in #story7 years ago


There was a boy who used to live in the city, name Chris. A city called, Gotham City.
One day, he wanted to visit his province which is quite far away. So he decided to go together with his two friends.

Friend 1 : Woooww! It’s so refreshing here!

Friend2: Yeaaahhh!!! Thank’s for bringing us here bro! ( while eating some food )

Friend 1: It’s very quiet here, it’s a perfect place to leave for a moment from a crowded place.

Chris: Well, I just brought you here coz I don’t want to go here alone.

Friend2: It seems this place so mysterious. The people are quite quiet, well anyway “who cares” as long as we enjoy our staying here.

Chris: Yes, that’s why I don’t want to go here coz I heard people talking about some weird and scary story about this place, but I guess, It’s just a myth. I was just little back then and easily believed on some stories.

Friend1: Like what mate? O_O

Chris: They said there were “aswang” in this place.

( Aswang: a person who transform into an animal and have that scary looks and like to eat people’s body as their food. )

Friend1: Really?. (S_S) why you haven’t told us before we go on this trip! I feel my tiny little hair on my arms are standing now…..( S_S)

Friend2: Oh My God, It’s so creepy.. I guess we have to go now, before it’s too late..

Chris: AHAHAHA. Relax mates. I’m just kidding!! Let’s take a break!.. :D

Then while they were roaming around the countryside. Chris saw a girl that has a very long and shiny hair, fair skin, and she’s totally gorgeous. Chris was just hooked by this lovely and mysterious girl. [

Chris : Hi there!

Girl : Hello..

Chris: My name is Chris, May I know the name of this beautiful lady?

Girl: My name is Joh.

Chris: So, what brought you here?

Joh: Just want to buy some candles.

Chris: Candles?..

Joh: Yes, candles..

Chris: hmmm. What are you going to do with the candles?

Joh: I will use it for something.

Chris: Where do you live here?

Joh: I live there just near the grave.

Chris: really? ( He chuckled )

Joh: Yes..

Chris: okay.. sorry, I was just surprised knowing a beautiful lady living near that place.

Joh: it’s alright, I’m used to it. I will go now.

Chris: hey.. wait.. can I have your number if you will, please.

Joh: No..

Chris: please… ☹

Joh: okay , then..

Chris: yes! Thank you.

(So from then on, they’ve exchange text messages and call each other every night. )

Friend1: bro, be careful with that lady though, I heard some rumors about her.

Chris: Like what?

Friend2: haven’t you confused, she’s living near that grave.

Chris: Then, so what?

Friend1: bro, we are just concerned about you, because it seems like you are already bewitched by that girl.

Chris: ( chuckled ) bro, not this one. She’s very kind and lovely.

Friend1 : Well bro, just don’t go if she will ask you to go on that place, especially at night.

Chris: Then , Why is that?

Friend2: We heard some rumors that that girl is quite mysterious, there’s also the same story as you, someone liked her, and when the guy went on that night, that guy is no where to be found until now.

Chris: ( chuckled ) really? ( O.O )okay bro.. I will remember that. Thanks for the concerned, though.

(One night, he texted the girl, )

Chris: hello, gowd 3v3v!nG..

Joh: goowd 3v3n1nG, too.

Chris: wud? ( whatcha doing )

Joh: I’m a little worried about something.

Chris: Then, what is it? Come’on you can tell me.

Joh: Can you lean me some money, I need to build a mansion.

Chris: haha. seriously?

Joh: of course, just kidding.

Chris: you are very funny, joh.

Joh: seriously, I’m now in front of the grave.

Chris: What?? What are you doing there?

Joh: Over! I’m living here.. haha

Chris: Omg. I totally forgot.

Joh: Well nwe, Can you come over here?

Chris: hmmm, I want to, but joh, it’s almost midnight.

Joh: it’s alright, if you don’t want to.

Chris: Joh, hold on, don’t take me wrong. My two friends already asleep.

Joh: So what? Are you scared?

Chris: of course not!

Joh: Will you go here tonight?

Chris: Okay.. please wait for a moment.

Joh: I will wait for you, chris.

Chris: guysss… guyyyyssss….. wake up!!! Wake up!!!

Friend1: uhmmm what happened?

Friend2: heyyyyyy what’s the matter bruh?

Chris: please help me with this one tonight?

Friend1: What is it?

Chris: We will go to that place..

Friend: which place?

Chris: come’on.. the place of that girl.

Friend1: seriously? It’s almost midnight now.

Friend2: bro, bro, don’t think of coming there bro, please. What if thats her bait.

Friend1: yes! I think we shouldn’t go there! She might going to eat you now.

Chris: yes bro, I know that, but I can’t help it, I want to go there even though it scares me to think that she might going to eat me!


Friend1: but seriously bro, it’s very dangerous. Why would a girl asked a boy to go on that creepy place.

Chris: Just for tonight bruh, atleast after this… we will see what really it is. I promised to treat you guys when we come back to the city.

Friends: well, okay bro, We can’t let you go there alone anyway.

So because Chris really wanted to go there, They thought of riding on a motorbike would be nice for them to easily escape from that place once the mysterious transform to its original form.

And when they arrived, his two friends decided to just stay outside for them to get ready.

Friend1: bro, Its very creepy. It’s full moon tonight and this is the best time for the bad elements to come out… ( Eeeeeiiiihhhhhh ) ahm.. just scream if something unusual happen, okay?.

Friend2: We will just wait for you here.

Chris : Okay bro, thank you.

So as Chris stoop into the grave yard. He saw the girl facing back at him, and when he was about to approach her, the girl seems like giggling while putting her head down to the grave. So as her shoulder moving up and down Chris really scared and…………..

I guess that would be the first part haha. Thank you for reading this story..

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This is my first time writing a story, I will just give it a try since I like making one. ^_^ So here it is.. So If you like this story, I will continue doing it. But if not. I will think of another then.. hehe.

Arigatu gusaimas!!


Really nice story!

Very interesting, I want more of this. :D

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