in #story7 years ago

Episode 3
Cashier: (returning my debit
card) here sir….i’m done
deducting the amount your
purchase is worth.
Me: uhm….deduct that(pointing
to the ‘arrogant lady) lady’s
debt, from my account.
I don’t know what made me
utter that, i guess its ‘coz of
what a hot high school teacher
once taught me; she said “pay
evil with good and you’d see
the good following you”
its high time i put that into
Cashier: are you sure sir?
Me: yes i am(get to work
The cashier deducted 100,000
peso (philippine currency)
from my account. What!!! This
lady did some big time
shopping knowing fully well
she can’t pay? She should be
thankfuk angels like me still
As i was walking away, i heard
(faintly) the cashier informing
Ms. Arrogant that i had taken
care of her debt and shes free.
I reduced my pace with the
hope that she would atleast
say ‘thank you’ but no she
didn’t, shes not only arrogant
shes also ungrateful!
I was already out of the
premises, trying to board a cab
when i heard ‘hey mister’ i
swiftly turned to face the
direction where the voice came
Agreed am not the only
‘mister’ on the street but i was
‘thank you’ hungry.
My instincts never fail me, it
was ‘ms arrogant’ and she was
refering to me.
Before she called i had
memorised the lines i’d pour
out on her, telling her how
rude and ungrateful she is, but
the moment i stared right into
those green eyes of hers, i lost
my words she is sooooo
beautiful, i stood spellbound
before her like a dullard.
Ms arrogant: uhm…i wanna say
thank you!
Ahah! Exactly what i wanted,
but i’ve changed my mind, i’d
take my chances in being
friends with her.
Me: (pretending to have heard
nothing) what was that?
Ms arrogant: i said thank you!
For helping me out earlier.
Me: huh? Have you gotten rid
of your allergy already?
Ms arrogant: i only stopped to
say thank you, gotta go now
Me: (no…..noooo!!!) i won’t
accept this kinda ‘thamk you’
ms arrogant: really? What
kinda ‘thank you’ do you want?
Me: dinner tonight? (hope it
ms arrogant: i don’t go out
Me: (cutting her short) 7pm at
paco park restuarant
ms arrogant: are you indirectly
asking me out?
Me: (yes!….yes!!) hell no! Who
would date an arrogant lady
like you?
Ms arrogant: i’m not arrogant!!!
Me: prove it tonight…..over
Ms arrogant: only tonight.
Me yeah it worked!) may i
have your phone digits?
Reluctantly, she collected my
phone and inputed some digits
which i dailed immediatly,
ahah! She didn’t fake her
Ms arrogant: the name is Ella
Me: Isaiah…..i’d be expecting

I arrived home at 5:30pm, i
can’t wait to have my first
‘date’ with Ella, is it really a
date? Well what else can you
call it?
Time moved very sluggishly, i
wish i could fast forward the
To while away time, i switched
on my play station (PS) video
game and started playing my
favorite game, Grand Theft
Auto V
my alarm ranged, i knew its
6:30pm already, i rushed my
bath and got clad in red tux
and black trouser. Dressed my
hair pretty well and baptised
with perfume.
I arrived paco restaurant and
had the attendant fix a table
for two, while i ordered for a
bottle of red wine to keep
myself ‘busy’ till Ella arrives.
I inhaled a sweet and
sophisticated perfume around
me, hmmmm who could that
be if not Ella? I turned, only to
be welcomed by a strange face,
Lady: hi handsome, can i seat
Me: (yes but not today!)
uhm…..actually, am not single
for the night!
Lady: you’ar with your
Me: kinda
lady: nice meeting you…..Chloe
me: Isaiah
chloe:have a swell time then?
Me: have fun
*walks away*
Its now 7:35pm yet Ella didnt
show up, do you think she’d
make it?

Next Episode

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