in #story6 years ago





This article has already been published in Spanish. Is it fable or is it a true story? Here is the present post: 

  Mount Roraima, the meeting point of three countries; Guyana, Brazil and Venezuela was the protagonist of a surprising story that occurred around 1900, in the communities settled at the base of the mountain. In this peculiar place a cacique called Auka of the Pemon tribe, received visions of the sky orienting his conduct and sharing those teachings with the members of his tribe, indicating that before his death, a white man with a black book would arrive to the tribe completing those teachings. Later the Adventist missionary Ovid Elbert Davis who worked in Guyana received letters from an unknown miner inviting him to go to Roraima. After a long and dangerous journey O. E. Davis arrived sick on Mount Roraima and the Pemon Indians were glad to see him. He had to return quickly to Guyana to restore his health, but on returning to Roraima he met the Indians, the chief Jeremiah who confirmed with the missionary Davis the teachings they had received 15 years earlier from the chief Auka. Being obedient Jeremiah to the visions of the cacique guided his people so that the gospel could endure in his community to this day.  

Here is the chief Jeramiah, dressed in black, with the inhabitants of the community of Kawariana Ramono. source album of @rdelgadop

 I had the privilege of meeting in Venezuela a direct descendant of the chief Jeremiah, Professor Ricardo Delgado, who is a mathematician, is an advisor to the Permanent Commission of Environment and Indigenous Peoples of the Legislative Council of the State of Bolivar, was mayor of the Gran Sabana and currently carries out a program of care for the needy together with the Seventh Day Adventist Church since January 2018. The program consists of Attention to physical, mental and spiritual needs. In the Physical: distribution of food, personal hygiene services and improvement of physical appearance. In the Mental: psychological orientation, development of self-esteem workshops and personal growth. In the Spiritual: development studies through the systematic study of the Word of God. 

Photo album of @rdelgadop

The following is an interview with Professor Delgado:  

   1. Can you tell me who the chief Jeramiah was?    Professor Delgado:    Chief Jeremiah, named in Pemon Seremada, a transliteration of the English Jeremiah, was the chief of the communities at the base of Mount Roraima by the time Pastor Ovid Elbert Davis arrived. Indeed, when Pr. Davis arrived, he was not there, according to the pastor's own records he wrote in his diary. It was a time of hunting and especially fishing, so it was on the third day that he arrived in the community of Kawariana Ramono where Pr Davis was staying. 

  2. Are you related to Chief Jeremiah?  Prof. D. Seremada or Jeremiah had several sons, among them a daughter named Lucía, but in Pemon, Aruicha. Aruicha had several children, but among them John William stood out, in Pemon, Chan Werian. Chan Werian had sons and daughters, among them my mother Florinda who married my father Tomás. In conclusion, the chief was my great-great-grandfather on behalf of my mother. 

Great grandmother Lucía, daughter of Jeremiah, mother of my grandfather, John Williams, album of @rdelgadop

   3. How was the reception given by the chief jeremiah to the missionary O. E. . Davis?    Prof. D. As I told you, the Chief was not there for the time of his arrival, but those present received him with joy because it was the fulfillment of the prophecy given to Chief Auka some 15 years or more before his arrival. There is a whole preliminary history to this, but it is important to emphasize that everyone had basic knowledge of the scriptures. When the cacique arrived, there were some formal meetings, what today we would call Bible study conferences, teaching the first hymns.   


 4. After the meeting with the missionary Davis there were significant changes in the life of the tribes of the area.   Prof. D. We finished consolidating the changes that were already taking place from the vision of the chief Auka in previous years. Here the emphasis was on the observance of the Saturday until today. The classification of the animals into clean and unclean. But, there was not much time to share because Pr. Davis was already sick with malaria and a few days later died in that village. The tomb of Pr. Davis is on the site.   

 5. In a nutshell, what aspects are the most prominent in the history of the entrance of the gospel to the Pemon indigenous tribes?    Prof. D.    a. Around the year 1892 the Chief Apiu, later called Auka, receives the vision of the History of Redemption.    b. 1911 the arrival of pr O E Davis occurs, who was the President of the Adventist Association of Guyana and dies at the base of Mount Roraima.    c. 1932 the Cott husbands arrive to establish the Adventist Mission in a place of the Roraima called Arabopo. From there, the Cott husbands established several missionary points, the last being the Akurima Mission, from where they were expelled by the Capuchin missionaries.

 The Mission of Akurima is where the town of Santa Elena de Uairén was later founded. From then on, the indigenous communities have practically been classified into two religions: Catholic and Adventist. There is a book or rather several books written about the influence of these two religions on the communities. One of these books is called "Order without Government" written by Sociologist David Thomas in 1982. It highlights the important characteristics of how Adventism helped communities in every way, but especially in the areas of health care and personal hygiene.  

Source @rdelgadop's album

  6. In your opinion, did the indigenous population benefit from having known the gospel?   Prof. D. Undoubtedly, as the research I mentioned in the previous question says, the Adventist gospel has been of great benefit, both in education and health, and the healthy lifestyle preached by the Adventist Church has a notorious impact. Seeing the streets clean, trying to have a beautiful church is almost the responsibility of the community.  

   7. Are there still fruits of what began more than a century ago in the area?   Prof. D. What has been done is still active. Now, despite the crisis, there is still an Adventist School. There is already an Adventist Mission in Santa Elena de Uairen. And the brotherhood grows little by little with the evangelistic plans. 

8. Do you believe that God directed the gospel there?    Prof. D. Everything related to the gospel in The Great Savannah has been by divine inspiration. There has been NO primary but subsequent human intervention. Of that certainty is that blessed hope still prevails in most communities to this day. 

 Thank you very much professor for your valuable words.   


   Today we see a beautiful community of gospel believers in Santa Elena de Uairen (Bolivar state - Venezuela) who practice the teachings of the Bible just as they were shown in visions to the ancient cacique Auka. God demonstrated in that peculiar corner of the world that His Love, Grace and Redemption plan is within the reach of every human being without distinction of race, color or culture. For Him, there are no barriers that prevent Him from fulfilling His purpose in man's life.  

 I look forward to your comments on this subject and bid you farewell with appreciation,             


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