CFS: Exposing the OverWatchers

We interrupt your AR feed with a special public service announcement…
We, The Table of 12, have had some recent successes in hacking the centralized computers of the CFS and are retrieving very sensitive data.
It is understandable that some of these messages may be difficult to believe but we must work to wake one another to a horrific truth before it’s too late to take action.
This will be the first of the documents transmitted. We are only getting through to a small percentage of you. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to spread the word.
Knowledge is our secret weapon.
Our only hope is to educate you to the full scope of the CFS’ plan to continue their reign of humanity for centuries to come.

Glossary of Terms
“OverSeer” is artificially intelligent online surveillance
“OverWatcher” is human surveiller. Also used for face-to-face interrogators
“Follower” is a micro or nano-drone dispatched to follow targets

Every citizen is monitored online through their augmented reality goggles or corneal implants. Every communication, both online and face-to-face, is combed by artificial intelligence for keywords and phrases, which have been determined to be dangerous by the CFS.
If a citizen receives too many “hits” in their communication by the A.I. overseers a, “case” is opened and a human CFS overwatcher is assigned. From this point the overwatcher determines of a citizen should be sent for “recognitioning” for conspiracy against the State.
Recognitioning centers are strategically scattered throughout the world and basically wipe the entirety of a person’s personality, conscious and subconscious memory clean. OverWatchers, due to their immense power, are often subject to bribery and some openly solicit bribes. Frequently the wealthier citizens can “buy” themselves a second chance but rarely a third.
First offense - Warning, fine (determined on a case-by-case basis.) Assigned a human OverWatcher. Can also be issued a, Follower, an autonomous nano-drone which follow them at random times in public.
Second offense - Face-to-face interrogation with the target by an OverWatcher to access threat level. A sentence of hard labor can be issued or a citizen can be recommended for recognitioning.
Third offense - Recognitioning and citizen relocation. If a citizen is deemed worth saving then they are given one final chance. A new incarnation of their lives are designed. Often people who are recognitioned at the same time are placed together as a brand new family and, most are none the wiser, going on to live life together as a normal, blindly content, family for the rest of their natural lives.
Fourth offense - Citizens deemed unable to save by the OverWatchers simply vanish, never to be seen again. If able bodied, they are sent to work camps to spend their remaining days doing labor deemed too menial to be cost effective for robots. Their immediate families, if unable to emotionally deal with the disappearance of their loved one, are recognitioned.

Never forget, you are being watched by the CFS at all times. Stay vigilant, look out for one another, and try your best to remember what freedom feels like. If we have our way, it will surely ring again.
Yours in the chain,
The HardFork Team
Many thanks to the talented artist @Opheliafu for her wonderful work on the CFS propaganda poster above! You can read more about the process she used to create this poster and other projects for the HardFork Series by Clicking Here.

@HardFork-Series is an upcoming narrative film mini-series with a decentralized filmmaking approach to be produced in New York City and around the world, the team includes writer @ericvancewalton, writer/director @dougkarr, star and writer @bakerchristopher, writer @the-alien, executive producer @andrarchy, growth hacker @nickytothenines, the amazing HardFork-Universe crew, and the entire Steemit community. Please reach out to any and all of us to get involved, or simply reply below and we'll reach out!
We'd also love it if people posted about their ideas on Steemit using the #hardforkseries tag, we just want to point out that in order to avoid any liability that we will be assuming everything posted within that tag is intended to be a derivative work of the HardFork series and so the HardFork team cannot be liable for any apparent similarities between the content and the final product.
BREACH!!! All Eyes front. There will be inquiries.
Inquire this biatch.
LOL guess where that thumb's headed...
Damn you to fiat hell central services! ... i'm giving you the most pathetic upvote ever, deal with that !!
Amazing poster @opheliafu!! Thanks so much!!
(I'm scared)
Of me?
... you can trust no one @dougkarr. Don't believe your eyes.
Great job and awesome design @opheliafu!! Thank you :)
Thank you @the-alien, I have some great inspiration from the @HardFork-Series team!
So cool!!!
Haha these CFS people are really something! They spy, they launch bounties... ;)
Thank you!
Incredible work, @opheliafu! Thank you for working with us on this amazing poster!
You provided the inspiration with your fantastic writing :D
This gives me such Black Mirror vibes :D
Have you been watching Electric Dreams? They are inspired by Philip K Dick's short stories.
No I have not, hadn't heard about this show yet, it looks good :D! Gonna check it out soon :)
I think i heard of that... what channel is that on?
4HD. Or... Torrents xD
Good call / Love that show
So this the agenda of the Overwatch, i got to go tweak my task @dougkarr
Still lazying around with it.
I'm worried about reading this...
My new corneal implants feel like they are twitching at the very sight of this screen, maybe I'm clocking up too many 'hits' reading this post.
I'm currently experimenting with eye drops to see if I can block the signals, but if any interference is detected by the CFS I may have a case opened against me.
I'm considering that my recent paintings may be triggering 'hits' with the CFS too, I'm going to mellow things down for a bit until the heat has died down. The CFS seem OK with my watercolour flowers, but I'm going to try to bypass their censorship by exploring the possibilities of floriography.
Screw the CFS, they ain't gon do nothing to you
“Follower” is a micro or nano-drone... and incarnations are reconditioned and then live blindly content. Awesome ideas! ... and even reminds me of some co-workers i've had over the years, makes 1 wonder, doesn't it?
Awesome post / Resteemed (-:
awesome and haunting....
love the design
great work @opheliafu!