How high you gotta be to put the cookies on the pizza?

in #story7 years ago


So back in the day I would smoke sun up to sun down. Life and responsibilities have changed that for me for the past 16 years.......


In my early 20s there was this one time that I was on a date with a lady....I had been working for weeks to get this date. She ended up coming over and we started watching some TV (this was pre Netflix and chill) and having some small talk when out of the blue she said you smoke? And I was like hell yeah....she pulled out a little sack out of her purse and a blunt. My smile was from ear to ear...I was like I will roll it up and she was like cool. And I rolled it up right and right.....I asked her to do the honors l....I was excited for it to be my turn and when it was I took a big drag and held it in for a few seconds then blew it out trying to look cool as hell. Only to cough for 30 seconds straight with my eyes watering. Smh....she asked if I was okay in between her drags.....we smoked for about 20 minutes and that's when shit started to get weird.

Now I was a daily smoker in those days. So I didn't expect my mind to go we're it did. I was just staring at the ceiling and the walls while drooling. She asked me if I was okay and I kept saying I'm cool. But I wasn't...I swear I saw birds flying on the wall and I kept saying huh...and she responded on several occasions with I didn't say anything.

Well if you can't tell by now I never saw nor heard from that woman again. After she left I ended up eating ramen noodles w/ hot sauce and pickles...what a combination right ....damn shame

-King Steele


Hahahaha love it man, bloody hilarious!! I've had a few of those experiences before - Me being the woman and also me being the THTF (too high too function) person hahaha 😂 Bloody hilarious!!

On another note, pizza and cookies sounds kinda delicious 😍 Haha cheers man, giving you a follow!

😂😂 glad to know I haven't been tho only one in that situation....followed you back

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