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RE: Love's Epic Journey: My Relationship with Quinn Eaker and Why I Escaped From the Garden of Eden PART 3

in #story5 years ago (edited)

So you had to block me just to stop me from blowing your bullshit up with an honest response, weak.

Quinn doesn’t give me power. Powerful people don’t need to be given anything. Quinn helped me remove my dysfunction and reminded me who the hell I am. That is my power, a concept you are obviously unfamiliar with.

If you knew ANYTHING about me you would know that I don’t lie. I have no reason to, plus the truth is always so much more entertaining. You and I did live at the GOE together during Eden Metamorphosis (weeks before and after as well). This is when I witnessed you being couch ridden for days with a sinus type infection - which you yourself admitted was because of something being off in your energy. You even admit to this being a pattern for you in your own words in those posts. At least 7 or 8 times during that period as well you said you were making dinner and when myself and my kids came in at night after a very busy day, we would find you had only cooked for you and a few people or didn’t even bother to make enough for everyone and were just like “oh well”. Which if that was your intention that is fine, but you shouldn’t make it sound like you are doing something for the community when you were clearly not. You absolutely had a hard stop time at night where you would retire to the living room with your laptop to “not be disturbed”. You were upset on more than one occasion that my son came and took an interest in you, because he is drawn to emotionally hurt people, and he was irritating you while I was wrapping packages.

I have an excellent memory and am always aware because I don’t get high or drink, ever. My recollection of the events are spot on while yours would be hazy at best if asked to recount what happened day to day during that time. As for comparing me to a pedophile - I’m not surprised because that is exactly what a victim would do when confronted to take responsibility for their actions. Compare away, but the fact is I am nothing like your father and you know that, more importantly I KNOW THAT and that is really all that matters.

Now let’s talk about your intention to “help” and not “hurt” with these posts. Fact of the matter is when I advised you in a private message about what a dishonorable thing you were doing and breaking a contract and all the ramifications that would come from it, your response was that you were in the perfect situation to do something like this because you have nothing to lose. You KNEW it would cause problems and you did it anyway. That is not love.

You want to go head to head, go ahead an unblock me. Point for point we can see who is about truth and honor and who is not.

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