in #story7 years ago (edited)

I always knew there was something different about me. I knew it was a good thing but a lot of the times it felt bad because I wasn’t around anyone else like me when I was growing up. I would often feel lonely and experience being misunderstood.


I have often felt that I am born on a wrong planet. The way I see things is not how majority of the people see things.
I feel things more. I am more sensitive in all ways - energetically, physically, emotionally, and mentally. What I eat affects me greatly. My environment affects me greatly. I see & feel things more holistically and more psychically.

There are different labels that people use to describe people like me – Empaths, Indogos, Lightworkers, Intuitives... Even Witches lol
I could relate to many of those traits but don’t like to label myself.


Wise beyond my years

I always felt that I am not fully fitting in, anywhere.
Early on I felt that there’s something not quite right on this planet. The education system, the politics… I could see through things and know the truth even when it was not told to me. I would feel that the current system in society is not very nurturing, in fact it’s very opposite.

Because of this deep knowing of the truth, it was frustrating to live in this quite limited society. For this reason my strong will and leadership often would emerge and it would come across as demanding and in opposition. I always knew that I am not here to fit in. I always knew – no matter what I don’t want to have a 9-5 job. I am not here to fit in. I am here to be ME. I am here to create something new.


For a while I did try to fit in, I felt accepted and looked up to by being a fashion model, graduating from the best university, being very popular, mostly for fitting into the society’s beauty standard and being in a world of glamour as a fashion designer. You can read about in more on my post “My life is based on a true story”. Meanwhile I was not fully honoring all parts of me. This lead me into developing an anxiety because my highly sensitive way of being was not understood.

Only when I began my spiritual awakening and started to fully love myself I realized I don’t need to fit in a certain structure, neither I need acceptance from others. The most important is my own acceptance of myself and it’s safe to be me and embrace all parts of myself.

How does it feel being energetically sensitive?

Imagine walking through the mall or a busy city center and being plugged into a hundreds of different channels at the same time. That’s how it feels having an ability to feel energies.


These days I have learned different ways to create an energetic shield but it used to be much more overwhelming. And some days it’s still very challenging.


I feel what others are feeling. I can get so tuned into them that I can often mistake their feelings for my own. That’s the most difficult thing about being energetically sensitive. Especially in my earlier days when I had no awareness about this, I would get very confused.

I can sense and sometimes see other people’s auras and I can feel where they have emotional wounds stored in their body.


I can feel what somebody is thinking of me. Therefore I cannot tolerate fakeness. I feel beyond words. I am emotionally wired very differently therefore you cannot bypass not being fully honest and authentic with me.

Because I feel people so intensely it’s difficult to be around different people. I thrive when I am around my kind of people. It did take a long time to find these people and places that support me energetically because I tried my best to fit in somewhere where I didn’t belong.


But once I found those people and places, everything changed. I have found my soul family in different places across this globe, it feels so good being able to relate and being understood.

I have always felt a strong spiritual guidance with my spirit guides and my higher self. I would get clear spirit messages in my dreams and during my meditations.

Owning my truth

There are two types of people in this world. The majority of the population is here to run the current system in the society and then there are the ones who are born to heal this world and create a new system.
The current society doesn’t support the second type, the ones who feel and think outside the box. Therefore there’s a risk for highly sensitive people to experience being misunderstood, feel anxiety and not understanding themselves. This precious gift of high sensitivity can become a curse when we don’t know how to use it.

Once we understand ourselves the confusion goes away and we can own our differences as power.


Today unlike in my early days, I embrace my high sensitivity as my super-power.


I embrace my feelings. I know that feelings are here to be felt; it’s a guiding mechanism to my authenticity. I am here to be authentic.

I own my differences, I know I am here to be the change not to fit in.


I own my gifts – I fully trust my intuition. I believe before I see. The instincts I have, I follow, without needing a reason.

It’s my power to see beyond the visible, to see what others don’t see.

I love to channel the beauty of the invisible into my art…

I can have very deep relationships with others because of my ability to truly feel others and my enormous capacity for compassion.

How to stay sane as a highly sensitive person

I have learned to build boundaries with people and say No.


It’s very important to always stay grounded, being in nature helps me immensely.

Developing a daily spiritual practice has been life changing for me. I do yoga daily, it helps me to release energy from my body.


The world needs You

Those of you who can relate to me in any way and are highly sensitive, the world needs you, just as you are. You are usually artists, healers, free spirits, teachers, intuitives, change makers, catalysts... Learn about yourself. Love yourself. Own your gifts. That’s your power. Your uniqueness is what can bring the change and create a new more harmonic system in this world.
The world has been so out of balance for way too long, it needs your highly sensitive expression, it needs to be reminded to Feel. To Feel it to heal. To Feel is the way to truth and authenticity. Ilze xox



Really deep insight that you provided here ! Beautifully written. Good job 👍🏻

Thank you so much! I am glad you appreciated my article 💛

Thanks for sharing your story! Feels good to know that there`s people I can truly relate to :)

Thank you! Feels good to know I am not alone in this ride :)

That is a beautiful meditation! I love the suggestion to record the affirmations because I was wondering. How I could remember to say all of that.

Thank you!

wow amazing and so cute @ilze

Thank you :)

As one empath to another, I feel you. Beautiful artwork also...

Thank you, I feel you too beautiful empath soul :)

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