How to make a difference - Educational story- fiction
"I just can’t take it anymore!" said Mr Johnson as he walked into the staff room. "These kids are driving me nuts! They have NO respect...they do whatever they want, and it doesn’t matter how hard I try they just don’t hand in their work on time! If I make a fuss I always have the parents on my case and I don't know how much longer I can stand it. I really need a drink now."
Mrs Winfrey put down her knitting and looked at him over the top of her glasses. "I know exactly how you feel. We have to adapt. The kids of today, are totally different than when we grew up. The sad fact is that they are the future, and we have to do everything in our power to help them change their ways. I know it is hard, but we just have to try harder. We can't just give up."
They both looked up when Mrs Johnson the new English teacher walked into the staff room. " Oh these kids are wonderful, they all have such good manners and I am delighted by the work they handed in today. I can't wait to start grading the papers!"
"Oh my...."said Mrs Winfrey and Mr Johnson simultaneously. "We were just complaining and here you barge in with the complete opposite story. You must be at a different school then..."
" Ha ha...said Mrs Johnson " These kids are an absolute delight against the kids that I used to work with. Those were terrible kids and their parents were even worse..."
"That sounds just awful" said Mrs Winfrey. "It is true though, parents have a big influence on their kids these days, kids get away with everything. "
"They only get away with something if the parents allow it" said Mr Johnson. Everyone laughed. "Yes that is very true, and every parent thinks that their little pony is a racehorse!"
Everybody laughed again, but stopped immediately when Mr Smith the school principal spoke behind them.
"You should all be ashamed of yourselves. These are all innocent kids that you work with! If you don't change your attitudes immediately I think you need to find yourself other jobs, because you don't belong in this profession. Rather stop complaining and change the way you think! We will meet again on Friday and then I want to see some changes. "
Mr Smith left the staff room just as abruptly as he entered.
"He is right you know...we behave exactly like the kids" said Mr Johnson now that he calmed down a bit.
"We can't let the kids get us down, we have to change our ways..... We all have some serious thinking to do..."
The next few days no one said a word when they entered the staff room, and it was clear that every teacher thought long and hard to find a way to change themselves. By the end of the week everyone was smiling again, and joking around in the staff room.
Mr Smith called a meeting during the lunch break and he had a very different attitude when he spoke to the staff.
" I am glad that you could all attend. I want to apologize for the way I left you on Monday, but sometimes some harsh words do exactly what they are supposed to do. The truth might hurt but you all know the saying"
What you reap, you shall sow....
If you don't focus on making a difference now, the whole next generation will be lost to the world. If you make a difference in the life of just one child then you have already succeeded in your purpose here. Remember you can't change everyone, but you can put them on the right path.
"Thank you Mr Smith, you are absolutely right. We are so stuck in our ways, that we can't see that the world is constantly changing. You have opened our eyes and we will always remember your words now." said Mrs Winfrey. "I wish all the teachers in the world could hear exactly what you said just now. "
From that day forward the teachers changed their ways and the students as well as the parents could see the positive change.
Even though the above is a completely fictional story, I want to urge all teacher all over the world, to start changing their ways. We have the ability to change the way that someone turns out. Parents do not give their children enough attention anymore, because they have to work. Kids are left to grow up on their own, and it is our duty as teachers to take the role of a parent when we need to.
I want to leave you with this little story written by Loren Eisely.
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Every student today is unique! As teachers, we have to keep trying until they find the right path in life. Awesome post!
Thank you @cudavenguyen! I appreciate your comment.
It is absolutely true we are the difference. Every child is unique and we have to help them grow to their full potential even if we feel down or they drive us up against the wall. See the good in them and tell them. This is way I LOVE my work!!
I do too! I am just very tired at this stage, luckily our school is closing tomorrow. I am going to my brother the week after next we must meet somewhere. Have a lot to talk about!
I hope we can meet you must just let me know.
So very true - great post - I like to believe that somewhere along the way we do touch some of the kid's lives.
Oh my... I think we do..I also think they like us more than what they would like to admit... we are so cool how can we not make a difference???? And they are all leaving tomorrow so whoohoo...
Hahahaha I agree
Making difference is really a personal choice which differentiate all people from one another.
The world would be a better place if we just make a difference every day on little, small things...
Every little bit helps...little by little becomes a
I think that Mr Smith could have done with a drink ;0)
I jest of course. If someone makes a difference with just one as the story at the end days then it's all worth something!
Today I feel exactly like Mr Smith! Our school is closing for a month tomorrow so I am all excited today!

And quite rightly too!! A whole month. Awesomes!!
Is you notifications also working now? I haven't received a notification for a very long time now...or was it just me?
Ha, it's funny you say that because I was just looking at a notification for this very comment!
I have noticed that they have been on and off intermittently lately after a long absence
Great minds...
Annnnnd, they are off again!
Oh my....
lovely story..especially towards the end