Little Ru on Important Things and What's Possible

in #story5 years ago (edited)


Hello, everyone! This is me speaking, Little Ru. My Mommy and Daddy still call me Baby Ru, but they are a bit slow. As far as I know, babies don’t walk… dah! I can walk for three months now. Three months! This is exactly 90 days and still they haven’t noticed that I am not a baby anymore. 90 days for processing it… and no results yet. Can you believe this? But they are just waaaaay too old, I guess. They are like dinosaurs. Maybe that’s the reason. Dinosaurs can’t count, can they?

Anyway, I wanted to say hi and to inform you that I would like to share my observations on life from time to time. Because, not only that Mommy and Daddy don’t notice how grown-up I am, but they don’t notice a bunch of stuff. Very important stuff. And I feel the need to talk about this stuff.

For example, last month they bought a piece of land, something that looks like an empty yard. They say they want to build a house there. Which is great, I guess! As long as they don’t destroy the nice pile of sticks I discovered in the bottom of the yard. I really like sticks. I try to hide them everywhere possible so that I never run out of sticks. I even managed to bring one into my bed the other day.


This is the pile of sticks I found. How cool is that!

See, that’s what I am talking about. Mommy and Daddy would never notice the nice pile of sticks because they are too busy talking about the house. And they miss all the fun! Maybe they think that they are too grown-up to have a stick?

This is exactly why I tried to show them a very nice stick yesterday. But then I got a bit distracted by another one and forgot. Look, I get distracted very easily. Grown-ups are just the opposite. When they start thinking about something, they just can’t help themselves and stop. That’s why I believe that it’s a good thing to get distracted from time to time. You can’t be mad at someone for too long if you are able to forget what you were mad about in the first place. And the other day I heard Mommy say that it is not a good thing to be mad for long periods of time. That’s why I let myself get distracted all the time. Like right now. What were we talking about?

Yes, about Mommy and Daddy, and grown-ups as a whole, who miss the important things. And if you wonder, the important things are the things that make you happy. Especially, if they make the others happy, too.

A stick makes me happy. And yesterday, when I finally managed to show my stick to Mommy and Daddy, they become very happy, too. I am not sure if it was the stick or it was me that made them so happy? Maybe they do like sticks after all? Anyway, the stick seems to be an important thing to me. And I seem to be an important thing to Mommy and Daddy.


This is a friend of mine, who is also an important thing to me. She likes my sticks very much. So much, that she sometimes steals them.

However, if you are not happy, but the others are happy about something, then maybe what they are happy about is not an important thing for you. And it is important for you to be happy, too! So you should also find something to be happy about. Like Daddy and me. Daddy seems to be very happy about his computer. We have so many things in common! I am very happy about his computer, too. Every time when I enter the room I try to unplug it for him. Just to give him a hand, you know. But he doesn’t allow me to do so and then I become very unhappy, while Daddy stays happy on his computer. But I know that I have to deal with it and find something else that makes me happy. So usually I start playing with his gadgets. However, Daddy becomes immediately unhappy. But he is too sensitive about his stuff, I guess. He will get over it someday.


This is Timur. He is also important to me. He makes me happy, but sometimes I make him unhappy. Maybe because I stepped on his tale a few times.

As far as I know, it’s not a good thing if you are happy and the others are unhappy. But it happens sometimes. Like the other night, when Mom seemed a bit unhappy that I didn’t want to go to bed, but I was rather happy that I played with my toys an hour longer.

However, as far as I know, it’s terrible if you are happy because the others are unhappy.


That's the stick I found today.

What was I talking about earlier? Grrr, see, I got distracted again.

I was saying that Mommy and Daddy didn’t notice the pile of sticks because they were talking about a house that doesn’t even exist now. While the pile of sticks exists now. Do you see what I mean?

And there is something more. I somehow like the piece of land now when there is no house on it. Because everything is possible right now. We could build anything on it. Like a knight castle for example. I would love if we build a knight castle. And it will be so cool if they get me a horse! Although I am too short for a horse right now, I will get taller eventually (that's what Daddy said). Or, we could build a maze and play hide and seek in there. Or we could even build a space station and fly to the moon.

See? That’s what I am talking about. When we have an empty yard, we also have all the possibilities in the world. When we build the house, we won’t have all the other options. So, it’s nice to have an empty yard. Just like an open mind. There is a place for everything in there.


An open space is like an open mind. There is a place for everything in there.

Created by @insight-out, Valeria Sim
All rights reserved.

Images: My archive. Use with permission only.


First of all, lovely post. I discovered it because I was trailing the blog of @erh.germany and was intrigued by her comment. Your pictures are great and the narrative is convincing. I'm sorry to be adult about this, but I saw a metaphor for life. I've been thinking about that a bit.

As I grow older, I realize I've built that house. The land is open when we are young. The way is full of potential, and either consciously or unconsciously we fill it up. We narrow the potential for development because there's not much space left. That doesn't mean we're set...I can tear the structures down and rebuild, recreate myself. But the land will never be empty again.

You see, I have made this charming tale into an adult parable. But still, I found your post to be a treat. A wise and loving bit of insight.

Dear, @agmoore,

Thank you very much for sharing the metaphor you saw. I love the way you describe how we build on what we already have. If you think about it, (literally and metaphorically) all humanity is built on ruins from previous (sometimes long forgotten) times... Does an empty land or an empty mind even exist?

Thanks for sharing this lovely little story, @insight-out. It's a very cool and sweet mashup of reality and fiction.

I hope you don't waste too much time thinking and planning what to build or else you risk having a shack built from sticks, sooner than what you expect! 🙌

Let's hope the little architect knows what he's doing! 😂😂😂

Haha :) Thanks, @trincowski! I hope we make up our minds soon. However, we will probably start construction work next spring. Too much paper and plans that need to be done before the real work starts :/

Let's hope the little architect knows what he's doing!

Haha :D He seems extremely self-confident when it comes to sticks :D

Aren't we on spring yet?

I am having some troubles with eSteem. I had to write the comment twice because the app keeps crashing. This happens a lot since I installed V 2.0.6.

V 2.0.7 has the exact same problem.

Anyone else having the same difficulties?

That's awful! I don't use the app. No app, no problem :D

What a charming idea to describe the world from the perspective of an infant. I often smiled. Being a little bit more like the children feels good for all of us. What it must be like to not understand any words at all at first, only to interpret gestures, looks and touches? To have only limited vocabulary and still make yourself understood. It is a long time ago that I had responsibility for such a small person. Now he is 14 and talks like a great man.

Your son will, it seems, grow up in a beautiful environment. I am so curious how your house will become. Will you have neighbours and live in a neighbourhood or further out? As it looked to me, does your property seem a little remote? How exciting it all is.

Thank you for this insight into another world.

Sticks are important. :)

Haha, thanks for the lovely comment! I often wonder how the world looks to him, how our speaking sounds and what is it like to operate in a world you don't fully understand :)

Now he is 14 and talks like a great man.

He seems to be very passionate about civil and environmental matters. I guess that this will play a big part in his future choice of education, occupation, etc. How did the civil disobedience go :) ?

I am so curious how your house will become.

My idea is to follow the process through this Little Ru series :) Although, it will be a very slow process - too much bureaucracy :/

Will you have neighbours and live in a neighbourhood or further out? As it looked to me, does your property seem a little remote? How exciting it all is.

Haha, you will make a great detective! You are right! It is a bit remote, although we have (some) neighbors. We were looking for a quiet place, that is close to the town, but is also outside the town.

There is a nice small forest nearby (a 100 meters above our place) :) And we should also have a nice sea view from the second floor (hopefully) :)

Hugs from Bulgaria!

That's a great idea to follow the house building through Ru's eyes! I like the format you took on a lot.

The bureaucracy is sometimes a nuisance, that's right. :)

I am happy for you that you found your quiet place. It'll be lovely, I bet. And with sea-sight as well! You must take a picture once it's done.

HaHa! Me, a detective, that's what my man often tells me. We sometimes sit together and try to tell peoples professions or hobbies when we are in the public. ;-)

I love how responsive you are @erh.germany :)

Such a cute boy (this white dog) @insight-out :)

Haha :) The dog is a lady - Arya :)

Aww, I love this post it's so cute @insight-out!! He's gotten to be so big. Sounds like things are going well.

Haha :D Thank you, @tryskele! :) Finally, I decided to add other posts to my blog besides the scientific articles.

He is growing like a weed :) This time last year I learned about Steemit and started wondering whether I shall start writing on the platform. He was just a tiny 3-month-old baby :) Now, he is running around. It's unbelievable :D

It's almost been a year? Wow. I miss that age. The things they do, it's so much fun and amazing watching them develop. The next you know. You're getting lectured for one thing or another. 'Wait! Who's the parent here?' LOL.

I started up my Mindfulness Mondays again. It's a little different the main post is under @naturalmedicine. I'm putting the link on my page so everyone can find it LOL.

t's almost been a year? Wow. I miss that age.

He turned one on the 31st of January. Now he is 1 year and (almost) 3 months old :D

The next you know. You're getting lectured for one thing or another. 'Wait! Who's the parent here?' LOL.

Haha :) Unfortunately, it seems like time speeds up when you have kids :/ How old are yours?

I can't wait to read your renewed Mindful Mondays!

Edited: Is @naturalmedicine another account of yours?

Love how responsive you are @tryskele

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