True story.......what hapend in senegal!

in #story6 years ago

What happened in Senegal, my mail came in the morning, if these story is true. Read very carefully.
My dearest ,
I am more than happy to read from you again today and I pray that Almighty God will bless you and guide you in all your daily activities, however, how are you doing today together with your family in general? Hope all is well with you all.

I am moved now by my spirit to tell you all about myself after reading your mail today and I believe you will read this message with good heart and compassion, like I said earlier that my late father was an army general in the Gambia army and he was assassinated alongside with my mother and my younger brothers by unidentified rebels and I am the only surviving child of my parents and it’s so painful because I’m left alone in this wide world without any family members around me.

So because of my situation I run out of my country to Senegal where I am presently as a refugee because the people that assassinated my parents wanted to kill me too, so dear, I am writing this mail with pains and tears in my eyes due to my present situation here in the refugee camp, because I am suffering here and I need your help, and because here there is no good food to eat and no good water to drink, and I have nobody to help me, that is why I run to you now for help and I know you are capable and able to help me out.

Because it’s God that directed me to you and I know that my God will not direct me to a wrong person, because I prayed and fasted and God directed me to you, so please this message is very important and I want you to read it very carefully, so listen my dear, I am here with my late father’s important documents files that covers all his assets and in one of the file I discovered that he secretly deposited the sum of $4.8 Million US Dollars in one of the leading bank in oversea before his sudden death and I want you to help me to claim and transfer this money to your country and nobody knows about this money and I don’t want anybody here to know about it until it gets transfer to your country.

Due to my present refugee status here in Senegal the bank has refused to release the money to me and they advised me to look for a partner who has a normal status that will stand and claim the money on my behalf, so I need your help confidentially in all area to help me to claim the money and transfer it to your country as a top secret and confidential without involving any third party until the money get properly secured there in your country pending my coming over to meet with you.

My dear, I don’t want anybody here to know about this money for security reason because the government in my country has frozen all my late father’s assets and I don’t want them to know about this money so that they will not seize it. All I need from you is your help and I will offer you 25% of the total money for your help. So please indicate your interest to carryout this transaction with me so that I will tell you the necessary things to do, and you should keep this transaction top secret to yourself nobody should know about this matter, ONLY YOU AND I. and so I have with me here all the necessary documents that covers the money there in oversea which I will send to you once you have agreed to help me, here is my telephone number to reach number +22something and you can call me at anytime and you should not give this number to anyone for security reasons.

I stop here until I hear from you again.
Yours truly,
Miss Emanuela Ahans.
Hello my dear,

    I’m so excited and happy for your reply.

I know you will be surprised for my message as we haven’t met each other before, but please you should not be because I got your name and your email address through FACEBOOK when I was seriously searching for a reliable friend and my spirit asked me to write to you, and I believe we will continue from here. However, let me properly introduce myself to you. My name is Miss Emanuela Ahans, I came from the Gambian, but I am presently staying here in Senegal, I am 23 years old single never marry and no child, I schooled at the Essau Senior Secondary School Gambia and I was studying at the University of the Gambia before I dropped out in my second year due to my present situation.

My late father was an Army General in the Gambian Army before he was assassinated alongside with my mother and my 2 younger brothers cold-blooded by unidentified group of rebels, they busted into our house in one cool evening and killed them and then I wasn’t around I was in school during the incident, I could have been among the dead, but God saved me.

I just want to pick the pieces of my life to fudge ahead, that is why I’m writing to you this message in order for us to know each other and build a strong friendship together, because I’m lovely and kind, open minded and easy going person, I don’t pretend, I always like to say my mind, I love to live and stay in a peaceful environments where everyone lives as one, irrespective of color, cultural and religious affiliations and I hate lie and liars, I hate to be in a violence place, I’m a straight forward person as you can see and I love nature, I love cooking and reading with my free time, watching TV, action movies and basketball.

I strongly believe that this message will reach you in good health condition, so please reply back this message and tell me more about yourself, your real age, your real name, the country where you came from and the country you currently resident, and you tell me the things you like and hates, and you send me your recent pictures, I will be happy to hear from you again because I have something very important also to share with you in my next mail once I hear from you.

I stop here for now till I hear from you again.
With regards and love
Yours truly,
Miss Emanuela Ahans.


Overly incredible :)

i don,t know

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