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RE: 'Five Tapes' - Steemit Story Chain #10 Where You Write the Story and 100 Whaleshares for the Winner

in #story7 years ago

Rain pitter pattered down against the street like a steady drum as a gusts of cold wind ripped about the trembling leaves , filling the damp air with a thick, wet rustling sound. Standing before me was an aged two story building, it's pitch black silhouette looming against the moon. Even in the shade of the dark, it was clear that this unkempt and decrepit building was abandoned long ago. There was nothing about it that looked inviting. Why I had come this far, I could not tell you. Something about the video had driven me to search out more answers. To understand. I had looked up the magic shop online - of course there there were no traces of it anywhere. In my desperation, I had went to the library - I place I normally steer clear of. The quietness and deadness of the place had always given me the creeps -with people's faces buried in their books, furiously turning pages and bobbing their heads to some tune leaking from their mp3 player while gaping at you for talking to loud - it just felt too uptight for me. But I knew they had a microfiche that had county records going back to the 1800's . Though it was a longshot - I just had to know if this magic shop had really existed and if I could find it. Perhaps the answers I needed would be there.

Hours of research lead me to this very place - it had been a thriving magic shop that was a favorite among locals. It was known for its massive collection of marrianette dolls of all types. But as time went on , video stores become more popular than magic shops and in his best effort to keep his business afloat - the owner began buying, selling and renting videos. He did well for the first few years, and was even having trouble keeping up with demand. He would go to auctions looking for more tapes to add to his inventory. One day - he went out of town for two days - the sign on his door said he would be back on the following Monday. Sure enough , he was back on Monday with a fresh load of videos. Then mysteriously, two days later - suddenly and with no warning whatsoever , he closed up the shop. He gave no explanation, but when patrons showed up , they were greeted by a sign that said - "Store is closing - thanks you for your business - please help your self to any videos you like" . Once word got out , people were looting the place and filling bins with any many videos as they could get there hands on - no one stopped them or challenged them. The store owner was never heard from again.

So here I stood soaking wet, staring at this building and wondering what I was doing here. I knew the owner never sold the building because the county records showed that it had never transferred ownership since he bought it 32 years prior. I just wanted a quick peek inside to satisfy my curiosity. I walked around the building looking for entry points. I wasn't the first - there was evidence of sqawters and vagrants. The place smelled like stale beer and piss, had grass growing out of the concrete and broken windows throughout the whole first floor. As I turn the corner to the backside of the house, I see a busted security door hanging off the doorframe and approach it cautiously. Suddenly the ground softens beneath my feet and a screeching noise begins whaling out nearly giving me a heart attack and forcing me to fall forward and catch my balance. I had stepped onto a rat who was none to happy about it and hissed at me before scurrying off into the building.

I had come this far - it was time to find what I came for.From inside the building I can smell a damp musky heaviness in the air. I look into the darkness, unable to see anything. With the floor squeaking beneath my feet and my heart pounding in my chest - I take my first step into the darkness.

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