how exciting it is that he is no longer singled out by being the only one without a love interest that could potentially go a long way.
“Oh! Come on guys.” Marv responds trying not to make too much of a deal out of it, after all the show wasn’t all about him or his personal or love life. He didn’t want for the audience to start a riot in hopes that they could possibly be his eye candy or even the future Mrs Kiplan.
After some friendly banter and a few songs, it was the time of show where members of the audience are bought up on stage. This had become a regular form of interaction at almost every show, although changing frequently to keep the audience interested and wanting to get involved.
Marv suddenly became nervous, tense over Emily’s whereabouts, a lump forming in his throat as his heart sank, leaving him feeling like a broken mess inside. During the friendly exchange of comments, she had already gone back to her original seat when Marv started searching for her all over again.
“I wonder who Marv's gonna choose!” Trev stated the obvious after playing catch-up with Tristan. He was so focused on entertaining the fans, not realising something was different until it was mentioned by another member.
“It’s obviously going to be his eye candy, that’s for sure.” KC mentioned with authority raising a hand to meet Tristan’s. Both showing excitement for a new blossoming romance from a distance. Without any signs of being short lived, encouragement from the others was needed to help guide them closer, to progress onto the next stage as naturally as possible.
“That is most definitely true.” Stitch agreed whole heartedly walking back on stage with his choice of audience member in arm.


Marv walks along the stage before taking to the stairs, walks back along the front again before stopping directly in front of Emily. He offers up his hand as they begin to walk the stairs, with her by his side, a new sense of pride and joy overcomes the tall, dark haired and bearded bass vocalist, almost like a sudden rush of adrenaline along with a bag of mixed emotions waiting to burst.
“Who has eye candy?” Marv questioned with a chuckle as he tries to act innocent but not denying anything as he takes selfies with the fans on both his phone and theirs for the social media. There is nothing more joyous then making memories, not having anything visual to share with others wasn’t something to be joyful of, something that the couple to be had in common.
“I think you already know who, Bro!” Came Trev’s response as he raised both arms to get the audience’s to react. Something he found satisfying, when an amazing audience gets behind such an amazing story soon to be put in The Capella’s history book.
“Ok, Ok! Maybe, maybe not, but, it all depends on this particular ‘eye candy’ if it goes any further.” Marv confessed as he takes centre stage whilst Emily took up a sat upon a stool next to the VIP sofa whilst making the heart shaped gesture with her hands back at Marv as he approached the microphone stand.
When the song started, Stitch decided just before the first chorus to have Emily go stand with the one taking the lead vocals, taking it upon himself to guide her there with an open arm. Marv continued with the song as he put his hand on her waist, inviting Emily to stand by his side, she took the opportunity to put her arm around him and began to draw herself in closer.
She felt that doing so on stage with Marv was natural, something real. It felt it was meant to be, like some kind of destiny. She became slightly emotional but didn’t let it show on stage causing Marv to become any less focused than he should be.
Marv on the other hand found himself struggling to refrain from letting a few tears go, even more so when Emily took hold of his hand, intertwining her short muscular fingers into his longer smoother and more gentle fingers, using nothing but her sleeve to help capture his tears as he looked deeply into her eyes at the end of the song.
It was only then, that Emily begun to realise just how strong their bond was becoming, how difficult it was going to be; to fight the temptation of taking things to the next level before due course. There was a nothing Emily wanted more then happiness for those around her and to be happy and loved.
She wanted to make sure everything was going to be Ok before rushing into anything, even though there were previous relationships in Emily’s life, this one feels different, it feels uniquely, individual almost destined. Although the bonds and relationship was developing at a steadily but fast pace, she still wasn’t sure if he was the right one for her at the time.
Once the song was over, the participating audience members received hugs from The Capella’s before being directed backstage for some in a meet and greet environment, where they would also have merch signed by the artists after the show should they want it.
Emily waited in the wings for them as a bit of extra support whilst the others were guided to the dressing room to wait quietly. At least being out of sight, she wasn’t distracting anyone, the show was able to finish on a high just like any other time.
Thankfully all eyes were facing forward as Emily had begun to cry, only just a little happiness released during the final song of the night. She knew this was officially the start of something new, something adventurous. The new beginnings of the rest of her life.
“How comes you didn’t go back with the others?” Stitch asked comforting Emily as she dried her eyes on the same sleeve she used for Marv’s tears. This was the first time feeling so joyful in the last year with all the misfortune that happened.
“Thought I’d wait for you guys.” Emily responded with a smile before getting hugs from KC an Tristan. Thankfully Emily is a hugging type, taking each and every one, treasuring them dearly as if it was the last. The thoughts of past events came flooding back and the possibilities of it happening again, to anyone who got too close to her or any of her family.
“That’s so thoughtful of you.” Stitch exclaimed as he quickly moved Emily’s hair just as Trev moved in for a cuddle, placing an arm around the back of her neck and over her left shoulder. She held onto a couple of sweaty fingers to at least keep him there long enough to enjoy his presence, just as she would with a selected few family members.
“At least someone is decent enough to wait in the wings instead of rushing off to the dressing rooms.” Marv stated as he put his arms around Emily’s shoulders, he surrendered his torso for her to grab onto for comfort and warmth but more so to show her the affectionate side that he has to offer should she choose to take their relationship any further, which was hardly anything considering they only met just moments before.
“Lets just hope they’re not going through all our stuff like previous shows.” Mentioned Tristan whilst Trev nodded in agreement as they walked off ahead of the entire group chuckling away to themselves.


Emily walks along the corridors with Marv, catching up to Trev when she notices the others had fallen back to observe the situation, it was obvious as she looks back at them, they were joined by an mastermind with a plan in mind, plotting something fun and full of laughter. There is no doubt that Emily will bring out the mischievous side in everyone during their time together.
“You’re up to something aren’t you?” Trev questioned as he saw her mind ticking over with a pouting smile appearing on her face. This was to become a familiar look as she regularly conjures up plans not only to play tricks on the others but creatively plotting improvements and contraptions. Something that would soon play a huge roll whilst The Capella’s are on tour.
“Of course I am! The three amigos behind us are up to something and I’m planning to counteract them.” Emily explained as she took a few steps ahead, fading around the corner to the right whilst the other two went left, also the right way. Just as the others caught up, Emily allowed them to go on ahead slightly before starting to walk up behind them. Just as planned, everything began smoothly, she was sure glad that the others were keen to join in on the activity. Without them it may not have worked out well.
At the next set of corners Trev and Marv jumped out to scare them into the opposite direction only to run back into Emily who was planning on jumping out from behind an equipment crate. She walks through the crowd of hysterical musicians, who were all practically on the floor at this point, only to come across their dressing room. Emily casually opens the door and walks in with Marv following close behind with his hands firmly upon her hips.
With all eyes on them both, she begins to feel awkward but at the same time at ease, comfortable and excited. She almost felt at one with not only herself but with Marv who allows himself to wrap his arms around her, surrounding the only one for him with all the love he could ever give anyone without a care in the world. Despite what others thought, they headed for the sofa in which they sat upon and began snuggling before too long.
The others decided to finally join the group showing signs of breathlessness from far too much laughing. No doubt this is the first of many opportunities for some fun and laughter, each of them have more than their fair share of excitement, enthusiasm and adrenaline to invest into any kind of adventure.
“Well, that was so fun.” Tristan stated as she sat amongst the other audience members, still smiling from the bit of fun they just had also from seeing Marv as happy as he has ever been in all the time she has known him, never knowing anyone to get passed the security wall he built up to stop himself from getting hurt again even more so now that he has such a large following from people all over the world.
“Looks like someone’s happy.” KC mentioned without making anyone feel overly awkward. The last thing anyone wants is break up the friendship and trust, or to cause a fight over someone’s happiness or over a relationship. Even though KC has good intentions, he sometimes get misunderstood for being hateful or jealous, something that Emily can relate to especially with her career.
“I’m assuming you are on about the fans, not just the one in the corner with a whole heap of ‘eye candy'.” Came Emily’s response as she moved her legs for Stitch to sit down, grabbing his phone to enter her number followed by a selfie with Marv and Trev.
“I think you two should be more than just each other’s ‘eye candy’, you’s two would make an amazing couple.” KC answered with the truth no matter how much they deny it to themselves or to each other. For once it was Emily’s turn to reassure Marv as he began to feel that something was being forced from an outside source. They both have very similar beliefs on love and romance, both preferring to let nature have an influence on such subject.
“Who knows what the future holds but for now, just make the most of what we have right in front of us.” Commented Emily only wanting what was best intended for those around her, without a negative or forceful entity. Keeping things positive was important to Emily after a devastating few months, not wanting to get anyone’s hopes up, including her own, only to have them broken again.
“There's no great rush for relationships, love shouldn’t be rushed, right Bro?” Trev stating a questionable fact in Marv’s defence as he took up the beanbag for his spot in the room. Emily had pointed to the shiny ring belonging to the newly engaged fan, informing them of how lucky they are, to not let anyone take advantage of their relationship.
“Yeah, of course.” Marv answered with hope as he placed his hand upon Emily’s leg which was at this point stretched out over the legs of stitch, who was messing around with her laces as he was having a secret conversation with Emily via text message.
Tristan sat quietly observing the lovebirds and how everyone else were going about their usual business, accepting what is yet to happen between the two lovers. She finds it slightly hard to accept the bond between them, becoming overwhelmed with confusion towards her own feelings and relationship.

After signing a few things for the other fans who had made it backstage after the show begun to make their way out to go home. This meant Emily was going to be the only one left with the group, still cuddled upon the sofa, almost asleep in each other’s arms.
“Have you seen these two over here?” KC whispered as he passes them to check on the position of the tour bus. All he wanted was to share the joy he got from seeing them both happy, which meant unwanted attention from unwelcomed sources. Even though Emily wasn’t one for receiving attention, she was in acceptance of a few people doing so for the sake of a newly blossoming romance.
“Oh my gosh! That is so cute!” Tristan responded quietly with squeal as she tried to take a few pictures as evidence of the cuteness, also to put in a surprise photo album she wanted to create for each member of the group as a reminder of their time on tour, to capture a new chapter in each of their lives.
“Oh gosh, I dare not move just yet.” Stitch stated as he waited for some kind of movement from Emily. He just wanted to escape from them for a while being as someone else had all intentions of giving a fair share of their own time and attention. If Stitch had learnt anything, the more responses given the more it fuels KC's intentions, thinking that others are as enthusiastic on the subject as he is.
“You do realise that Marv is the only one asleep here, right?” She responded moving her legs to free Stitch from under them. She sat up carefully, trying not to wake Marv. Surprisingly enough he just continued on as he was, just sleeping away as if it was the normal thing to do.
“Think we'll leave you to wake him then!” Tristan began as she gathered her belongings, hoping that Marv would for once wake up in a better mood then the usual predictable mood that is displayed daily. Although it is safe to say he got the space needed to do his usual wake up routines, the super grumpy frowning bass vocalist isn’t always in a bad mood.
“Oh thanks! Leave me with Mr grumps why don’t ya!” Emily stated as she got up off Marv’s lap to sort his stuff out before waking him with kind words in his ear, she was expecting something negative as his reaction, only to get a smile in return. Everyone gave a sigh of relief whilst receiving a positive greeting from Mr sleeping beauty.
“Did you enjoy your nap Marv?” KC questioned awaiting for the bass cannon to blow only to get the complete opposite. To his surprise, he found it quite pleasant to see such an amazing friend as happy as can be, it gave him the goosebumps to think it was at all possible.
“No cannons today? Someone must be in a good mood!” Trev joined in feeling good about the new and improved vocalist among them, no thanks to the new lady in their lives. The tense feelings in the atmosphere had almost lifted completely being replaced with such a joyous sensation.
Trev could see a huge change amongst the group as a whole and almost taste some kind of victorious flavour as he had predicted something special for the tour before it had even began. It’s not very often such predictions come to life when it comes from within the group.
“Yeah maybe. I am in a good mood and yes I did enjoy that nap.” Marv commented with a huge smile upon his face as he walked up behind Emily to help her with packing his belongings. He didn’t want her to feel responsible for packing on his or anyone’s behalf for that matter. It would be his own fault if anything went missing or got left behind and thought it would be best that Emily was guilt free.
“Emily, are you joining us on the tour bus?” Tristan questioned with great curiosity hoping her emotional confusion doesn’t turn into jealousy over Emily’s connection with Marv. That of course depends on whether she agrees to join the group on their confined tour bus for any period of time or not.
“I would love to join you all on the tour bus, I just don’t want to get in the way.” Emily responded with concern that there may be conflict between them. They all need to remain focused on the difficult choreography which is a struggle for them all.
He needs as few distractions as possible for the skills he struggles with, however, Emily has a plan should there be a situation they can’t handle. She can learn quickly, choreography was like a puzzle she made for a cousin who has autism to help learn some of the basics. Learning lines in any speech is like learning a new songs, it is almost poetical or rhythmical, like having it’s own melody.
“It would be cool if you could join us and you most definitely won’t be in the way or a burden for any of us.” Tristan answered confidently before placing her arm around Emily as if she was trying to give her a hug without being too invasive. The response indicating that she has overcome the confusion and doubts from only a short time ago.
“It’d be nice to have someone to keep us all in check.” Stitch added as he left the room with some stuff, offering to help Tristan with hers as well being as she has the most out of them all. This was actually debatable as Marv and KC both have such huge collections of accessories.
“Exactly! It will be fun!” Tristan piped up in excitement, looking at Marv for back up. Marv was pulling his usual super frown at Emily hoping that it might make her laugh even for a second. At first she resisted reacting to his amusing facial expressions in hope that he might continue to show his funny side, to prove that he isn’t always grumpy but fun when needed to be.
“Firstly! I’m not a grumpy old cannon and secondly, it would be fun to have you join us, those tour bus parties do need a bit of order about them.” Marv stated as he sat on the table offering up a comforting hug to give Emily the time to think it over. For the first time that evening she resisted his offering and continued to pack the pile of his gifts and belongings.
Being on the bus with no privacy or space of her own isn’t something she is overly familiar with and can seem daunting even at the best of times. Luckily for Emily, adapting to new situations comes naturally considering where she spent most of her life and the type of career she had from such a young age.


After the first night on the bus, Emily was excited about the day ahead, she put the coffee pot on ready for when everyone else woke up before heading outside to enjoy the early morning air just as she would back home in her usual routine on the ranch. Even though she was enjoying her time away with some amazing new friends, Emily was beginning to feel a little lost without her daily routine however it wasn’t the routine itself but more so the people and animals that were involved.
It wasn’t too long before Emily perked up, enjoying the Autumnal like morning breeze outside awaiting for the coffee pot when the shuffling around started and the softened sounds of somebody’s snoring became non existent indicating that she wasn’t the only early riser.
“Good morning early bird.” Trev piped up trying to be calm and quiet so he didn’t disturb the others who were still sleeping on the bus. Silence was so easy to break with the sudden noises echoing and travelling all to quickly in and around the enclosed area, it could cause chaos and distress as the sound seems a lot louder than initially intended when trapped inside. You would have to be a heavy sleeper in the dead of night to not wake even to the sounds and smells of the coffee pot or Trev’s snoring.
“Morning Trev. Sleep well?” Emily responded curiously. Trev’s snoring was partially the cause of her unusually earlier awakening, it is something she is yet to adjust to even though background noise is comforting when it comes from nature. Such noise that came from across the large vehicle wasn’t the sole reason behind her restlessness, more so an uneasiness from being in a different environment amongst a few other things.
“It was until I woke myself up snoring.” Trev answered laughing as he bought coffee out to Emily. At least with the twosome putting their heads together, they could work out what needed doing before, during and after the meet and greet.
“Yeah I know the feeling.” She continued, joining in on the laughing, leaning into the wall next to the tour bus. Emily admitted for the first time that she too snores and some times like a tractor, not forgetting to mention the talking and fighting in her sleep.
“Sorry did I wake you too?” He questioned feeling guilty as he too rested upon the wall. He was almost certain he didn’t wake their guest but wanted to confirm that his sleeping habits weren’t going to cause her any trouble.
“It wasn’t your snoring that woke me, I’m a light sleeper and wake super early anyway.” Emily answered trying not to offend Trev. Also explaining that her routine back home has gotten her into a habit of waking up at various times, as early as four or five o’clock.
“You will tell me if the snoring bothers you though won’t you?” Came another question as Trev’s response before he started sipping on his coffee quietly. If his gut instinct was anything to go by, Emily isn’t one to moan about such things that she too suffers from.
“Can’t promise anything but will do my best.” Emily commented giving a wink and a gentle nudge to release some of the guilt of his imperfections. It’s not like it is something either of them can control, not only that, it’s something that makes them different from others.
“You should go get some rest, we have got a busy day ahead.” Trev suggested resting his hand upon Emily’s shoulder before heading back to the bus. Even though he meant what he said, he knew she was used to being busy with so much to do causing such early mornings, very much like he experiences with his career. It was something they could all relate to.
“Yeah, maybe! You too!” She replied continuing to lean against the wall soaking up the morning breeze, still sipping her coffee. As Emily stands waiting for everyone to wake up, she thinks back to what she would be doing back at the ranch. Thinking of how much she misses all the animals, the smells, the sounds and more importantly the way she felt interacting with them.
After what seemed like a very long thirty minutes, KC came out to greet Emily, putting his long arms around her shoulders and his smooth olive face against hers, the both staying silent momentarily before lightly skipping back into the bus.
This was the quietest that he has been since her joining the group on the bus, it was surprisingly comforting that someone besides herself can spend moments in silence in the mornings. Stitch was getting the cups ready whilst silently dancing with Tristan, who are both rather excited to have Emily around.
Being the only female in the group most of the time left Tristan feeling a little lonely to an extent, at least with having a fresh face on board, they can have a good old chin wag and a gossip in between the stories Emily had planned on sharing from her time growing up back home.
“Someone’s getting fidgety.” Stitch whispered indicating movement in Marv’s bunk with a slight panic about him. Emily followed the vocal Tenor back inside to find everyone was whispering about sleeping beauty stirring, trying not to give him a reason to wake in a bad mood.
“Do you think we woke him up?” KC whispered back questioning as he tried avoiding that bunk with plenty of caution. Thankfully all went in his favour, if it hadn’t, who knows what would happen not that anyone wanted to find out anyway.
“Either that or he’s having a weird dream again...” Stitch continued as quietly as possible as he passes out the coffee filled cups carefully, a task made more challenging when the tour bus is in motion on a corner or roundabout. Luckily for Stitch, balancing was something of a skill he had learnt whilst on tour, it was something that someone of his height would normally struggle with in awkward situations.
“Think it’s about time he gets up anyways, only an hour and a half or so until we’re at the meet and greet venue.” Tristan whispered trying to keep her balance in the sleeping area. She knew what was going to come out of Stitch or KC’s mouth next and watched Emily for her reaction when it was that time.
“Think Em’s should wake him!” Stitch stated nodding in agreement with KC who must of been thinking the same thing at the same time as most of the others. It is a rarity for all members to think anywhere near similar when it came to their music, videos and stage related work, but to be creating such thoughts that would match each other’s was something that frequently happened within their personal lives. Although each of them are very much different and uniquely individual, they all thought on the same wave length.
“Me! Why?” Emily shouted in a whispering manner, the only response she got was everyone shrugging their shoulders before continuing with the usual tour bus activities.


She stood up and moved swiftly towards her target in hope that he would wake in a reasonably good mood. It never is a pleasant feeling, waking up in a bad mood.
“Damn!” She muttered quietly to herself before getting into Marv’s bunk. She intended t snuggle with him as he woke from a peaceful sleep, where there’s a smile to die for upon his face. To see the change of mood continued into the night was a sign of relief.
“Morning beautiful!” Marv whispered as he kissed her nose softly followed by her forehead and cheeks just as before, sending her into a blushing frenzy as it was something didn’t really get to experience, or at least until now.
“Morning.” She whispered her replied as her cheeks begun to blush even more so at the sensation of his kisses and the feelings that overcame her as he wrapped his strong, loving arms around her, surrounding her with comfort, security and all the love she could ever need.
“Thank you.” He whispered as he swept her hair behind her cute little ears, getting a better view of her big blue eyes and her cute little button nose.
“What for?” Emily whispered as she fidgets into a more comfortable position enabling her to get a better view of him, to allow herself to see what a mess Marv got himself into during the night. He never took his wavy hair out of the ponytail from the previous night nor did he get fully dressed for bed.
“For an amazingly beautiful wake up call.” Marv responded, still whispering as he admired the view of his eye candy who made her way under the covers for extra warmth. The cool air reached them rather quickly due to the location of the bunk being rather close to the door.
“Well someone had to wake you up and guess who got the short straw.” Emily chuckled cheekily as she rolled back the curtain to Marv’s bunk. After a few quiet comments about the twosome being silence, suspecting something else happening other than exchanging cuddles, it was time for the others to see what was actually happening.
“Thank goodness for short straws.” Marv piped up as he too overheard such comments, he made his way out of his bunk and up to the coffee pot in just a pair of shorts. Emily stayed put in Marv’s bunk momentarily as she relives the short time they shared behind the curtain again.
“Someone is in a good mood, let’s just hope they’re full of fun and all for this meet and greet.” Trev called out in excitement as he prepares himself in the tour bus bathroom. The queue for the bathroom grew rather quickly as everyone knew time is almost up before arriving at the venue.
“Maybe there’s a reason for not being so grumpy in general, let alone first thing in the mornings.” Tristan commenting on the super bass cannons new found happiness after hearing Emily’s chuckle, giving a few winks in her direction as they crossed paths.
Emily went to the back of the bus, to the sofa area so she could chill out and avoid any questions on the relationship she has with Marv, although there wasn’t really anything to say on the matter, the less said the better in her opinion. Marv had finished getting ready when he found Emily on the sofa feeling vulnerable and withdrawn to a degree.
“Hey you, not getting ready?” Marv questioned playfully as he placed two cups of coffee down on the table in front of her before taking a seat himself. The sofa area is often where he sat when in need of a good time to think things through.
“Not yet, won’t take me long anyway.” Emily stated picking up the coffee left for her on the table. She took her time to drink it, to enjoy a beverage that may not come her way too often during the events taking place almost daily, although this is something she is used to.
“Better hurry up though, we’re almost there.” He answered still being playful as he rubbed her feet after being placed carefully upon his legs.
“Maybe I should stay on the bus.” Emily mentioned feeling a little isolated from the group due to lack of involvement in their musical production and only just meeting each member just the day before, feeling that she may only get in the way or become too much of a distraction.
“Why would you want to stay on the bus on your own?” Marv questioned feeling concerned for Emily, he didn’t want for her to feel left out, hoping to persuade a change of mind without pushing his luck too far and having to pay the consequences later.
“Just don’t want get in the way.” She answered with her gaze avoiding his hoping he doesn’t delve too deep. The concerns of letting Marv get too close was playing on her mind especially after the wake up call some fifty something minutes prior.
“You won’t be in the way though, I’ll make sure of it.” Marv continued in a comforting manner, allowing some space between them is something they both needed as they are going to spend a lot of time in a confined space. He still continued to watch over and protect Emily from a distance when necessary.
“Plus I don’t want all the attention to fall on me, especially if they see us all hanging out together.” Emily continued as she looked out the window only to see nothing but a variety of cars and buildings as far as the eye can see. The view is something she enjoys but couldn’t bring herself to ever live in such a busy environment for long periods of time.
“I am sure it won’t come to that, if it does, I will deal with it personally.” He stated, making a vow to draw the attention away from Emily and the individual bonds she has with each of them. She continued to gaze out of the window as if she was watching the world go by, sat in silence momentarily as he continued to watch her in complete awe of the beauty that she held with very little efforts at all.


She was oblivious to Stitch and KC joining them on the sofa when the tour bus stopped outside the venue, not a single thought of moving had crossed her mind. As everyone moved swiftly around each other getting ready doing hair, make up and last minute checks, Emily just sat watching out through the window.
“So, are you joining us then?” KC questioned with caution awaiting a reply. He knew something was up almost instantly, assuming she could be missing home or strong words between the two new lovers. He didn’t question it in case of conflict or causing upset and distress.
“Lets give Em’s some space guys.” Stitch answered sensing that Emily was overwhelmed and in need of some time to gather herself enough to join the group again. He was going to wait with Tristan and get the others to go on ahead.
“Sure.” KC continued, placing a hand on her shoulder in reassurance that everything will be ok before heading to the front of the bus. He rallied up the others before heading towards the building, he also reassured that Emily is ok, just in need of some space temporarily.
It was the smell of the of the fresh air, the trees that blew in an imperfectly and imbalance of winds, the kind to indicate that summer had ended, turning to autumn in a slightly rapid manner. It was the coldness in the air as it blew highly towards the bus itself that brought Emily back to reality as this was almost the perfect time of year for her, there was just something about it that fascinated her, something unexplainable.
“Time to get ready, I guess!” Emily exclaimed as she wipes her eyes before walking away from the sofa area towards the tiny bathroom, the breathe of fresh air bought back a few fond memories from her childhood. Although the positive past was creeping up momentarily, she continued on as usual with a smile upon her face.
“Are you sure?” Trev questioned as he checked himself out in the mirror on the fridge one last time before exiting the bus. Although he isn’t usually one to fuss over his looks too much, keeping ones self looking well groomed to some degree was still something he took pride in.
“Yep! Wait, what! A mirror? On the fridge?” She continued in her usual chirpy manner as she made her way around the beat boxer, who also has an incomparable groove that is some what catchy just like a few other traits to say the least.
“HaHaHa! Yeah gotta maximise the use of the space available some how.” Trev continued with the usual cheeky personality that he always has no matter what his mood is. It doesn’t matter what mood everyone else is in either, you can almost always guarantee that good old Trev is there to help try and lighten the mood in one way or another.
“Maximising! Yeah right!” Emily stated with a half hearted evil laugh as she conjures up a plan to renovate and maximise the use of the bus, putting it to its fullest potential. Creating contraptions was one of Emily’s specialities, something she enjoys as much as she does music, one cannot choose between the two as they are of equal satisfaction.
“Ha! Think you can do better?” He jokingly asked as the answered was pretty obvious. It was pointless even to ask such a silly question knowing that Emily can improve just about anything in no time at all. She was a quick thinker and even faster on her feet, friendly competition only made her want to do it more and do it bigger and better then originally intended.
She walks into the bathroom where KC was doing his last minute hair styling, not even bothering to kick him out. Emily gets changed from her pyjamas into something more presentable before putting her hair up into a messy bun. A quick change of clothes wasn’t planned as she didn’t pack many clothing of her own, clean stuff would surely run out before she could have a chance to get anything washed. A shopping trip was already on the mind before too long.
“Ok, how the hell can you manage to get ready in under two minutes?” Tristan asks as she walks in a synchronised manner with Emily towards the venue. The sound of the wind continued to whistle on quietly throughout the big old open space that could potentially store a few thousand parked cars.
“Practise makes perfect when you have to do the jobs back home.” Emily replied remembering the routines from less then forty eight hours prior, she tries to imagine what it might be like for those who have multiple costume changes during their concerts.
“I guess there’s really no time to even pamper yourself with that kind of lifestyle.” Tristan continued, feeling slightly guilty of her own routines, she considers trying a period of time living as Emily is, not only to make her feel more comfortable with the situation but also to allow Emily to have someone who spends less time in front of a mirror like herself.
“Even make up is a rarity, unless it’s a quiet period.” Emily stating the small facts, hesitating to go into too much details about her spare time, not that there was much to discuss anyway. The conversations would consist mostly work related information or discussions on the things she has made in the past.
“It must be nice to have some time to yourself doing what you want to do.” Tristan stated feeling privileged that Emily is spending her available time with them instead of finding an excuse to getting stuck into the same old routine.
“It is indeed nice, even though I’m not really used to having so much time away just yet.” She continued, chuckling away at the others messing around by the VIP entrance. Being off the tour bus to stretch couldn’t feel any better then arriving at a venue for a small special, an exclusive event like this.
“I bet it’s beautiful back home on the ranch.” Tristan added as she tried to envision the views Emily enjoyed daily. The imagination of a very excitable Soprano singer had just gone above and beyond as to what goes on at the ranch, the views along with the smells and sensations that came with every touch.
“Now that would be fun, just enjoying the freedom and the surroundings.” Stitch piped up as he walked beside them. He always wanted to take a vacation to somewhere that has an educational and inspirational feel to it, having the whole group there may help with creativity when writing a new album.
“Maybe you should all come visit some day soon.” Emily suggested with excitement as she high fives Tristan with a enthusiastic smile on her face as she plans some things for them all to do around the ranch. She hoped that having them come to visit the ranch would help with some new music knowing how hard it can be to keep the creativeness flowing at a steady pace.
“Oh my gosh, we should totally visit soon.” Tristan squealed with excitement as she bounced around which was a difficult task in the foot wear upon her feet at that particular time. Emily doesn’t spend much time wearing such footwear often, some practice is in mind for the ladies so that the both can enjoy a little extra height.
“I so want to go visit as soon as possible.” Stitch added as he to was bouncing around excitedly with both Emily and Tristan. The trio were almost child like in their behaviour in that moment and a side to them all that not many would get to see, even more so with Emily.
“And we all know that Marv will definitely want to come visit!” Emily exclaimed feeling delighted that the group want to come and experience some time on her inheritance. She hoped that he would want to see her home life and where it all began, to learn more about her that not many people would get to know to well being as she rarely opens up to much.
“Oh gosh yeah, he is familiar with that kind of lifestyle, isn’t he?” Stitch mentioned looking for confirmation from Tristan who nodded in agreement. Excitement flowed from them more now than ever before, probably not the last time this level would reveal itself.
After joining the others and being shown the dressing rooms, Emily and Trev were sat in the smaller auditorium where the meet and greet is going to be held. Trev was getting warmed up for a short performance whilst Emily just hummed along to help him get into the rhythm of the song. Emily doesn’t even notice that she is now belting out the lyrics, all whilst being watched not only by Trev but by the others too.
“Oh, gosh, sing it girl!” Trev stated as he stops to take in all of Emily’s talent before she finishes the verse. She startles herself and is shocked to see everyone watching, trying to regain herself enough to receive the positive comments.
“Wow, just wow!” Stitch and Tristan commented as they both came in clapping and cheering for an unexpected and outstanding performance. The two felt as though Emily wasn’t putting in a hundred percent and could easily out do the pair with no trouble whatsoever.
“My, my, haven’t you got some lungs on you? Wow!” KC exclaimed as he held Emily tight before joining in with the cheering. Marv who had stood aside in complete awe of Emily, he hadn’t imagined such musical talent from someone who has no musical history in the family or any experience of performing in front of anyone except for the animals back home.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your warm up!” Emily stated in an apologetic manner feeling embarrassed and guilty for interrupting, grabbing everyone’s attention. In all fairness, this is the first time she has ever received positivity and feels slightly overwhelmed by it.
“No need to be so apologetic, you were doing me a favour by pushing me to my limit and giving me the warm up I needed.” Trev reassured, hoping that this can encourage Emily to open up more with her newly discovered confidence.
“You can sure give us all a run for our money!” Marv continued as he offered his reassurance as he always does with a big smile and a whole lot of hugs, this time being greatly appreciated. Emily began feeling proud for opening up and showing her talent off even just a little bit.
“This is why I didn’t want all the attention from your fans. I don’t want them to think I’m trying to take all of the spotlight from you and your individual talents.” Emily whispered, holding back the tears bought on from the guilt and insecurities she felt.
“You are amazing, talented and not forgetting just how beautiful you are. You should be show casing all of this, not hiding it away like this.” Marv continued, also whispering whilst holding her tightly enough to comfort her in reassurance, just like he always does.

Thank you for reading. There will be more coming soon.
Please feel free to ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them.


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