'The Forgotten House' - It's Story Time Steemers and You're the Storyteller With 100 Whaleshares for the Winner

in #story7 years ago

Welcome to story time everyone


Thank you for your company

I'm going to tell you a story so make yourself comfortable. Actually I'm not telling the entire truth, I'm only going to start this story because I would like you to complete it. Take the story anywhere you want to. All I ask is that you let your imagination take you anywhere it wants to go. Use the comment box to move the story along. A sentence, two sentences or a paragraph it's up to you. The winning comment will receive a generous 100 Whaleshares.

Make it dramatic or make it funny. Make it relaxing or make it chilling. It's a blank page for you to experiment with. Have some fun with it and exercise your creative muscle. You do not need to write any other comment, just your part of the story.

A big thank you to all of the Whaleshares Team, particularly @akrid, as this post is being sponsored by the Whaleshares project. If you would like to learn more about Whaleshares and how they can significantly increase your post rewards please visit https://steemit.com/whaleshares/@eirik/steemgig-a-complete-guide-on-how-to-use-whaleshares where @eirik will gladly explain more to you.

If you choose to take part, and I really hope you do, please don't forget to upvote and resteem this post. The winning post will be judged by me and the awesome @blueskieson-mars. We will be looking for:

  • A strong sense of imagination
  • Creative intelligence
  • Originality
  • Narrative fluidity (ensuring the story chain links smoothly)
  • Use of language, grammar and syntax (we need to understand what you're saying!)

The winner will be announced in a week's time. A new post will be published then announcing the winner along with a new story chain.

So without further hesitation Steemers let me introduce you to the first part of 'The Forgotten House'.

I remember waking up and the first thing that hit me was the rich smell of old timber. I was perched on a very old chair that was just managing to do its job. In front of me a very large and dusty wooden table. The table was set for seven places, but there was no one around. Dust everywhere. This table had not been used in years. The whole room was covered in cobwebs. All of the windows were either cracked or smashed. This house had been abandoned. I stood up, a little wobbly. I peered out of the window, I was met with field after field. Where was I? How on earth did I get here? I looked to my left and there was that face, staring right at me.

  1. I was startled, which was appropriate given the desolate environment I was occupying. The person staring back at me had eyes that were pitch black. There was suddenly extreme chaos, heavy wind, lights flickering. I could not tell if I was in danger or if this would be a friendly exchange. Carefully I reached into my pocket, while speaking a friendly hello.

Thank you lady for your contribution to this story chain, a great addition. The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

2 I took my knife out of my pocket, as the old zombie-looking lady continued to stare me, suddenly it started raining heavily while thunderstorms and the dangerous lady made my heart beat the fastest it ever had. I was about to faint when i foresaw a pack of zombies coming towards my house, and the lady shouted "LET ME IN, I WILL SAVE YOU, I AM NOT LIKE THEM".

Thank you @thatindianlady for your contribution to this story chain, your zombie story changed the whole perspective. The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

yo, I totally love this contest :)

3 Letting compassion outweigh my sense of caution, I fumble with the lock and let the stranger in quickly before latching the door firmly behind us. My hands are shaking uncontrollably as I turn to her, hoping beyond hope that I haven't misread her plea. She doesn't seem so scary now, and her eyes are more a normal shade of brown; but she insists that we must head for the secret room which is hidden beneath the bedroom floor. Do I trust her once again? Glancing back towards the window, I note the mob of zombies moving ever closer to the front door; and boy do they look hungry! Pushing back the nauseous feeling that wants to overtake me, I turn and take the old lady's hand, letting her lead me towards the back of the house.

Thank you @tinajordan for your contribution to this story chain, a very impressive addition to the whole story. The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

4.Yet with being guided to the back of the house the journey my new friend gifted me with didn't come to an end. "Through this!", she mumbled in a voice which wasn't quite hers. After having surpassed a total of 20 centimeters vertically the spring inducing smell of fresh red roses lined up ready to tingle my nose.

We found ourselves surrounded by the mighty nature of a garden left alone for good. Who would have imagined that the previous owner of that old majestic house preferred to spend their nights in a cozy hut in the wild fitting nothing more than a double sized bed and, an oven ... and a piano?!

Thank you @rootingrobert for your contribution to this story chain, the introduction of the garden aspect was great. The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

5 - I stood in the garden noticing the sights and smells, the flowers, soil and the scent of rain, untamed plants grew without the benefit of human interference. It was beautifully wild, but there was another element to it as well.
The hair on my arms stood on end when I noticed...

Thank you @whatsup for your contribution to this story chain, a very refreshing twist to the story indeed. The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

6 - Several withered human hands sticking out of the ground in a semicircle. The index finger of each hand was pointed inward towards the center. Staring calmly outward in the middle of the circle was a rotting human head with a note pinned to it.

I crept slowly towards that decapitated head, noting to my dismay that the fresh smell of flowers was also mixed with another scent. It occurred to me that I had smelled this scent once before. It was the smell of death and it was all around me. I had to find out what was written on that note.

Thank you @jeezzle for your contribution to this story chain, a disturbing and very well written addition to the story. The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

Hey countrygirl, this is great but it is a story chain and I think you have responded to the first part. We're now on part 6, so if you want to just read how the story has developed and then continue with your part which would be part 7, that would be great.

Hey I'm sure you can come up with something just as good.

Thank you @countrygirl for your attempt at this story chain. I do hope you will give it another go! The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I really hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

7 - I pulled my reading glasses out of the inside of my jacket pocket as I slowly walked towards the head. Putting them on, I knelt in front of the head and read the note; carrots, milk, apple juice, dog food, ice cream, chicken legs.... It was a grocery list! Why would there be a grocery list pinned to the top of a severed head with servered hands pointing at it? Was the writer of the list annoyed with the owner of the head? Was the owner of the head going to buy groceries when something drastic happened? And where did all those hands come from?

Thank you @artmonkey for your contribution to this story chain, a very creative and well considered contribution, much appreciated. The winner is announced here along with the new story chain. I hope you will put your creative talents to the test again :)

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